vendredi 26 décembre 2014

I need help in retrieving my iPhone 5S data

I would be really grateful if any one can help me in retrieving the data from my iPhone 5s, as I did an emergency reset without any backup... this just happened few hours ago... I've used the some of the commonly recommended data recovery programs, but unfortunately, didn't work... Thanks

Strange networking issue: good troubleshooting tools?

I'm posting this question with the hope of getting some guidance from others because at this point I'm completely stumped.

I'm trying to troubleshoot a mid 2011 iMac (11,2) running Mavericks that is unable to ping or do anything else, despite appearing to connect to my home router without issue (it associates and gets an IP address from DHCP). The router is an Asus RT-N65U with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios. Wireless clients mostly connect to the 2.4GHz radio since it has better range, WPA2 authentication is used on both. There are numerous other devices on the LAN - both wired and wireless - that all work fine. Furthermore, the iMac in question seems to only have developed problems within the last couple of days though nothing has changed on the router and nothing has changed on the machine either...or so I'm told.

After some initial troubleshooting I went ahead and reinstalled Mavericks from a USB stick I had on-hand, figuring that would eliminate any software related issues that might have otherwise been hard to track down. However the problem persisted even after the re-install, which made me think the wireless card was flaking out. I'm skeptical of this however because

  • The machine doesn't have any problem establishing a network connection

  • The signal strength is what I'd expect to see

  • I ran a packet sniffer and that showed link layer packets going back and forth, but IP packets of any kind are ignored (as far as I can tell).

  • I set up an ad-hoc network with the iMac and joined it with my MBP, both machines could ping each other.

The only thing I've seen that seems sort of suspect is an error message from the kernel in the wifi log: Unsupported ioctl 181 but I haven't been able to determine what this means beyond the kernel asking the wireless driver to do something it can't, so it may or may not be significant. The other potentially significant thing is that at one point this machine was restored from a time machine backup of a completely different computer (a MBP). It's my understanding that time machine backs up the entire drive, so restoring a backup from a different hardware configuration seems like it could break things, but nothing that a clean install of OSX couldn't fix. I've tried to do the built in hardware test but it doesn't work for some reason, maybe because this machine has an after-market hard drive upgrade (the original failed).

So this brings me back to wondering whether it's a software issue, particularly something to do with the router but that seems strange since nothing has changed on the router and I'm the only one who could change anything to begin with.

This all brings me to my question: what else could I look into that could provide more info to work with so I narrow down what's going on here?

Lost iPhoto when switching from Yosemite to Maverickes

I have downgraded from Yosemite to Mavericks because Yosemite made my desktop Mac very sluggish. In doing so it completely eliminated iPhoto in iTunes (which I need). I have researched, read forums and blogs and tried downloading several versions of iPhoto - nothing has worked. I am thinking out loud, can you download the latest version of iTunes ONLY (12.0.1 I have found the download site) and keep Mavericks to (maybe) recapture the use of iPhoto? If you have ANY alternatives or ways around I would certainly appreciate the info.

When I want to install TeamViewer 10, why can't I select my system disk as the distination?

Seems it happened when I want to install other softwares before (but I can't remember which). I have a 128G SSD as the system disk, but it doesn't even appear as an option in the installer. How can I deal with this?

BTW. My SSD's name is Macintoch SSD, which is not appeared on the following window.

GUI to select the distination disk of the installation

Translation of this window (according to my poor English, messages with en-US locale should be different):

Top: Installing "TeamViewer"


  • Introduction

  • Permission

  • Target Volume

  • Installation Type

  • Installing

  • Summary


  • Select a target volume

  • Please select the disk to install "TeamViewer".

    • GlacJAY: ...

    • Macintosh HD: ...

    • TeamViewer: ...

  • "TeamViewer" can't be installed on this disk. It can only be installed on the disk running OS X.

Sync Clash from ipod 4 ios 6.1.6 onto iphone ios 8.1.2

What i did was I got the same game center. I went to clash, I went through the tutorial. Then I went to settings on Clash and with my ipod 4 hit old device then pushed transfer to iphone. It says that im not logged into the same gamecenter which I am. Then on my new device, when I push this is the new device it says enter link code. I don't know where that is. And my town hall is only lvl 2 so I should be able to do it. What can I do to make sure my better place gets on my iphone.

After erasing 200 GB I need to repair it using the Recovery HD

I was cleaning my macbookpro, erasing all unused files i had on it, after that I decided to erase the free space, so i will have all my files organized and cleaned the "used space", after that I verified the disk that shows the following error:

"This disk needs to be repaired using the Recovery HD. Restart your computer, holding down the Command key and the R key until you see the Apple logo. When the OS X Utilities window appears, choose Disk Utility."

The questions are: 1- My mac will go from scratch, means erase all the programs, files, music, pictures etc?

2- What if I instal Yosemite, it will solve my problems?

3- if number 2 dont solve the problem, there are any steps I should now?

Im backing up now my macbook on time machine, just in "case" I loose it all, and before I erased the free space all was fine!!!!

Tnk u all!!!

my computer![][1]

enter image description here

Cannot partition Hard Drive in Mavericks Virtual Box

I am trying to re-size the HDD on my Mavericks virtual machine. I already used VBoxManage --resize on the host computer to re-size the .vdi. Now, when I go to partition the HDD to the larger size on the guest OS using Disk Utility, it doesn't give any errors but it won't partition the HDD. It acts as if it will make the partition and then it just goes back to the same size it already was. Any thoughts?

My MacBook Pro won't exit out of iPhotos

I was importing pictures from my Nikon d3200, i had to stop it early, so i pressed the stop importing, and the delete the pictures that you have already imported, then I left. Now, it won't close out of iPhotos and it says it is importing photos, but it said that all day. Since it won't close out, i can't shut down my Mac or restart it. And I can't import the rest of my photos either. What should I do?

Is there a way to install a Yosemite theme on mavericks? Without Flavours?

I have Mavericks on my mac and I want to make it look like Yosemite.

Is there an alternative to Flavours (my trial period is running out) that will allow me to install a Yosemite theme for FREE?

I found out about Flavours here:

iPod classic 160gb showing NO music or any files at all

I just finished making a Christmas playlist in iTunes when I moved my laptop and iTunes thinks I removed my iPod without ejecting it properly first. I think I'm using a crappy USB cord but that's besides the point. So at this point I ejected it from "MY COMPUTER" on Windows and disconnect it from the USB cord and the iPod says "NO MUSIC" and shows none of my playlists etc; it looks like everything is gone on xmas EVE! :(

So now I plug it back into iTunes on my laptop and it says "iTunes cannot read the contents of your iPod. Go to summary tab in iPod preferences and click restore to restore this iPod back to factory settings."

But I know that will erase everything for sure and I definitely don't want to do that.

When I go into "MY COMPUTER" on windows it still shows that's there's 15GB of SOMETHING on my iPod (I had about that much music on my iPod) but iTunes cannot recognize it.

What can I do? I've spent hours in the past reorganizing, renaming files and making various playlists and I don't want to have to do all that again, especially not on Christmas eve.

When I go into "settings>about on my iPod, it says 133GB free" on a 160gb iPod so SOMETHING is there.

I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium.

Iphone 4, IOS 7.1.2 camera issue

Iphone 4 IOS: 7.1.2

The camera was working fine until I upgraded to IOS 5, the camera went black whenever I launch the camera app. I upgraded to 7.1.2 after it was released and it would should the view of the back camera but immediately take a photo automatically (about a second after the camera app is launched). It doesn't save the photo, and the app freezes, no response if I press any buttons in the camera app. I can quit and everything else works fine.

Anyone has a similar experience / issue?

Automatic conversion between .ps to .pdf upon download onto Mac OSX?

Is there any way to convert .ps to .pdf every time automatically as a .ps is downloaded onto a Mac machine? (Using Mountain Lion 10.8)

  • can Automator perform this task?

  • convert and then delete the .ps

It's annoying that it has to convert from .ps to .pdf in preview every time I open the file, and quick preview doesn't work on .ps.

Automate Continuity Activation?

I've got an early 2011 MBP with an upgraded AirPort card. I know that one has to jump through kext- and Terminal-based hoops to enable Continuity, but I also know that Continuity Activation Tool does the entire process at the press of a button. I was wondering if it was possible to go even further: Since software updates and OS reinstalls reset the kext, is there a way to make the process of activating Continuity an automatic final step of any OS X software update and/or Yosemite reinstall?

(I always use a bootable Yosemite drive for reinstalls, for what it's worth. I rarely go to the Recovery HD.)

Blur all images in Safari, unless clicked

I know that the 'Develop' menu allows me to block all images in Safari, however I have a couple more requirements:

  • Blur, not block, all images from all webpages

  • Click to show blurred images

I don't like to see images by default, yet still want to retain the ability to selectively 'unhide' them. Blurring the image makes the selection process (of which to show) much easier.

Is there a way to do this in Safari? Perhaps as an extension?

As a bonus, if there is a way to whitelist a set of images or sites (e.g.: the voting buttons in Stackexchange), that would be great.

Is the iPhone5 and up not Network locked?

In my experience phones have been locked to the carrier, requiring a hefty fee and a contract payout to transfer them to another carrier. (Just because they can).

This commentator writes:

Oh all iphone 5 and up are not sim/network locked (didn’t know that)

My question is: Is the iPhone5 and up not Network locked?

(I'm aware that Apple has patents for future Sim-less phones that will further obviate this problem).

How can I change how often iCloud data gets synced on my iPhone 6?

When I make changes to Contacts on my Macbook, they tend to take a while to get synced up with my iPhone 6. I was wondering if there was a setting on the iPhone (or perhaps even on that would allow me to set a more frequent synch schedule.

What are directories /Volumes/Untitled* (Yosemite)?

I've just started using a new MacBook Pro, which has Mac OS X 10.10.1 "Yosemite" pre-installed. I was surprised to find paths like /Volumes/Untitled in my /Volumes directory.

% ls -ld /Volumes/Untit*
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 17 Dec 17:10 /Volumes/Untitled
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 18 Dec 12:34 /Volumes/Untitled 1
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 19 Dec 11:44 /Volumes/Untitled 2
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 20 Dec 11:45 /Volumes/Untitled 3
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 22 Dec 07:17 /Volumes/Untitled 4
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 25 Dec 22:23 /Volumes/Untitled 5
d--x--x--x+ 3 root admin 102 26 Dec 10:41 /Volumes/Untitled 6

Each directory appears to be empty, except for an empty .Trashes subdirectory:

% sudo ls -lR /Volumes/Untitled
total 0
d-wx-wx-wt@ 2 root admin 68 17 Dec 17:08 .Trashes


I am familiar with entries in /Volumes/* being paths to external storage volumes. I have an external solid-state drive (SSD) mounted, and it has its own named /Volumes/mySSD entry. I have a couple of drives mounted from a file server, and they have their own named /Volumes/serverA etc. entries. In previous Macs and previous Mac OS X versions, I didn't see entries like /Volumes/Untitled.

The timestamps on the Untitled* directories are interesting. The first one is from about when I unpacked the new MacBook Pro for the first time. The most recent one is from about when I started up the computer this morning. If I notice changes in the days ahead, I'll update this question.

I do not see other answers on AskDifferent explaining entries like these. There are answers like Problems creating Yosemite USB bootable drive which mention paths like /Volumes/Untitled 2, but those appear to be paths for actual mounted disk devices that happen to have no volume label. I also have a query in to Apple Support. If they tell me something useful, I'll post it as an answer.

How do I get find my iPhone off a iPhone I have bought second hand

Please help Me get find my iPhone off a second hand iPhone 5 need to get this off before I can use it for my son

Sold MacBook; FileVault enabled

I sold my MacBook earlier and I want to reinstall Yosemite.

However, I have FileVault enabled and I want to essentially "throw away the key" and "reinstall Yosemite" so none of the data is recoverable.

Could someone please clarify what I should do? Many thanks.

Dictionary lookup wider and taller

It's possible to change the font and the font-size for 3-finger lookup popup. You just need to edit css file for dictionaries you use. e.g.

sudo vim /Library/Dictionaries/New\ Oxford\ American\ Dictionary.dictionary/Contents/DefaultStyle.css

find html.apple_client-panel body { and edit properties

Now I actually want to go further and make the entire popup area bigger - little wider and little taller. How can I do that?

Apple ID problem

I am just wondering I already have an apple ID created on my iPad and I recently got an iPhone I am wondering if I keep the same apple ID for my iPhone will everything I download on my iPad come up on my phone? (like apps and music)

Exchange Mail Footer and Disclaimer when sending iPhone/iPad

We have a corporate mail footer designed in html and it is including images. It works fine when i send mail from Outlook or OWA but when i send an email from my iOS devices our corporate mail footer is shown as plain text. Briefly, i send email from outlook to you and you see my email and footer normal. But when i send email from iphone to you, you see my footer as plain text so you can't see our images.

I don't know if it has a solution or not but i think i can find anyone encountered this problem before.


Help to delete music

Can I delete music off my phone without this deleting my music on my iTunes account?

I need space on my phone but don't want to loose it completely or for it too reappear when I sync it.

Public folder not readable

I want to exchange files between two users on the same mac.

To do so, user one copies the file into ~/Public folder. I double checked that the folder and all files are readable and writable by all users.

If I change to the second user, the folder is empty.

Any ideas what's missing?

Problem in opening downloaded application

I downloaded an application from internet but it won't open even after I changed the system preferences. When i am trying to open the downloaded app it is saying that "This application can't be opened". How can I resolve this?

Music App forgets what it was doing

When resuming music playback after a break (10 minutes, few days, another app playing content) it ignores whatever playlist, album, artist or other refinement was placed on the music list and simply plays at random from the entire library.

Is there a way to set it so that resuming playback will resume in the playlist it was last playing? If the music app is opened directly, it remembers where it was, so why not when using the play button on the lock screen, or when attaching a Bluetooth device, or plugging it into a speaker?

For example, I was playing Christmas music on a speaker system at home. I unplugged the iPod 5, went out to my car, automatically paired to the Apple compatible in dash Bluetooth and resumed playback. It picked up where it left off in the same song it was playing, but showed the number of songs in the entire library (not the playlist) and shuffled to another song in the library after the current song, not in the previously loaded playlist. I had to unlock the iPod, open the music app, return to the main screen, select playlists, select the desired playlist, select a song and then play. That's a lot of steps to resume playing a music playlist on a music playing device (especially while driving).

For another example, I was listening to a playlist using the built in speaker of my iPod 5. I took a phone call, so I swiped up and pressed pause. While on the phone, I used another app, then set the iPod down. After the phone call, I pressed the home button and simply pressed play on the lock screen. Same as above, it resumed the song it was on, but then randomly went off to another song not in the playlist. Upon unlocking and loading the music app, it wasn't in playlist anymore, but simply shuffling the entire library.

WD Drive Cannot be Repaired but program still running

I have an external hard drive that I use to run my iTunes, iPhoto library and store various other documents. Recently, it stopped connecting to my MacBook Pro.

I can only see my WD Ultra external hard drive in Disk Utility (it won't show in Finder). I tried to repair it in Disk Utility, but it told me it couldn't be repaired and gave me this message: "You can still open or copy files on the disk, but you can’t save changes to files on the disk. Back up the disk and reformat it as soon as you can"

However, disk utility still says "verifying and repairing partition map" and "checking prerequisites." What do I do? Do I cancel it? Is it actually repairing or is this a glitch?

And how can I copy my files when I can't see the drive anywhere other than Disk Utility? Please help!

screensaver causes error "share does not exist on the server" to endless loop

I've been trying to learn to automate my home Mac environment with Applescript. I've had some success, but am running into seemingly inconsistent and troublesome errors. In order to diagnose the errors, I've broken the scripts down into their component parts and narrowed the most troublesome issue down to the Screen Saver. When I activate the current screen saver via a script, or if I access the Screen Saver control panel via the System Preferences, I get

enter image description here

I can click the "OK" button and it dismisses, sometimes for good, but most often it loops endlessly and my only option is to force a restart by holding down the power button. I've tried force quitting all open apps, and relaunching the finder and the error message/dialog box loop remains running.

Oddly, starting the Screen Saver with the Hot Corner does not seem to trigger the error.

To me this indicates that the issue isn't with my script, but that there's a problem with my Mac.

For what it's worth, I've also had issues with connecting to my Time Capsule backup which is the only drive on that server.

The machine is a MacBook 13-inch Late 2007 running OS 10.7.5.


Transfer progress on Clash of Clans from iPad to iPad Mini Ai3

My son has Clash of Clans progress on an iPad1 with my Apple ID that we want to transfer to a iPad Mini 3 with a new Family Apple ID. Is this possible and if so how can I do it?

Installing chatjax bookmark on the iPad

Hello everybody and Merry Christmas. I received an Apple iPad mini for Christmas and am unable to install the bookmark found here that renders LaTeX in the MSE chat room. I can't find a browser with a bookmark bar to drag the given link to. Other users in the room have also been unable to render LaTeX with their iPad.

Terminal command not found

So I was going thru RoR tutorial, installed heroku, heroku toolbelt. I got an error message from Heroku to update to newvest Git for safety reasons. I tried that with installer but heroku version didn't change.

I installed homebrew and tweaked the .bash profile $PATH and changed Git to use /usr/local/bin/git. Original was something like: /usr/bin/

I got some brainer and put gem update on terminal at one point and then inturreped it as

I didn't know what was going on.

Problem is know that terminal says either: command not found or No such file or directory || when I try to run something.

Because of that I can't even get the hidden files to show up. What should I do?

EDIT: when I run /bin/echo $PATH I get: /usr/local/heroku/bin

  • Thank you

Mac preventing loading Java site

I am trying to administer my Western Digital MyBookLife home network drive, using the Java based admin console provided by WD. The console is a web application served up from the drive itself.

However, since I upgraded to Java 8, the Mac is preventing me from loading the page (a Java applet), which is on my network at

I opened the Java console and added to my trusted network site list, however it is still rejecting me.

The message says

Application Blocked by Java Security
Name: WDTester
Reason: Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running.

Also, I am getting another prompt that says again "Application Blocked by Java Security" but this time it says reason: Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running

I see in the Java Control Panel the exception site list containing my host, as specified above (I also added the same with https protocol, and I also added localhost just to be sure.) But for some reason, it is ignoring the exceptions.

What to do??

iTunes won't open after update

My iTunes will not open under my username after an update. It pops up an error message saying "iTunes will not open. An unknown error has occurred (13001)". However, I tried troubleshooting it from the Apple website and got no where except I know it works under a different user. Can I fix my iTunes without having to delete it?

MacTeX installation failed on MacBookPro10

I am trying to install MacTeX on my MacBook Pro running OS X version 10.9.5 but I get weird errors.

I've tried two different packages from Jun 2013 and 2014.

Using the Jun 2014 package, I can continue till installation starts. When I enter admin password, it immediately shows an error

The Installation Failed The Installer could not install the software because there was no software found to install.

I get the healthy package of Jun 2013 from a friend and tried it. When I enter admin password, it starts validating package and then immediately throws the following error:

The installation Failed. The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

stuck with wrong account in app store on my new mac

I just got a new mac, and everything went fine (i've owned like 6 different macs in my lifetime).. at one point however, i simply wanted to update my xcode app.. so i opened the app store and clicked on updates.. and clicked on the update button.. but then now the app store is requiring me to sign in, but it's asking me to sign in with a wrong email address (ok i remember i once used a laptop of a coworker a couple of jobs ago.. and i had to do some updates.. i have no idea how this is linked to my laptop now)..

Anyways I have no idea how to change the apple ID here!

enter image description here

To make things even weirder, if I go to Store menu button, it actually shows my proper account:

enter image description here

So i'm left really confused now.. any ideas?

Claris/Appleworks 9.2 database Convert to 10.4?

I use Clarisworks (Appleworks) 9.2 for a database on my dual MAC 9.2/10.4. Problem is the instability of the database. I have occasionally lost many of the entries (total 3800) and have to re-enter.

Is there a converter to PC Word/Oracle? Can a word processor in 10.4 be used to import the database?

Do cheap iPad Lightning to USB camera adapters work?

Do cheap iPad lightning to USB adapters (from websites such as eBay) work or can a get a genuine Apple adapter for a lower price somewhere? I do not want to pay at least $39 AUD for one. My iPad mini is jailbroken and I wish to use one to symlink apps to a USB flash drive because I only have a 16GB model and I'm always trying to find things to delete to free up space. Is it worth the money for an Apple branded adapter?

How to restore Chrome "size-to-best-fit" zoom functionality?

Chrome for Mac used to have the behavior that clicking the green "maximize" button would resize the window to best fit the page content. For example, if your Chrome window wasn't wide enough horizontally to fit the text of the webpage, clicking the green button would expand the window horizontally until it perfectly fit the text. It seems in recent versions of Chrome this was discontinued in favor of the green button full-screening the window.

I prefer the old behavior... I'm using Yosemite and short of reverting to an old version of Chrome, is there any way I could get it back?

Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

Fix iTunes Billing issue with iTunes code

My prepaid MasterCard didn't have enough value so a problem occurred at my last purchase and I can't download any already purchased music or free updates anymore as I have to update my credit card information. If I enter the prepaid data it says invalid because it does not have enough money on it, and due to holidays it will take another few days for my bank to transfer the money to it. Is it possible to fix this issue by redeeming an iTunes code (5€ for example?) or does it only work with a credit card?

Thanks for help! It's really important, have a new iMac 5k but can't download anythingn from the Mac app store or iTunes :/

New monitor won't let me set resolution to 2560x1440 even though it should be native

i have just purchased a dell p2715q monitor and while i understand that my early 2011 macbook pro will not run it at the full resolution, it should be able to run it at 2560x1440. However the only option from the list of resolutions that works (1080i) (i.e. any other res I select makes the monitor go dark, still active as i am able to drag windows to it, but not see anything on the monitor.) I have spent literally all today trying to configure it and nothing works. I know this isnt a hardware or cable issue as i have run the screen at 2560x1440 res perfectly on my windows bootcamp from the same mac, so the issue must lie with OSx. I have the latest version of Yosemite, have tried restarting, 3rd party programmes and even rescripting from terminal commands. nothing works. Thanks.

two login accounts, admin account pw unable to login

I made the mistake of making two accounts- admin account and standard account after upgrading to Yosemite beta 10.10.1. ( The reason? I read that it would be "preferable" to set this up because of the security flaw-which still has not been addressed,but is another issue ). When I login, I have to firstly login with my admin account & password. Then another screen comes up with both the admin account and the standard account, and a black rectangular shape at the left-hand side of the bottom the page which tells me to login. A white rectangle outline is on both the standard account image and pw section,I then, login my apple ID password into that white outlined rectangle. This is how I get into my computer. ( I had many many other problems from Yosemite which I have remedied slowly) BUT the problem is: I have locked myself out of the admin account somehow. The admin pw I login with, does not work anywhere else.For instance,it does not unlock anything that requires to unlock the padlock- such as System Preferences. I cannot access Disk Utility, cannot unlock or put in admin pw. I cannot turn FileVault off or the Firewall. I cannot upgrade software that requires admin pw. What can I do to regain admin access? (I cannot do this in System Preferences I am locked out!!!)Do I have to reset my default keychain ? What do I need to do ?

Is there any way to connect a record player (RCA outputs) to AirPlay speakers?

I've got a very simple situation, which is: I have a generic record player with a preamp and RCA outputs (red/white). I have a pair of speakers connected to an old Airport Express, one connected to a new Airport Express, and an Apple TV.

Can I make the record player Do A Sound in the AirPlay-connected speakers? Options I've considered are:

  • A Raspberry Pi, but the software side of it may be more trouble than it's worth

  • Connecting the record player, using an adapter, to my iMac, and then using Rogue Amoeba's LineIn to capture input, and transmit all audio, using Soundflower and Porthole, to AirPlay. This worked, but the lag between different speakers is considerable. Also, I'm using three separate apps for a task I should be able to do with a small box.

This doesn't seem like that maddeningly difficult an ask, but so far I've come up with nothing that works as an AirPlay transmitter in the same way as, say, iTunes. I can get this amp for cheap: but I don't understand if it can transmit as well as receive AirPlay streams. Halp?

Operation could not be Completed

While taking video from my Apple 3gs my mobile got switched off. When i take a view on the video, it is showing like operation could not be completed. Any possibilities to recover?? Kindly help me out with this problem.

aperture hell! overwrites files with same name!

my canon camera was setup with filename numbering to 0001. when the camera reached the 9999, it restarted the numbering to 0001. i didn't noticed the file names since I just import my picture with aperture.

now after some time I figured out that the old files, like first 0001.jpg version is no more available and 0001 is always the last one picture imported.

it looks like I lost a lot of pictures! is weird!

there is anyway to get back all pictures out of aperture?

Prevent from switching Wi-Fi networks

I have two wifi access points at home: "downstairs" and "upstairs". They're both WPA2.

If I'm upstairs and connected to "upstairs" and my laptop goes to sleep, when I reactivate it, it connects to "downstairs" as it is higher in the list, but the signal is too low and I have to switch it manually to "upstairs". How can I prevent that?

Remark: I don't want "upstairs" or "downstairs" to have priority: it depends on where I stand in the house. I just OSX to stick with the network I have selected, whichever it is. I don't want to re-type the lengthy password all the time neither ("forget network" is probably not the way to go).

Script or third-party program welcome...

OS X 10.10

Bluetooth Bose soundlink mini always connected

I am using a Bose soundlink mini on an 2013 Imac to improve the sound. I would like it to be always on and connected but the connection is lost at some point, when idle or standby i guess. Any ideas?

Account for upgrade is different to account in phone settings

My father-in-law had forgot his Apple ID on his iPhone. He had his friend enter his details to download some apps on to his phone. He's since reset his password and set his phone back to his own account (both the iTunes and iCloud are using his email address). The issue is, when he goes to upgrade some apps it's asking for the password for his friend's email account? How can we resolve this?