vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Automator and Safari, save web archive when visiting websites

How can I save all websites I visit in Safari?

Preferably I would save by domain (so saving foo.html and bar.html share the same resource files, images, etc.)

Is Automator the tool for the job?

Conventional zoom behaviour in OS X

I would like to replicate the conventional zoom behaviour of 'ctrl +'/'ctrl -' with the mouse scroll functionality. Probably a new feature, but I preferred the original behaviour. Consequently I would prefer the zoom mechanism to only effect the active window as opposed to the entire desktop? How do achieve this?


Outlook IOS sync to Outlook Mac?

Now that Microsoft's released Outlook for iOS, does anyone know if it will sync calendars, contacts and tasks with Outlook on a Mac?

More apps on iPhone 5c ios8 but a lot more storage no apps iPad Air ios 7 no storage?

I have been trying like most to make room on my 16GB iPad Air to get ios 8. Have have no apps on it except what came with it, no music, no videos, and only about 1000 photos. I was able to delete some apps on my iPhone 5c 16GB and get ios 8, and it had more pictures on it. Now I have way more storage on my phone with a lot more apps and less storage on the ipad. I don't know what else to delete from my ipad. I have mail so I am deleting that. I am not at all apple smart but I also have a new Mac, it's 15 inch so it's a notebook or workbook, and have tried to download my ipad and phone info to that. The cloud still confuses me. I am not an idiot just a visual learner so when discribed to me have a hard time. Maybe detailed steps if anyone has time to help. Thank you

How to enter a non-breaking space on iOS?

On Mac, entering a non-breaking space is very easy.

On my iPad, I want to enter a non-breaking space. But I find no way.

I have tried the mic on the keyboard. It gives me this :

Espace insécable


I would prefer a solution coming from the keyboard. I would also like a palette offering characters or snippets.

Thank you.

I have iOS 7.

Restore libxml2 to Yosemite

Ok, so here is the deal. I was working on two projects at the same time and I mistakenly:

rm -rf /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib

I have another copy of libxml2 thankfully (the other project, homebrew install libxml2). That copy is in /usr/local/opt/libxml/lib. For the life of me I can not get cp /usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /usr/lib to work. It always says:

/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib Read-only Filesystem

Please can anyone help? I have tried cp -S, -R, -F and I can't get it to cp or mv. I just need to write that lib back and I should be good to go. I don't know what I was thinking when I did that. Running Yosemite 10.10.2, Late-2011 mbp. Libxml2 from homebrew is 2.9.2 I think if it makes a difference.

I can't find the location of jdk for Java 7 and 8

I have 3 different versions (jdk) of Java installed: 6, 7 and 8. In


export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
setjdk() {
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v $1)

However, at

$ ls /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

I see only one version. Where are the 2 other ones? What's the location of their jdks?

Discrepancy between Finder and Disk Inventory X on Yosemite

I recently got warning that my 500GB SSD was nearly full. So, I offloaded stuff in Dropbox, image files, videos, duplicates, etc. and cleared over 200GB off the drive, leaving about 170GB of iTunes, iPhoto, Documents, etc.

I then saw there was a discrepancy between Finder and Disk Inventory X. Finder shows what i would expect, 200GB free. Disk Inventory only 70GB. So, I'm left wondering what has happened to all the space I freed up, why is there a 130GB discrepancy.

Tried all the suggestions - cannot find a /.MobileBackup directory. Tried rebooting. Tried running Disk Doctor, repairing, etc. etc. Read through similar questions, but as yet not seen an answer/solution. Is there some corruption on the disk, maybe, or is this related to Yosemite upgrade a few months back (Wireless has been playing up since, and OSX has crashed a few times since then).

Finder: Macintosh HD Info

Capacity: 499.05 GB Available: 207.56 GB Used: 291.49 GB

Disk Inventory: Macintosh HD HFS+

Capacity: 464.8 GB Used: 394.2 GB Free 70.6 GB

Directories by size:

Users: 213.4 GB Applications: 30.2 GB Library: 13.1 GB System: 5.8 GB lost+found 4.8 GB private 3.6 GB usr: 0.9 GB opt: 0.1 GB

Total: 272 GB

MacBook boots automatically when opening lid. Feature or problem?

When my 13" Retina MacBook running Yosemite is powered off and I open the lid, it immediately starts booting up... without pressing the power button. Is this a new feature (maybe part of Yosemite) or is my MacBook misbehaving?

If it's a feature, I'm not necessarily sure that I dislike it... but I definitely find it jarring. Can I disable it?

Limiting Retained Emails

Is there any way to set a limit so that thousands of emails aren't downloaded from my email server and stored as copies on my iPad Air running 8.12? Early version of ios for my old iPad allowed me to set a limit through [Settings] which worked great. If I needed to find a specific email that wasn't stored on my iPad, the search function went to the server looking for it.

Will iMessage work on an iPhone 6 Plus from Saudi Arabia?

Will iMessage work on an iPhone 6 Plus bought in Saudi Arabia? I'm not interested in Facetime, but want to know whether iMessage will work.

Shutdown from launchd script no longer works in Yosemite

I'm new to this forum; please excuse any faux pas. I've been using rsync fired by a LaunchDaemon written in tcsh for several years now. It worked great on my 2008 MacBook Pro under Snow Leopard. I now have a 2014 MBP running Yosemite. I've cleared up a few conflicts, but one continues to elude me. My script works like this:

  1. I mount an external drive.

  2. launchd starts my script

  3. My script verifies that the right drive is available.

  4. My script copies some folders from my wife's computer to mine and from mine to hers.

  5. My script sends a shutdown command to my wife's computer.

  6. My script copies some folders from our backup computer to mine and from mine to it.

  7. My script sends a shutdown command to our backup computer.

  8. My script copies some folders from my computer to the external drive.

  9. My script sends a shutdown command to my computer.

    As I said, this worked fine for several years under Snow Leopard. Now that I'm running Yosemite, steps 4, 6 and 8 fail apparently without generating any errors. In the original script, I used osascript to launch an Applescript that checked a few things and then told System Events to shut down the computer. When this failed to work in Yosemite, I switched to a simple shutdown -h +1 command right in the tcsh script. This made step 8 work correctly, but did nothing for steps 4 and 6. Ideally, I would like to get back to the Applescript shutdown command because it seems cleaner: Applications get a chance to close out or even cancel the shutdown if necessary.

    One more point I should make is that I'm using ssh -f into the root user on the two other computers to send the shutdown commands. I've set the computers up with my computer's RSA keys to enable a passwordless login, so the current command is just ssh -f root@wife.local 'shutdown -h +1'.

    I have confirmed that it works to ssh to my wife's computer and shut it down manually. It is only the script that does not shutdown the other computer.

    Has anyone any idea of why this is not working in Yosemite. More importantly, any ideas of how to make it work? I would like to be able to set the backup running and then head to bed knowing that the computers will shut down when the process is completed.

Thanks in advance.

Mid 2010 Macbook Pro 13" sudden shutdown with no errors

I have a mid 2010 Macbook Pro 13" 2.66 GHz with 2x4GB of Crucial RAM and the original 320GB HDD. For about a year and a half now my laptop would suddenly shutdown with a click sound. It first only did it about once every couple of weeks but now it'll sometimes do it within five minutes of turning it on. Sometimes it'll last a couple hours, and other times it'll last 5 seconds. It's not temperature related, because it'll do it whether it has just been turned on or been on for over an hour. I reset the PRAM and SMC, but that didn't fix it. I ran tests with Disk Utility and it said there were some issues with the disk. Disk Utility wasn't able to do it, so I repaired it with fsck in Single User Mode. I thought this was finally going to work, but within 15 minutes it shut down again. Finally I ran the Apple Hardware Test and put it through the extensive test. After it was done running, it said that everything was ok. So according to that there should be nothing wrong with the internal hardware. At this point I have no idea what could be causing the problems. I would check in the console logs, and it would give me -2 and -60 for "Previous shutdown cause: ".

How to disable emoji substitution for pictographs/symbols in special characters?

When I try to insert a special character/symbol/pictograph that has an emoji equivalent, it always changes into the emoji instead. Is there a way to make it not do this? I am not asking about how to disable emoji substitution when typing smileys in Messages. This is happening wherever I try to insert a symbol--in Safari, TextEdit, and I even tried symbol and text substitution in System Preferences but the symbols turned into emoji there also.

How to delete undeletable songs from an iOS device

I have songs on my iPhone 4S that I never intentionally downloaded and can't seem to delete. I have tried to delete them through iTunes but I just cannot seem to get rid of them.

Swiping left on the undeletable song will not show any option to delete the song (oddly enough, swiping left on other songs allows me to delete them).

Going into Settings > Usage > Manage Storage allows me to delete all of the songs on my iPhone except the undeletable song.

(I'm reposting here for greater visibility. I have long searched for an answer for this issue and only now have found an answer that works.)

Location of and files

Where are and files located on Mac OS Yosemite??

Traceroute Termnial vs Network Utility different?

Why would terminal>traceroute #.#.#.# show different results than using the network Here is the first 3 hops. I am connected to PIA VPN but regardless both methods should show the same results I would think.


traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 42.559 ms 39.696 ms 38.293 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 49.639 ms ( 56.780 ms ( 69.798 ms

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 72 byte packets
1 ( 41.221 ms 38.355 ms 47.237 ms
2 ( 41.262 ms 38.674 ms 41.912 ms
3 ( 44.092 ms 36.200 ms 40.407 ms

Reverse Reading List Order in Safari for iOS

I want to read through my reading list in the order that I add links, but making use of the seamless page to page scrolling functionality requires that I read them starting with the one I added most recently.

Is there a way to reverse this?

My iMac g4 will not open the DVD tray when the eject key is pushed. It only worked when there was a DVD in the tray

i have an iMac g4 that has no disc in the DVD drive but I can not get the drive to open when I push the eject key

iMessage has stopped working on my MacBook

Whenever I try to send a message from my Mac Book it says that the message cannot be delivered and to try again, why is this? My wifi is connected and the person I'm trying to message also has iMessage and it has worked before, now it just stopped. Is there a solution to this problem?

Mac FileMaker server does complete shutdown mysteriously - need to find logs as to why

We have an important FM 11 server running on an 8GB SSD iMac with 10.8. Occasionally it does a complete shutdown for no rhyme or reason. I'm trying understand why and am curious if there are logs somewhere to see what triggered the shutdown.

When I am logged in via VNC, I have on occasion gotten kicked out because the machine attempts to shutdown or enable fast user switching (or so VNC says).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

OSXFUSE, BindFS and HFS+ extended file attributes

I use BindFS with OSXFUSE to mount some folders on an external drive on mount points within my user home folder. This is a sample line from my fstab:

/Volumes/Content/Pictures /Users/Me/Pictures bindfs nobrowse,mirror=Me,volname=Pictures,xattr-none,local,multithreaded 0 0

Things work pretty well like this, except that if I turn the extended file attributes on (xattr-rw) I lose the writing capability on the mounts to a suspicious error:

The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50).

I am trying to put some order into my files using tags, and I need to turn the extended attributes on in order to read and write tags. I wonder if there is a way to turn HFS+'s extended file attributes on for the mounts created using OSXFUSE and BindFS. If not, is this a general, unresolved bug/incompatibility?

Some technical info: I am running Yosemite with the latest updates. I install OSXFUSE using Homebrew Cask and BindFS using Homebrew.

Mail app on OS X 10.10 goes blank with Office 365 Account after displaying for a minute

I am having an issue viewing email on Office 365 with Mail app.

After clicking on the Office 365 mailbox to read the emails the message list goes blank after about a minute, I then have to click on another mailbox then back to the Office 365 one to view the messages again but you only get about a minute until it does it again. This is frustrating when you are reading a long email.

This only happens with Office 365 accounts, I also use iCloud and Google mail accounts without any problems in Mail.

I have run connection doctor but it says everything is ok.

Has anyone any ideas? Or come across this before?

Can I connect iPhone 6 to an old Samsung TV without HDMI?

I have an iPhone 6 and an old MacBook. I want to watch movies from these Apple products on an 7 year old Samsung TV monitor. The TV does not have HDMI but it has the old PC and AV connections. Is there a cable I can buy to view items from Apple products on the Samsung monitor?

On a Mac how to map caps lock key, to function as a modifier(s) key held down?

I'd like it so when I tap the Caps Lock key to "on", it would behave as if it's holding down cntrl+fnc keys, so when I hit any of my shortcuts I don't have to hold down the cntrl+fnc keys. Then when Caps Lock key is tapped to "off", the keyboard functions as normal again.

Is this possible?

Change write permissions on internal HD outside of OS

I have a late 2009 iMac with a 1TB internal HD. I am unable to boot the OS however when running disk utility, through target boot and booting into an external HD, I am unable to repair, erase, partition or restore the internal drive. When selecting the drive in Disk Utility the write status is 'read only' which is what I assume is preventing me from repairing the the hard drive.

Without having access to the GUI, is there a way to change the permissions on my hard drive to read/write?

Also I am able to run a windows partition via Boot Camp on the same drive with no issues so I am assuming the drive didn't fail.

Macbook Air mid 2009 (2,1) Yosemite integrated Mouse and Keyboard dont work (partially)

My Macbook Air mid 2009 worked for 3 months without any problems on yosemite.

2 Days ago the built in mouse stopped working. So did the Keyboard (built in). Right after it woke up from sleep mode. But the light is still on. After pressing the Power button, it asks me to shut it down, so the system did not crashed.

At boot im able to clear the SMC and VFR (?) Ram. Both did not worked. After i reboot, the machine wont respond to mosue or keyboard input. Also usb mouse and keyboard wont work.

I always had to hard reboot the macbook (hold power) After some time, it wouldnt boot. (black screen) After letting it off for like 5 mins, it would boot again, but same error. After some research, and the problems at startup, it might be an EFI specified problem (i think). Reinstalling has only worked for half an day, then after wake up it wasnt responding.

the problem might be caused after the 10.10.2 update. In the update log i couldnt find any EFI-specified updates. (EFI and SMC is also up-to-date)

anyone able to reproduce this error? i cant get it to work again (without reinstalling it)

EDIT: got it working! just repaired the permissions!

Signature shows too BIG to recipients

I am using Apple Mail 4.6 and have simple text lines for my signature. Even though I have the "match text in email" box checked, the signature shows as much larger (obnoxiously large) to many recipients. I've also tried it with that box unchecked, but that didn't change anything. How can I make the signature lines match the text font and size of the message? It looks fine on my computer but arrives huge to the recipient. MAC OSX 10.6.8 (Yes, we do have plans to update some day)

SSH based VPN with tun device

On the ssh man page there is a section called SSH-BASED VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS which explains how to setup a poor mans VPN with ssh (ssh flag -w). This section is also included in the OSX man page.

As far as I understand OSX does not support tun devices out of the box and even with the tuntap kernel driver it doesn't seem to work out of the box.

Has anybody had any luck using this functionality on OSX? Care to explain how you did it?

Screen saver settings keep defaulting back to National Geographic Photos

I like to use my photo library for a screen saver (have 10,000 photos - it's nice to get to see them more often), but ever since I've downloaded Yosemite, every time the computer goes to sleep, it defaults back to the National Geographic photos (there are maybe 30 of them). Really, really frustrating, and I can't find where to change the default settings to try and make an adjustment. Anyone know how to change that default setting or have any other idea what to do?

Why is my rMBP drawing twice as much power as my friend's when idle?

Mine is late 2012 and has 8GB RAM. His is late 2014 and has 16GB RAM. Both have an SSD (although of different size) and both are running Yosemite. We set the brightness to 6 pips each and turn off Bluetooth and the keyboard light.

Using Activity Monitor we both ensure that our %CPU is very low (<1%) with no visible apps running (apart from Finder and Activity Monitor). We then launch CoconutBattery and check out the Battery Usage therein.

After allowing a few minutes for the usage to settle down his MB idles at 3.8W. Mine idles at 7.6W, leading to his battery life being around twice mine.

What could be causing this disparity?

MBP Display Port to HDMI Splitter to share my screen

I am running two video conferencing systems at once and they don't link together. My thought would be to allow both systems to view my screen. I connected a Mini display port to a powered rockfish Hdmi splitter to send the signal in both direction. This did not work. I will attempt a non powered dongle version if that exists? Does anyone else have an idea how i could accomplish this?

Hp laptop brightness increasing and decreasing

I bought a new Core i7 HP Pavilion 15-r122ne with Windows 8.1 preinstalled and Nvidia Graphics. I am new to Windows 8. When I am using laptop on battery and I launch different apps or pages the brightness increases and then returning to desktop screen it gets dim again. Please tell me is that software problem or hardware. I am really worried because it is a new laptop.

File's image well displays PNG icon not actual PNG

I would like to replace the standard icon for an Automator application that I created with a PNG. Unfortunately, the resulting icon is the generic PNG icon, not the actual PNG image.


  • downloaded the desired image (512 x 512)

  • verified that the image had a transparent background

  • Opened the file's inspector window (+I):

enter image description here

  • Dragged the PNG to the image well:

enter image description here

The final result:

enter image description here

Is there a way to get the actual icon to be used?

Why does my dock keep moving back to my other monitor?

I have a larger, external monitor connected to my MacBook Pro and have arranged it such that the dock is in the external monitor (via System Preferences > Displays > Arrangement, by dragging the white bar to the larger screen). This works fine, except for the fact that every now and then, the dock will suddenly shift back to my MacBook screen, but when I open up Displays to change this back, the white bar is still on the external monitor. So I have to drag it to the smaller screen, and then drag it back to the external monitor.

It's a minor issue, obviously, but I've noticed that it has been happening more and more frequently and it's getting quite annoying. Perhaps there's something I've been doing unintentionally for this to happen?

I'm using Mavericks, 10.9.5.

Disable power nap when not plugged in

Power nap is a good idea when my laptop is plugged in at night.

However I notice that it also happens when it is not plugged in.

When I wake up in the morning I will immediately notice some emails in which are from 2am. Then after a few more moments it will connect to Wifi then I will get all my emails.

I am not sleep walking. The computer is not plugged in. Is this behavior documented? Can I turn it off?

Disabling/shortening keyboard shortcut animations for volume control

As stated in the question title, I'd like to know if there's a way to disable or shorten the animations that occur when I press keys F10, F11 and F12 to control volume.

I've been searching around for a while in pursuit of an answer, but I haven't found anything that specifically relates to this.

I assume that this would be accomplished using the 'default' command in terminal, but I can't seem to figure out what domain this animation belongs to.

Any suggestions or alternatives are welcome too. Thanks!

Change from iOS Developer Program to Enterprise

I have enroled in iOS Developer Program. I'm creating a simple location app, but it is targeted for our company employes only. Now, I've figured out that I enroled in the wrong program, as it should have been Enterprise. I'm certain that my app will never pass in App Store review.

My question is if there's a migration path, where I could use my already paid $99 to change to the $299 Enterprise account. What will it take for me to do it?


Will it fit (specifix RAM on iMac)?


I have an iMac 27" mid 2010 with Intel i7 2.93Ghz and MacOS 10.9. For now it have 8GB stock 4x2GB RAM but I want install at least 16GB+ RAM.

All official documents and data-sheets (especially Intel's chipset data-sheet) tells me that I can't install more than 16GB RAM with 4x4GB plates. But experience of all other users tell me that I can successfully install up to 32GB RAM with help of 8GB plates. Who is right?

I want to install 2x8GB of this Kingston: KVR1333D3S9/8G with 2x2GB of stock memory and get 20GB in total (smth like this this).

So, will it fit and work?

how to change the carrier name in my iphone 6 without Jailbreak?

how to change the carrier name in my iphone 6 without Jailbreak? Can anybody help me?

Why does autocorrect add an "a" between 2 words that are capitalized?

When I type a sentence that has 2 consecutive words that start with a Capital letter the autocorrect adds the word "a" between the two words. Example, if I type ....He suggested that to Queen Mary...., autocorrect results in....He suggested that to Queen a Mary...

Any suggestions on how to correct autocorrect? Ed

Clear free space in Disk Utility

So I recently removed Windows 7 from my iMac, but Bootcamp didn't let me do it. I used Disk Utility instead. The old Windows 7 partition now shows up as free space. I want to reinstall Windows 7 again on my iMac, how do I set it up? Can I use the free space again? I want to give the Windows partition a bigger size than what the free space currently holds.

Disk Utility screenshot

A Vexing Login Problem with WebDAV

The issue I'm having is that I manage three Mac Mini servers. Two are for work, one is for me. I can log into our main work server and my personal box using WebDAV, however, the second work server rejects my login credentials with "The user name or password was not accepted by the server." errors.

The two work computers are pretty much mirrored in every way possible. The notable exceptions are the network (one is one city, the other a different one). Work server #1 is an Open Directory Master, the other is a replicant. The hardware is slightly different.

Server #1 is running 10.10.1; Server #2 is running 10.10.2. Both are running Server 4.0.3.

If I try to log into both servers through AFP or SSH, there are no problems. It's only when we try to access Server #2 that we're having issues on all accounts (both local and network users).

I believe WebDAV broke during a recent Server update, however, I can't pinpoint when that occurred.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How to Download Torrents on iPad without Jailbreak?

Many ipad users are asking this question, is it possible to download torrents on ipad without jailbreak? if anyone know about the solution on how to download torrents on ipad ?

MacBook Pro does not go into sleep mode after upgrading to Yosemite

I have a MacBook Pro 13″ and after I had upgraded to Yosemite the device does't go in sleep mode when I want it (anything is disconnected from the device). I went to energy power savings to change my settings but still doesn't work.

This is what terminal shows to me with pmset -g assertions command:

2015-01-29 12:02:35 +0100 Assertion status system-wide: BackgroundTask 0 ApplePushServiceTask 0 UserIsActive 1 PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0 PreventSystemSleep 0 ExternalMedia 0 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0 NetworkClientActive 0

Listed by owning process: pid 76(hidd): [0x0000de4e000908e3] 00:17:53 UserIsActive named: "" Timeout will fire in 286 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease No kernel assertions.

Restore libxml2 to Yosemite

Ok, so here is the deal. I was working on two projects at the same time and I mistakenly:

rm -rf /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib

I have another copy of libxml2 thankfully (the other project, homebrew install libxml2). That copy is in /usr/local/opt/libxml/lib. For the life of me I can not get cp /usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /usr/lib to work. It always says:

/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib Read-only Filesystem

Please can anyone help? I have tried cp -S, -R, -F and I can't get it to cp or mv. I just need to write that lib back and I should be good to go. I don't know what I was thinking when I did that. Running Yosemite 10.10.2, Late-2011 mbp. Libxml2 from homebrew is 2.9.2 I think if it makes a difference.

Create custom shortcuts and assign them to F keys

I recently migrated to OS X 10.10 from Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux). In Ubuntu, I could make any key of my keyboard do anything I liked. I used to have the F1, F2, and F3 keys set to function as the red, yellow, and green buttons at the top left of the screen (which are the same as in OS X). This was ridiculously useful, and I want to do this on my Mac, but I don't know how I can.

I've already used Karabiner to map the current functions of the F keys to their Fn + F* equivalent. So instead of lowering the brightness with F1, I can do so with Fn + F1.

I have read that you can add a shortcut by going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources, and then clicking on the + icon. But using Yosemite, my + icon is not there, so I cannot add the "close window", "minimise", and "maximise" shortcuts. Besides, though I can see in the shortcut list that some shortcuts use F keys, I'm not able to assign F keys to any shortcuts myself.

So I would like to:

  1. In particular, make shortcuts to close, maximise, and minimise and window. (In general, create customised shortcuts to do anything a terminal can do.)

  2. Assign this custom shortcut to F keys, overriding F keys' default behaviour to adjust screen brightness, volume, etc.

Empty the camera roll but still consume large storage?

I had no space on my iphone 5 16G ,so i decided to empty My camera roll . I connect the iphone to my pc and delete all my photos exists in (DCIM Folder)except 100 .

When i check the size of (DCIM Folder) After deleting there is about 140 mb however when i check the storage i found about 2.2 Gb !! i try to restart and update it to IOS 8.1.3 but in vain ,the same storage . Are there more hidden photos ?and how to find them ?

enter image description here

MacBook keeps booting into system installation after failed installation

I did try to install Mavericks from the original installer package onto a separate disk via Firewire. The machine used is a MacBook Pro which is newer than the Mavericks package. As usual, after starting the installation from the desktop, the system rebooted to perform the installation after a minute or so. After rebooting it got stuck on a grey screen with a slashed circle on it. I did remember that Apple some when in the past introduced this nice feature to prevent installing an older MacOS on a newer Mac, so I booted into the recovery mode and installed on the external disk from there. So fine, so good - but when I unplugged the external disk to reboot into my normal system again, I ended up on the grey awful screen again - looks like the Mac insists to continue the failed installation which is not possible. Using the option key on booting to select my normal boot partition does not work, it does not show up. So I assume the installer has put something to mark this system as installing. I don't want to reinstall my entire system to get rid of it for several reasons. So now comes the question: What did it put there? I can handle a bash to clean it out manually, if I just knew what and where.

Thanks in advance, Peter

Cannot add gmail account to iOS

I just had a major hack and had to change password.

Apple mail will not accept my new password with Gmail, so I cannot add that mail account.

Using VMware Fusion on Yosemite, how can I prevent crashes with sleep wake failure?

I am using VMware Fusion 7.1.0 on Mac OS 10.10.1 Yosemite. Every evening, I send my iMac to sleep. The next morning the mac usually sits in login mask - so it has rebooted. After login, I get "sleep wake failure".

How can I mitigate this? Are there any known workarounds?

I had this problem before with Mac OS 10.9 and VMware Fusion 6 but found no workaround. It seems, that with one of the updates of 10.9 the problem went away or was way more seldom.