lundi 8 décembre 2014

Revenue for individual apps?

I'm relatively new to the App Store (not new to Objective-C, though) and I'm wondering how easy it is to track how much money each individual app you have in the app store is making.

I have an App in the store already, and I haven't received any sort of income statements yet so I don't know how they're split up, but I have a friend who wishes to work on my next project with me - we want to split the profits 50-50.

Say I have two apps in the app store, is there a way to find out how much each app is making, if they both use the same revenue models (fremium, iAds w/ IAP)?

CD-ing a file to itself

I wrote an application to open a black picture and fullscreen it in preview. If I wanted to share this application, I would like the app, upon running, to "cd" to wherever it may be on another computer, then pull up the picture from with the app's files. How would I do that?

Thanks for your help -- Sam

How to 'linkify' plain text URLs (locally) on the Mac?

I'm copying a slab of plain text into TextEdit that contains URLs, which I am hoping to automatically (as there are a lot of them in the text), 'linkify' into rich text hyperlinks - make them clickable, and underlined in blue or as per the default appearance.

In WordPad on Windows, if you paste plain text, WordPad will automatically linkify any links, but TextEdit, Word 2011, and Pages on the Mac all will not.

I've also tried to export the text to PDF in TextEdit, Word 11 and Pages and fiddled around with Tools in Acrobat Pro itself - all to no avail.

An AppleScript would be fun, but (even if hooked into FastScripts), still not as quick or elegant as Windows' WordPad's instant and automatic linkification of URLs upon insertion into a document.

Is there something this elegant in OS X?

Where is system/library/extensions in OSX 10.10?

so I am now using vmware player to mount the osx now, and since I accidentally installed the svga display driver with the vmware tool one from darwin now I cant change the resolution of it so I need to uninstall the svga. I try to find system/library/extensions so that I can uninstall the svga driver but I cant find it in the library. Where can I find it or it is just hidden in the library folder?

enter image description here

Trying to Partition My Macbook from mid 2009 running osx 10.5.8 to partition 10GB

Ive been trying to partition my hard drive for a very long time and the only time it will work is when i partition a 1 gb section i want a 10 gb section. My total hard drive space is 111.3 GB and i have 57 gb of free space. Can someone help me here?

Blaupunkt 4k LED TV as external monitor for MBP mid 2012 retina issue

I initially connected the MBP 2012 retina 2.7 GHZ to the 4k display it showed me 3840x2160 correctly. But when I was optimising some display settings I changed to 1080p after that I no longer get the 3840x2160 option at all.Yet I could still load into my Windows with the 4k at 30 hz. It would be great to know how can get the 3840x2160 resolution option back.

It would be interesting if anyone could tell me if they have successfully shot upon 4K with 60 hz on mid MCP retina. If so would be great to know how you accomplished it.

Spelling Correction Not Working OSX

I have a problem similar to the user who asked this question:

Can I disable auto-correction of a single word on OS X?

I have tried the suggested methods to try and get OS X to stop replacing 'CDs' with 'Cds' whenever I'm working in Outlook - I have told it to 'learn' the word, added the word CDs to my local dictionary and added it in System Preferences > Keyboard > Text.

I now have the ridiculous situation where 'Cds' is replaced with 'CDs' then corrected back to 'Cds' again as I type.

It is driving me crazy. Help.

Partition problem after HDD to SSD swap

Recently decided to replace my nearly full 500GB HDD with a 1TB SSD to breathe some new life into my mid-2010 Macbook Pro. I used a toaster-style drive cloner (Dyconn Dubbler) to do a sector by sector duplication of the drive. Everything went smoothly but when I booted up from the new drive, I seem to only have around 500 GB of total space, almost all of it full. I fooled around with the partitions a little in disk utility, hoping I could maybe create and delete one, but haven't had any luck. Thought I would be able to drag the partition size but that doesn't seem to be an option. Here is what I see in disk utility with the drive attached/mounted from my other machine:

enter image description here

Feel like I am missing something obvious here, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: forgot to mention, running most recent version of Yosemite

Change OSX encryption filevault password to match login pass

When I first setup my OSX laptop, my filevault and user login password were the same. At bootup, I only had to login once (with my username and password).

I recently changed my OSX password but my filevault / disk encryption password was not changed. Now I have to login twice when I boot up (first with my old pass, then with the new one).

Is there any way to change the disk encryption password so I can be in sync with my login password?

I tried Disk Util > File > Change Password, but it is greyed out.

How to downgrade software using terminal?

New apple user here, I am trying to downgrade matplotlib to 1.3.1 after coming to this potential solution:

I just have no idea how to do that.

iphone 5S not registering info in health app

I have steps and walking & running on. I've restarted. Updated. Tried again and again but it is not functioning.

Gray sceen blocking programms

On my macbook, I got a gray translucent screen that blocks all the programs. Top and bottom menus work fine, I can start and quit programs, but I cant click on anything in the programs. Any ideas what is it and how to fix it?

Yosimite Detects Faulty RAM Module but Apple Hardware Test Does not?

I just bought a used MacPro3,1 on Amazon. The system came with Mac OS X 10.6 but I downloaded Yosimtie and it states that one of the 2GB modules is faulty.

Faulty 2 GB Module as listed in About this Mac

When I installed Yosemite it wiped out diagnostics for Apple Hardware Test (AHT) but this isn't a big deal as it can be downloaded and booted from USB for particular Mac models. When I ran the AHT in extended testing mode (a test that runs for two hours) it states that I don't have any issues:

AHT with "no trouble found" displayed and "Pass Number 1, Total Time Testing: 2 Hours 3 Mins 18 Secs"

Module listed as having EEC Errors

Is it possible to change the colour of the launchpad folders? How?

I'm running Yosemite and the launchpad folders (groupings of apps?) are shown in gray. Is it possible to configure that colour?

Besides, can one empty folder/group be removed/hidden?

Thanks in advance,


Apple Developer DNS Broken :(

I'm trying to create a developer account at, but every time I click "Register", it says the server at couldn't be found. Is this happening to anyone else? How can I get past this?

Spotlight on Mac (Yosemite) does not find my files

I'm currently running Yosemite 10.10.1 on my new Mac laptop. Today, I tried to use Alfred and then Spotlight to find some files on my computer and noticed that no matter what I tried, I could not get either application to find some of my files.

These files absolutely do exist.

I've tried re-indexing through terminal twice, but it has not worked.

Any suggestions?


Is there a way to fix the slow space switching animation in Yosemite?

I'm a developer and use spaces extensively. I have my terminal in one space, my editor in another, etc.

When I use ctrl + arrow key to switch to the left or right the animation is incredibly slow (better than in older versions, but still). This is killing it for me.

Is there a way to turn this animation off or influence its speed?

I know there was a command in Snow Leopard that could do that

defaults write workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES

but it doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know a trick to fix this?



I filled a bug for this with Apple. The Radar number is 19169435. I would encourage you to also file the report at Note in your description that it is a duplicate of the above bug report number to help the support staff categorize and prioritize this bug.

App for collecting (and categorizing) stuff from the web

I've looked high and low and I'm surprised I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for; it seems like such a common task.

I just want an iPhone app to rapidly clip stuff from web pages. My first priority is just to clip images (with source url and/or caption). But being able to do the same with bits of text, links, videos, etc would be nice.

The way I imagine it working is: I navigate on the web. I hold down an image or selection. Some "drop points" appear on the side for me to drag and drop it into. I can have as many drop points as I want and they can have names.

More abstractly: I just want a very gestural/natural way (i.e. doesn't require thinking or tapping) to grab stuff from web pages and put them into folders.

Switch Windows in Pages

So I'm using Pages on my Mac and I once was able to switch the windows (NOT the application, but the windows in Pages) with the shortcut command + < or command + >. Now, they apparently removed this function. In other applications like Safari it does still work. Do you know how I can activate this function again?

Thanks in advance!

How to delete all the music from the iPad I'm planning to sell?

I am selling my iPad as I have a new one. How do I erase all my music so there is nothing in the music app? I've deleted the music but the albums are still there.

Git pre-commit hook that checks for open application

I am using git to manage a project that has a few binary files that need to be closed before being committed. So I need a git hook, that checks to see if the application that has these files open is running.

Here is the script I am using

#!/usr/bin/env osascript

tell application "System Events"
set apps to the name of every process whose background only is false
end tell

if "Some App" is in apps then
error "Some App is running. Can't commit until Some App is quit" number 5
end if

But I am getting this error when I commit or execute the pre-commit. Even when "Some App" is not running.

.git/hooks/pre-commit:50:106: execution error: An error of type -10810 has occurred. (-10810)

Permissions on the file are

-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 toddgeist staff 263 Dec 7 07:33 pre-commit

Can i send an email from with an email using a different domain?

I have had a dummy email (with a non domain name) address created for my website and this email is redirected to my account. This works fine.

But how can i send email from my dummy address? The dummy address is not gmail/hotmail or so on, it is using my website domain name. For far,i have only managed to reply using my account.

Thank you, Aurélie

MacBook Pro "clicking" with low battery: is this normal or a new feature in Yosemite?

Today while working in the train, my laptop started making "click" sounds, even with the volume off. They grew in frequency: first one, then later two, then later three. I noticed with the second and third, that the first click of each sequence seemed to be in sync with a low battery notification - and I did have a low battery, below 10%, and was finishing up some work.

The click sound was a little like the new volume up/down tick sound in Yosemite, which I have turned on. It was also about the same volume as those ticks at 50%. It was quite audible and I think the people sitting next to me noticed. When it repeated (eg, one time it was three clicks in a row) the clicks seemed fairly regular.

Google shows no results for Yosemite audibly warning of a low battery with clicks at all, let along when the laptop is muted. I'm not aware of it as a new feature, and the clicks were not perfectly in sync with the warning - the sound was strange and was a bit worrying.

What is the sound?

I usually work from home with my laptop plugged into the power socket, and haven't worked for a long period of time on battery alone since I upgraded to Yosemite, until today. The laptop is now plugged into a socket and is not making any odd sounds. At the time, I was using a Windows VM in Parallels 9 - so presumably a reasonable amount of power usage.

  • Early 2011 model MBP

  • Yosemite, fully up to date

  • At the time, running Parallels 9 hosting Windows 7

  • Volume was not off for the first click, but was for the next two times the sound reoccured.

Change space with mouse wheel + modifiers

I hate that I have to use both hands on my keyboard to change spaces (one for control, one for arrow keys). A much more practical shortcut would be, for example, control + mouse wheel. However I don't know if it's possible to do so. I'm using 10.10 Yosemite

I'm also open to third-party software


Symbolic links to icns files are ignored?

When is a (valid) symbolic link, it is ignored: Foo is shown with the generic icon - not the one shown by open When I replace the link with a copy:

$ mv Foo.icns Foo1.icns
$ cp Foo1.icns Foo.icns

The icon associated with Foo is correct.

  1. Is this a known bug?

  2. Is there a workaround?

iBooks Highlight Syncing Problem

I highlight and write notes in .epubs on my phone through iBooks.

I have trouble syncing them with iBooks on my mac.

What's the best way to get them to sync up? It seems like a crapshoot where sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Thanks !


Macbook Pro OS X 10.9 Partition problem

So I Bougth MacBook Pro mid 2009 with Mavericks installed (post-leasing) and this is my firs MacBook. Hard Drive was divide in 3 partition - I didnt want that, so I read a little, and using Disk Utylity I deleted two partitions that I dont need - no problems with that. Than, I wanted to resize partition that has left. But Disk Utylity cant do that - there is no problem like poping up worning or sth llike that - Disk Utility is preaparing to partition and it last forever! I left mac working for a all night and nothing has changed :( what should i do?

How to fix fontd process taking up 100% of the CPU?

I experience reoccurring incidents of fontd eating up all the process power. What could be the cause of this and how do I make it behave again?

Macbook wakes up immediately (OHC1)

I have problems with my white unibody MacBook (13-inch, Late 2009, 10.10.1) - it can't go to sleep. I've read dozens of forum threads and could not fix it:

I've disconnected every USB device, disabled Bluetooth and Wi-fi but after about 15 seconds of black screen preparing-to-sleep it turns back on. I see the same lines in console logs:

kernel[0]: Wake reason: OHC1
kernel[0]: The USB device Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Port 6 of Hub at 0x4000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (2)

I suppose there's an issue with keyboard / trackpad but I don't know how to disable wakeup for this events. Waking by opening lid / pressing power button would be great.

I've set TTYSPreventSleep = 0 in with no noticable result.

Here is full Console output:

08.12.14 15:46:47,382 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:47.379098 PM [AirPlay] Power: SystemWillSleep
08.12.14 15:46:47,385 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:47.385143 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopping to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
08.12.14 15:46:47,386 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:47.386069 PM [AirPlay] BTLE discovery removing all devices
08.12.14 15:46:47,396 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:47.396326 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopped to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
08.12.14 15:46:47,443 XPCKeychainSandboxCheck[1157]: Can't get sandbox fs extension for /Library/Sophos Anti-Virus/Sophos.keychain, status=-1 errno=No such file or directory ext=(null)
08.12.14 15:46:47,458 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 6 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,459 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 6 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,465 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 7 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,465 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 7 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,473 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fb8bace1ad0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
08.12.14 15:46:47,473 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fdedb50ba10 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
08.12.14 15:46:47,482 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 8 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,482 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 8 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,483 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 9 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,484 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 9 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,507 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: NC Disabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:47,508 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: NC Disabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:47,539 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: DND Enabled: YES
08.12.14 15:46:47,539 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: DND Enabled: YES
08.12.14 15:46:47,539 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (null))
08.12.14 15:46:47,539 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (null))
08.12.14 15:46:47,574 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 10 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:47,575 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 10 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,538 WindowServer[299]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x7f957b5f3120(2000), shield 0x7f957d828220(2001)
08.12.14 15:46:49,544 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 11 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,545 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 11 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,575 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 12 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,577 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 13 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,577 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 14 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,579 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 12 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,582 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 13 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,583 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 14 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,583 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 15 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,585 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 15 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:49,601 WindowServer[299]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x7f957b5f3120(2000)[0, 0, 1280, 800] shield 0x7f957d828220(2001), dev [1280,800]
08.12.14 15:46:49,730[1]: ( Service "" tried to hijack endpoint "" from owner:
08.12.14 15:46:49,730[1]: ( Service "" tried to hijack endpoint "" from owner:
08.12.14 15:46:50,000 kernel[0]: PM response took 2216 ms (26, powerd)
08.12.14 15:46:50,000 kernel[0]: Failed to get hibernate image filename
08.12.14 15:46:50,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
08.12.14 15:46:50,000 kernel[0]: 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
08.12.14 15:46:50,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][ReceiveInterruptData] -- kIOReturnAborted, data size is 0, but data in buffer -- (data Length = 4, packet length = 6) Data Content:
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: OHC1
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::checkInterfacePowerState: Check _pwrOffThreadCall!
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: The USB device Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Port 6 of Hub at 0x4000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (2)
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: full wake promotion (reason 1) 22 ms
08.12.14 15:46:53,109 watchdogd[375]: [watchdog_daemon] @( pm_callback) - ref=0x0 msg_type=0xe0000320 msg=0x0
08.12.14 15:46:53,000 kernel[0]: 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
08.12.14 15:46:53,547 WindowServer[299]: CGXDisplayDidWakeNotification [1057087667987]: posting kCGSDisplayDidWake
08.12.14 15:46:53,548 WindowServer[299]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: Ordering out authw 0x7f957b5f3120(2000), shield 0x7f957d828220(2001) (lock state: 2)
08.12.14 15:46:53,548 WindowServer[299]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: errs 0x0, 0x0
08.12.14 15:46:53,553 loginwindow[67]: ERROR | -[LWBuiltInScreenLockAuthLion closeAuthAndReset:] | Attempted to remove an observer when not observing
08.12.14 15:46:53,580 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 16 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,605 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 17 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,606 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 16 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,608 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 17 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,620 discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup
08.12.14 15:46:53,645 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 18 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,647 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 18 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,709 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 19 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,715 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 19 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,718 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 20 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,719 Telegram[473]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 20 connectx to failed: Network is unreachable
08.12.14 15:46:53,815 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:53.814777 PM [AirPlay] Power: SystemHasPoweredOn
08.12.14 15:46:53,815 watchdogd[375]: [watchdog_daemon] @( pm_callback) - ref=0x0 msg_type=0xe0000300 msg=0x0
08.12.14 15:46:53,815 coreaudiod[382]: 2014-12-08 03:46:53.814996 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
08.12.14 15:46:53,819 sharingd[386]: 15:46:53.816 : Starting AirDrop server for user 501 on wake
08.12.14 15:46:54,000 kernel[0]: PM response took 219 ms (26, powerd)
08.12.14 15:46:54,133 sharingd[386]: 15:46:54.133 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
08.12.14 15:46:54,251 sharingd[386]: 15:46:54.250 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
08.12.14 15:46:54,332 sharingd[386]: 15:46:54.331 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
08.12.14 15:46:59,143 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fdedb4421b0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
08.12.14 15:46:59,145 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fb8bad86bb0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
08.12.14 15:46:59,161 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: NC Disabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:59,182 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: DND Enabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:59,182 imagent[430]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdedb540140>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
08.12.14 15:46:59,182 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: NC Disabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:59,192 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: DND Enabled: NO
08.12.14 15:46:59,193 identityservicesd[420]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fb8bad6fca0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
08.12.14 15:47:05,202 loginwindow[67]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.

% pmset -g

Active Profiles:
Battery Power -1
AC Power -1*
Currently in use:
womp 0
halfdim 1
sms 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
networkoversleep 0
disksleep 0
sleep 0
hibernatemode 3
ttyskeepawake 0
displaysleep 10
acwake 0
lidwake 1

% pmset -g log

Time stamp Domain Message Duration Delay
========== ====== ======= ======== =====
UUID: F27753E8-65F8-47DB-B204-75FC7E293FD1
2014-12-08 14:43:23 +0200 Notification Display is turned off
2014-12-08 14:43:23 +0200 Assertions PID 72(hidd) Summary UserIsActive "" 00:06:39 id:0x900000452 [System: DeclUser kDisp]
2014-12-08 14:43:24 +0200 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using AC (Charge:64%) 8 secs
2014-12-08 14:43:29 +0200 Wake Requests [*proc=discoveryd request=Maintenance inDelta=6475]
2014-12-08 14:43:29 +0200 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [ is slow(5459 ms)]
2014-12-08 14:43:32 +0200 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(1038 ms)] [powerd is slow(5472 ms)]
2014-12-08 14:43:32 +0200 Notification Display is turned on
2014-12-08 14:43:32 +0200 Wake Wake [CDNVA] due to OHC1/HID Activity: Using AC (Charge:64%)
2014-12-08 14:43:32 +0200 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [en0 driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 1)(441 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(464 ms)] [NVDATesla driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(516 ms)] [PRT0 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(599 ms)]

% ioreg -rn OHC1 says:

I tried to enable forced hibernation to disk with sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 1, it does not help, here is one more console log:

Password on an email address that is no longer valid

I have purchased a new Iphone and want to give my old one to my son. The email address I had on my old phone is no longer valid and therefore I cannot reset my setting so that my son can use it as I don't remember the password I used, unfortunately I used a work email address which I have learnt is not a good idea. Your help would really be appreciated.

Where are the installation directories for homebrew?

Where does homebrew install it's software?

I've installed maven with homebrew and searching for the maven installation directory, so that I can set MAVEN_HOME

How do I disable reminder of Cellar data plan on iPad Air 2?

My iPad Air 2 constantly asks (reminds) me for upgrade to cellular data plan, which is pretty annoying. Does anyone know how to disable this reminder?

I do not want to upgrade to cellular plan.

Thank you in advance.

How to get old Spotlight Search back for Yosemite?

I do not like Yosemite's default Spotlight search. It is in the middle of screen and I can see very little outputs at once. It is so much helpful when it is full screen.

Example of the window which has limited height and central location: enter image description here

How can you change the location be at the top right corner and height of the hits full height?

How to configure the status bar

Does anybody know how to configure the status bar (bar size, icons and font size, and so on)?

I'd like to do it while keeping the screen resolution, of course.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. I've browsed and searched both AskDifferent and the web to little or no avail

loosing charge when use viber on iphone 6

Hi I recently bought * iphone-6 * and Its battery is amazing, but when I use viber It drain my battery . I use iOS 8.1 .I searched everywhere but I couldn't find anything. Please give me a solution to use viber ?

Time machine deletes old backups when still >2 TB of 3 TB are free

I get messages that my Time Machine backup volume is full and TM has deleted older backups. But my backup target disk is an external 3 TB HD and Finder reports that over 2 TB of it are free (only some 820 MB used)!

I am backing up the internal 1 TB SSD (850 GB in use) of my Mac Book Pro Retina to that volume. I have also reformatted the backup volume and started all over with a new Time Machine backup to that fresh and empty target. But the effect reappears after 3 to 4 days.

All my trials to find similar reports on Google failed. It seems that other users have less than 25% free on their backup target when they run into this message. The only similar question I could find was this one but it was not answered.

I am currently running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 and the backup HD is connected through USB 3.

Software Update

How to give software update over cellular data? I've enough data on my SIM. But when go want update my ipad into ios 8 . It requires wifi. I have not router.

iOS8 disable auto-connect wifi

iOS6 used to have the option to disable automatic connection to specific Wifi networks. This is gone in later versions of iOS yet is crucial in urban areas with abundant open web login networks in cafés etc. Has anyone figured out a hack, a third party app or so, to bring back this crucial feature?

(Somebody else has censored this post, removing crucial details needed to avoid flak resulting from misunderstanding / not knowing the 3G signal/wifi issues where I live; see history for them. Manually forgetting a network after each use, or constantly turning wifi on/off, are not solutions!!)

Console log flooded with "VMware Fusion Start Menu ... : assertion failed: ..."

I get tons of messages of this style in my console log:

08.12.14 11:03:41,045 VMware Fusion Start Menu[444]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 40320 [9437C02E-A07B-38C8-91CB-299FAA63083D]: 0x13

The effect started after updating OS X from Mavericks to Yosemite. Updating to Yosemite 10.10.1 did not help.

I have installed VMWare Fusion 6.05 which should be compatible to Yosemite and the effect happens also when Fusion is NOT running.

The problem is hard to investigate as the string appears in many posted logs that discuss other topics.

Some User Accounts Won't Remember Screen Resolution

Okay, so I have a system with multiple user accounts setup, and I have two monitors. The first monitor is fine on its native resolution, but the second is too small, so I've been setting a lower resolution to make it more readable.

The problem is that this change is only being remembered by some of my user accounts; the others continue to switch it back to its native resolution.

I'm assuming the problem is with a preferences file somewhere, but I can't seem to find it; the only path I was able to lookup was ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/<UUID>.plist (where UUID is an identifier for your Mac) but that may have been for an older version of OS X, as I can't find such a file on these user accounts.

Is there a different location for this file under newer OS X versions? Or anything else I can try to make the resolution change stick? Currently I have to switch it again every time an affected user account logs in.

Console log flooded with "discoveryd: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Bad count; corrupt NSEC RDATA"

My console log is flooded with the message

discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Bad count; corrupt NSEC RDATA

They appear in bunches of many identical messages within only a few seconds, separated by short pauses (some seconds to some ten seconds).

I have a feeling that this started with updating Mavericks to Yosemite, but I cannot be sure as I am a fairly new Mac user for about half a year and am only now discovering the depths of the system.

Looking up the problem on Google seems to be extremely difficult as the msg string appears as an occasional side effect in many posted logs that discuss other topics.

My current system is 10.10.1

Help with clash of clans

If I have linked clash of clans to another iPad and want to detele the account to start another one will it affect the village on the other iPad or not

Upgrading from iCloud documents to iCloud drive

I have lots of files stored in iCloud documents at the moment, if I upgrade to iCloud drive, are those files automatically copied across to iCloud drive, or will i lose those documents if i upgrade?

Replacement parts for Macbook Air (13-inch, Early 2008) - broken hinge problem?

I have a "MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2008)" with a broken hinge problem.

I'm presently outside the US and wont be able to go into a Genius Bar anytime soon. Besides, the laptop is far outside the warranty period so it is unlikely that any servicing could be done by Apple.

I'm planning to fix it on my own, but need to understand which replacement parts I need to order. Does anyone have any insights into what I should order?


enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

I had also posted about it a year back at:

Restoring window configuration for monitor setups

I would like to achieve the same effect as is described in this question, which doesn't seem to have a suitable answer.

I develop on a macbook pro. Often I use it on its own, but sometimes I connect it to an external display (of various sizes).

When I connect to an external display, all of my applications move to that display as it is plugged in. I then need to move most of them back on to the smaller (built in) display by hand and resize them to the smaller screen: I generally only have my development environment and terminals running on the larger display.

When I disconnect from the external display, all my Apps move back on to the built in display, but aren't resized.

The behaviour I would like (or a close approximation):

  • When I connect an external display, the OS remembers the window layout from the last time this display was used and restores it.

  • When I disconnect the display, the OS remembers the layout I had in the disconnected state and restores that.

  • When I connect a new display, nothing happens. The OS leaves it to me to move windows on to it that I want to be there.

I note that the OS seems to know connected monitors by name, so it should be possible to have the configuration be specific to the particular monitor that I have plugged in.

If there are no existing Apps that support this, I'd love any leads on the APIs I should be looking at that will let me develop an App to do this.

I'm currently using Mavericks, but I'll probably upgrade to Yosemite fairly soon.


Project file can't be build error you don't have permission to view it

Hello may be this is silly question and may be asked before it but i am not getting proper solution for this. I have downloaded one project from the internet and when i am trying to run it/build it the xcode says :

The file “PROJECT NAME” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it..

Can anybody have idea why this is happen ? Please help me to resolve this issue

Speed up moving mails in Mail with AppleScript

Moving or deleting mails in Mail with AppleScript is dog slow. One of my scripts is:

tell application "Mail" set SelectedMails to selection

repeat with currentMail in SelectedMails
set isRead to get read status of currentMail
if isRead then
move currentMail to mailbox "xxx" of mailbox "yyy"
end if
end repeat

end tell

The speed per mail is longer than a second. Deleting mails is similar in lack of speed. Does anyone have an idea how to speed this up?

unable to add email address to contacts

In my mail or phone contacts I can't add an email address. It allows me to put in 7 letters or numbers and then no more can be added?

Any ideas how to resolve this issue?

Show the Dock with AppleScript?

I would like to show the Dock when all windows are hidden/closed/minimized. Is this something that can be done with AppleScript? Where can I learn more about the specific capabilities of AppleScript?

How to upgrade to Yosemite without AppStore

I just can't add my credit card into Apple Id, I've tried hard, really.

I've manage to find a way how to install xcode, new iTunes and so on, but still not last OS upgrade. I've found information about downloading ISO and performing a clean install, but I don't want to loose my settings and everything.

Is is possible?