jeudi 19 mars 2015

Ipod plays music 10-20 seconds and after stop playing

This problem appeared with first downloading music from computer. Music plays few seconds and stops, and nothing changes. Then I push play this problem appeared again.

How to fix it?

iPod shuffle 4 generation, Windows 8

2009 Mac Mini Wakes Up Immediately After Sleep. What Could be Wrong?

This computer would sleep fine before. Now it wakes up immediately after sleeping, either from a timer, or from the Sleep menu item.

  • Even if all USB ports (except the wireless mouse) are empty

  • Even with a non-wireless mouse

  • Even if Bluetooth and WiFi are off

  • Even if Time Machine is off

  • Even after Apple Hardware Test has shown no problem

  • Even if a B.S.O.D. has not happened during the session (See Black Screen of Semi-Death after Sleep/Fast User Switching )

I've checked the "PleaseSleep" logs and there's nothing there, I've disabled "PleaseSleep".

I've checked "syslog" from a terminal and the machine is woken up by USB7... but I don't have seven USB ports.

In-app purchases of an app downloaded from a different country

A few months ago, I purchased a number of applications from iTunes US using a US-based credit card even though I'm not from the USA; from the PH, actually. (I used AmEx Virtual Pay offered by my local telco provider)

Now, I recently moved to Japan and upon seeing these iTunes cards on the convenience stores, I am really tempted to buy some. (I don't have a JP-based credit card and I cannot, should not, must not use my PH-based CC to do purchases).

Which brings me now to my problem, I want to do some in-app purchases on the apps I purchased on the iTunes US using (possibly) the iTunes card JP. Is this possible? Will changing just the country of my iTunes work? Since I'm thinking that even though the app was downloaded from a different country, after all, I'm still using the same account.

I understand that if I decide to download new paid apps, I could just change my country to Japan and use the iTunes card, but will this work with in-app purchases?

Let me know if my question's unclear. Thanks.

How do I install and run MySQL?

I installed MySQL:


but MySQL certainly isn't on the path when I open a terminal, nor do I see it in applications, as I seem to recall Windows handles MySQL.

Unable to overwrite some file formats via Share Drive

I have some files on a SMB-mounted shared drive. Filesystem is NTFS.

Case 1: PSD (Photoshop file)

I edited the Photoshop file in Photoshop CS5.5 (also tried Photoshop CC), select File > Save. For the first time, it shows:

Write access is not granted

The file is removed from the folder (it's gone!!!). Then I select Save again, Photoshop asks me where to save the file. I select the original folder and the save action is completed successfully. On the 3rd Save, the "Write access" error is prompted again (and the file is gone, again).

enter image description here

Case 2: TXT (Text File)

The file can be saved, edited successfully via TextEdit or Terminal (vi, touch, echo command, etc).

Case 3: PNG

I tried to edit and save the file in Preview. It said, the file is locked, and let me select "Save Anyway" or "Cancel". I select "Save Anyway", it said:

You don't have permission to save the file

enter image description here

enter image description here

What is the cause of the issue? In Terminal with ls -al command, it shows the permission is:


and in the Permission section of the "Get Info" dialog, it said:

You have custom access

p.s. I'm using Yosemite OS X 10.10.2

p.s. A post suggested that it's the bug of SMB protocol; CIFS protocol will solve the issue. I tried, but the same issue persists.

If using SMB, the output of smbutil is as follow:



If using CIFS, the output of smbutil is as follow:



Abort OS X download initiated through App Store?

I started an OS X Yosemite download. I did not want to download it or install it; rather I just wanted it to show up under purchases so I could install it in the future after Apple removes it from the App Store. (After a couple of years, it will be stable enough to use in production).

The Pause button is not available (its greyed out), so I can't pause or stop the download.

How do I abort the download?

enter image description here

Mounted Share Drive showed incorrect Last Opened Date at "Get Info" dialog

I have a shared drive mounted via SMB. The "Get Info" page shows that the Last Opened time is January 1, 1970, which is obviously impossible.

What is the cause of the issue, and is it possible to fix this?

enter image description here

p.s. the Last modified date is also incorrect.

Apps stuck in pending update status?

I used my MacBook Pro and iTunes to download updates for my mobile apps. I then sync'd and the apps were updated. I verified they were updated through the device's Settings app.

However, when I visit App Store on the mobile device, the apps are shown as Pending Updates status even though they are up to date (see image below). I've opened the app several times, and it has not cleared the incorrect status problem. I've rebooted the device several times, and it has not cleared the incorrect status problem.

How do I clear the Pending Updates status?

The MacBook Pro is running OS X 10.8.5 (fully patched). The iPad is running iOS 8.2 (fully patched).

enter image description here

MacBook Pro 2010 all of a sudden slow

So literally out of the blue, my MB Pro is giving me the rainbow for minutes at time for 99% of the things I try to do.

I maxed out the memory to 8GB last year, and that made a huge improvement, but like I said, this afternoon it went from being a really productive machine to acting like a 10-year old computer.

I'm thinking my hard drive is about to die considering I plugged in for a time machine backup and it says 14 hours for a 210GB backup. Is that right?

A solution would be great, but just knowing what could possibly be going on would be a relief as well.

lte bands iphone 5s

I bought an iPhone 5S in Chile, model A1457 knowking that it doesn't have the LTE bands that are needed in Argentina. It was the only model available. Is there any way to add the band/s that are missing in order to use LTE? Via software or a carrier update hack? Thanks.

Options for Replacing 60w Magsafe Power Supply

For the second time in four weeks I've had to re-solder the mag safe cord back on to the power supply. This time, unlike the first, the cord broke on the negative terminal on the circuit board itself. I was able to put a dab of solder back on the terminal to keep the power supply working, but the connection is weak, and I'm not sure how long it's going to last (I repack my charger a few times a day when I'm in school).

To that end, my question is this: would it be possible to solder the proprietary end of the (i.e. the magsafe cord) of the a/c adapter to a generic 60w adapter? I'm no electrician, but it seems as though nearly all 60w power supplies would be more or less equal in the whole scheme of things, but I could be wrong, and I don't want to fry my laptop.

Has anyone tried this?

Thanks in advance

iPhone 6, 128 GB - Unable to Install Update iOS 8.2

I have an iPhone 6 which is NOT Jail Broken. The current version of iOS on the phone is 8.1.3 and yesterday I wanted to update to iOS 8.2 . The download went through without any problem but while installing, it gave the error - "Unable to Install Update An error occurred installing iOS 8.2". Tried installing after switching Off and ON and also tried Hard Reset (Holding Home button and On/off switch). Same error displays every time. Also the Touch Id has stopped working and I find that the Settings - Touch ID & Passcode - iPhone Unlock is OFF. When I try to switch it ON, the system displays the error " Failed Unable to complete Touch ID setup. Please go back and try again".

Is anyone facing this problem? I live in India.

how do I install SIPSAK?

How and where is this installed from on a Mac?

For context, SIPSAK is the SIP Swiss Army Knife:

sipsak is a command line tool which can send simple requests to a SIP server. It can run additional tests on a SIP server which are usefull for admins and developers of SIP enviroments.

I installed Mac Ports, but, apparently, it's not in Mac Ports. Slightly odd, but ok. Surely it's in some sort of Mac repo?

Photos sync from iphotos to iphone

I downloaded all my iPhotos from iPhone to Macbook Pro, and now that I have a new iPhone, I want to download from my iPhotos TO my iPhone. How do I do that? iPhone to iPhotos, no problem, but iPhotos to!!!

How do I create a bootable USB drive that will reinstall OSX Yosemite from a Windows 8 Computer

I deleted a system file on my Mac that made it stop working. When I restart, it just crashes midway and restarts again. If I hold shift to do a safe reboot, it freezes halfway through. When I reboot to the recovery partition, it tells me that OSX wasn't installed properly and asks if I want to reboot again (which doesn't change anything). Luckily I have a bootcamp partition with Windows 8 on it that still works normally, and I was able to copy everything important off of my computer from there. I have seen that I can make a flash drive that can reinstall OSX, but the only instructions I find are on the Apple website. And they all say I need to use a mac to create one, but all I have is the windows partition of my mac.

Should I buy a new 27" Thunderbolt Display or a 27" 2012 iMac?

I'm starting out as a web designer and developer and it's time to invest in a larger second display for my work. I currently have a 2013 Macbook Pro.

Apple haven't updated the Thunderbolt Display since 2011 (and don't appear to be making moves to release an update any time soon). So I feel like I'm essentially buying a 4-years-old product with that option. It's also more expensive than non-Apple displays of similar quality. Unfortunately, I'm a sucker for Apple design and would get a Thunderbolt over any other brand.

For a similar price though I could get a second hand 27" 2012 iMac and use the Target Display mode to essentially use it as a monitor, with the added option to use it as a computer if I neeed to.

Is there any reason I shouldn't get the iMac if it's a similar price?

Keyboard shortcut to jump from SAVE AS to window below?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to do this?



Two Login Screens with different accounts on both

I have a user that was having an issue with his mac where only 1 administrative account was showing up. He'd log in, then have to log out and could see the other two accounts (his personal account and another administrative account).

I checked filevault but his personal account was the only one enabled to use filevault, so I removed the 1st administrative account that was the only one showing up on reboot. After removing the account (and home folder securely) we reboot the mac.

The 1st administrative account is still the only one showing up, but now once we log into this account, instead of showing the desktop, it takes us to another login screen with his personal account and the other administrative account.

What do I need to do to remove the first login screen?

I believe he is using yosemite

On reboot system asking for keychain password for local items

I reinstalled OS X Yosemite, I am now using a new admin password (I also changed my iCloud account password.) Upon setting up iCloud, it reused the iCloud data.

Everything is running fine BUT on each reboot I am asked to enter the "old iCloud password" for all system agents using the "Local Items".

___________ wants to use the "Local Items" keychain. Please enter the keychain password

and it only accepts my old iCloud password, not the new one ...

Cant add or get flash player preference pane

i cant add or get flash player preference pane, i have been trying for days and if someone could just go to their ~/library folder>preferencepanes>drag the flash player .prefpane and put it in a link to download i would be so happy.

List of Questions About FireVault 2

I'm a new Apple user and I would appreciate it so much if you could answer the following questions for me: 1. Does FireVault 2 encrypt temporary files like cache, cookies, and so on? 2. When a an encrypted file is deleted, is the encryption deleted as well? 3. Does FireVault encrypt files in real time or does it run encryption at certain times?

Thank you! Nik

I would like to ask a hypothetical question as it relates to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

I would like to say before I go any further I am not asking for code I am asking for an educated opinion. At the moment I have a fully functioning app which uses a UIWebView to display an HTML document. What I would like to know is would it be possible to use some JavaScript (to preform a search of the text and return results). I am also curious, is the UIWebView that is used in Xcode a cut down ver of Safari? Any help would be great, thanks in advance.

How to remove the Finder menu bar when in fullscreen?

Trying to use an application in fullscreen mode, but if I move the pointer just a little too far when trying to select things at the top of the display the menu bar drops down instead.

Is there a way to disable this, either in per-app settings or from a particular monitor/display?

Using OS X 10.10.x

Force stuborn drive to unmount

I have a single partition disk whose filesystem will not mount properly. I don't care about the data and I would like to try reformatting the disk but I keep getting errors related to a failure unmounting the drive. I have tried the following in both normal and recovery mode:

  • reformatting in the Disk Utility GUI

  • sudo diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk3 GPT JHFS+ New 0b

  • sudo diskutil unmountDisk force /dev/rdisk3

  • sudo fdisk -i -a hfs /dev/rdisk3

  • sudo gpt destroy /dev/rdisk3

All of these attempts have yielded errors either saying that the "drive can not be unmounted" or that the "resource is busy". Is this indicative of a hardware issue in the drive as opposed to just a corrupt file system? Is there anything else I can try?

Switching Between Networks with Landing Pages - Caching Problem

I'm changing between various hotel networks and provider hotspots quite often. With most of these networks I have often serious problems. It takes ages until it finds the "captive" landing page that is used by most of them. Sometimes this only works when I directly try the address I stored last time. Even then, it takes a very long time to load the landing page. After successful login, the connection seems to be fine. I also saw differences between Safari and Chrome in finding the landing page. I never have these problems with direct connections that use a plain WPA2 authorization instead of a landing page. I start to hate those pages.

Sometimes turning WiFi off/on heels, sometimes it doesn't. On IP level, everything seems to be fine. So I assume some routing/cache problem. Could this be some cache issue that could be solved by some kind of flush command?

Iphone 4s charging problem...?

My IPhone 4s recently decided to stop charging for some reason. If I put the charger into my iPhone, it doesn't respond at all, doesn't charge or give any signal its charging. The only thing the charger has effect on is when my iPhone is completely off, it will go on if I put the charger in. So far I didn't find a similar problem so maybe someone knows what's wrong/has had this problem already and maybe have an answer for me?

How to show vi mode in bash?

I'm on Yosemite, using vi mode in bash (set -o vi in .bash_profile) and I want to have the prompt indicate if I'm in edit or command mode. I looked around and found that this feature has been implemented in bash 4.3 (see and can be turned on by setting the variable show-mode-in-prompt to on. I installed bash 4.3 using homebrew following these instructions. Now, when I execute bash --version I see GNU bash, version 4.3.33(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin14.1.0) and brew info readline returns readline: stable 6.3.8 (bottled) so it looks like I'm using the correct versions. However, when I execute set show-mode-in-prompt on or add it to ~/.inputrc based on the readline manual, the prompt still doesn't change based on the vi mode. What am I doing wrong?

How to delete transferred pictures off my iphone?

so i changed my phone from an iphone4 to 5 and the company transferred all my pictures but most of them i donot need and they take up space. Furthermore i can not delete these pictures from my phone as there is no display of an option to do so. How can i fix this? thanks in advance

Implement feature not available in Parental Controls?

I would like to use (or write) a timer that I can setup to use with my kids on Mac OS X (Yosemite). The functionality which I would like, which I haven't found off the shelf is:

  • Set the timer for a period, T (e.g. 20 mins)

  • Print a warning to the screen at T-n (e.g 17 mins)

  • Lock the computer at 20 mins

  • Unlock with administrator access only

I've experimented with pmset schedule but it allows the user to override.

Parental controls as currently implemented don't work for this as we want to split their time into smaller units, and more than one kid uses the same login (and I've read that this feature is buggy under Yosemite)

This timer could be started via the command line or graphically.

Mac Mail - Mountain Lion - How does one remove the name from the sender heading?

Instead of From: listing { "Name" } and showing up on recipients email as such, I would like to only have the email address shoe up so the above would be - { ,xxx@yyyy.zz }.

I have three domains I send and receive from I would like to keep one of them private, without my name showing.

Thanks iciarch

synced photos from iphone

so I synced pictures from my iPhone to my laptop and cannot find them anywhere! also half my contacts went missing when this syncing was done idk why and cant find that either. im a little frustrated please help?! all I was trying to do was sync my itune music and that too didn't go well. thank you in advance.

Backup And Restore iPhone Text Messages

I have an iPhone that I need to wipe because I need to send it to Apple for the Lock Button Replacement Program.

The only issue is I need to restore my iPhone and I don't want to lose my text messages and iMessages. If I backup my iPhone to iTunes will I be able to recover them when I get my iPhone back and still use them with the 'messages' application and not a 'SQL lite' app?

How to add Canon printer that works on Windows machines?

I'm trying to add a Canon MF8050cn to print from OS X Yosemite that works fine from Windows 7 machines. I installed the Canon 8000 driver Mac_MF_Ver1040_00.dmg for Macintosh. I can ping the printer successfully at from my Macintosh. In the Add Printer dialog on the Macintosh, I enter the static IP address of the printer and Internet Printing Protocol and use Canon MF8000 Series, however, when I click Add on the dialog, it gives the error:

Unable to verify the printer on your network.
Unable to connect to '' due to an error.
Would you still like to create the printer?

Choosing Continue gives a printer that when you print to it gets the error Printing - The printer is not responding.

How can I configure this printer for access from my Macintosh?

Talking clock in a different language

I've got my Mac speaking me the time every hour, but I'm currently trying to learn French so I thought it would be a good idea to make it speak the time in French.

However, rather than saying "Il est 11 heures." she says "It's 11 hours." (in a lovely French accent).

Is it possible to make her actually speak French?

How to format Table of Content in Pages 5.2.2

Can somebody help me to format the Table of Content in Pages 5.2.2. Thanks!

Bulk shared GPS waypoint collection with routing

I am setting up a system for several employees (about 8), all armed with iPhones, to go out into rural areas and collect points of interest. We work for an agricultural company so these points will be out in fields, potentially several hundred yards from a public road. We will be collecting somewhere between 500 and 1000 GPS points, each with a name representing the field in which they are located. I want to collect all the GPS points from each of the employees, compile them into a master list, then send that list to any iPhone that needs the points. There are good solutions with which to do this like MotionX GPS, except that I want an employee to get turn-by-turn spoken driving directions from the phone, so they can safely drive to these points. This also means, they need an address to drive to, but they also need the original GPS point in the field so they can navigate dirt roads or field rows manually to get to the originally recorded GPS point.

Apps, specific tasks or system preference panes won't open in mountain lion

I am having a weird case. It started with a POP mailbox that had issue to display the emails. Whatever I tried the mailbox couldn't be restored/rebuilt/imported - the mail app was hanging and had to force quit it. Preferences files removed, I also remove the whole mail folder inside my Library and tried to setup from the beginning a gmail I have, and the behavior was strange, as it didn't auto-found the gmail settings with IMAP as usual.

Then, after clearing caches, repairing permissions, checking for volume structure (no problems found), the whole issues expanded.

Many apps now do not open e.g. Skype and App Store, iTunes... Also most of the system preferences won't load - the app hangs at "Loading Network...". While I can open the users preferences, it won't let me authenticate to unlock the preferences. - it hangs after clicking the button.

What can be wrong? I am looking for possible fixes without resorting to format and restore.

Iphone5S calendar not showing entries over 30 days old

I Phone 5S not showing calendar entries over 30 days old.

stty device baud-rate resets once no longer being used

-late 2013 MBP, with Yosemite While using a USB --> Serial cable(FTDI chipset), I am unable to get a set baud-rate and get it to stick while the device is not being open/wrote/read. For example:

If I execute, "stty -f /dev/cu.xxxxxxxx 19200" while not doing anything software related with it, it will reset the baud back to 9600 instantly after.

However, if I run "cat -u < /dev/cu.xxxxxxxx" and THEN set the baud to 19200 while the cat is running, the baud rate will stick. This is also the case when I write some test code and execute the C system command open("/dev/cu.xxxxxxxx") and freeze the program.

Under the old BSD roots, this seems to be standard behavior. When I attempt this on a Debian box, the baud-rate sticks. This hints to me that it's system dependent, but is there a way to get the baud-rate to be the default/stick forever?

Apple Macbook Moving Desktop Files, Folders, Icons

When I go to organize my desktop by moving multiple Files, Folders, or Icons at the same time it groups them all together. How to I prevent it from doing this?

Thank you.

(System - Macbook Pro OS 10.9.5)

enter image description here enter image description here

How does boss revolution provide both IAP and Credit card options

Apple guidelines specifically mention voip minutes as consumable content type. So In app purchase option has to be implemented. But they are also able to implement credit card option(see: how is that possible? Does apple just need IAP as one of the options or should it be the only option?

Creating New Administrator Acount

So I am following the following post so I can create a new administrator account:

I enter the command rm /db/.AppleSetupDone

And the computer prompts me with the following: override -w---r-- /root/wheel /var/db/.AppleSetupDone? (It says something like that) I type in: yes and then it says “read only file system” after I reboot nothing happens, I don’t have to create a new account or do anything like that. I suspect it is because the file system is “read-only” is there anyway around that?

Problems when my mac start

Just a little time, my mac has some problems when start. a prohibition logo appear and it's so slow until the system run... My mac run on yosemite 10.10.2

How to set static IP details for WiFi using Apple Configurator?

I am using Apple Configurator 1.7.1 (550) on 10.10.2 (Yosemite).

Is it possible to prepare a device and assign the static IP address for a WiFi?

I am able to successfully prepare and supervise the iPad, but since we use static IP addresses for each device, I am having enter these details in manually every time I have maintain and add some update to the device.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Command-F (search) in Finder

As shown in the screenshot when I do a command-F (Find files ?) all of the files in the directory just do not show anymore (there are hundreds of files in the /shared directory)

So what is going on with the command-F.

BEFORE command-F

enter image description here

AFTER command-F (nothing??)

enter image description here

Restore whole system on 10.10 with time machine


i realized that I somehow destroyed some very important files on my computer. I am working with QGIS and I deleted in my pythons system native folder some egg's and so forth which led to the inconvenient outcome that my QGis is not working anymore...

Luckily, I have a backup from yesterday night.

My question: Can I restore my whole system from that backup? Basically, I want a clean set up with 10.10 and then, all my installed C++ compilers, libraries for Python, plug ins and so forth back on it again.. Is that possible? If so, how?