A few days ago I was charging my phone in my car and it stopped charging, and I noticed that the cord had a little hole and smoke was coming out of there. I was buying some food from a local shop, and the guy working there knew me and said he had tons of cords, so he gave me one that he had at the store. After I started using this one, my battery has been going crazy. If I charge it to full power, I would wake up and find it under 10%. And if I charge it and use it during the day, it would drain very quickly. I thought the problem was because of the cord he gave me so I went to Best Buy to buy an Apple one and the guy there said that that was a long shot, and it's probably something else. I did use my uncle's iPad cord and the same problem is still there. I have no clue what happened. This battery thing literally happened overnight, it wasn't gradual and it's never been this bad. Can anyone help? P.S. I have iOS 8.1.2 (not the latest one due to lacking storage)
samedi 17 janvier 2015
MacBook Pro does 3 beeps at startup once in a while, AHT finds nothing
My brother's early 2011 MacBook Pro intermittently refuses to boot: instead of doing the normal boot chime and the grey screen, it produces three short beeps every five seconds without the screen turning on at all, until the power button is held long enough to shut it down. This is consistent with the symptoms of failing RAM.
Also, at least on two occasions, the computer had a kernel panic and failed to reboot with the symptoms described above. The two panic logs point to kernel memory corruption:
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8027d7a52d): "a freed zone element has been modified in zone kalloc.8192: expected 0xc0ffe143edc4efc but found 0xc0ffee143edc4ef8, bits changed 0x4, at offset 8184 of 8192 in element 0xffffff803efa4000, cookies 0x3f00119400778efc 0x53521669530c441"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:496
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8027805990): "Possible memory corruption: pmap_pv_remove(0xffffff80339494e0, 0x7fff79'91000, 0x118bb, 0x80000000118bb024, 0xfffffff80c092bb34, 0xfffffe94b95cec88): pv not on hash, head: 0xffffff80339493a8, 0x7ff79d91000"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/osfmk/i386/pmap_internal.h:841
However, the Apple Hardware Test software, downloaded from Apple by starting the Mac with ⌥D, fails to find any issue, even with extended tests on. My brother dropped his Mac at the AppleStore, they kept it for 48 hours, and were not able to reproduce the problem. The OS was also reinstalled from scratch at some point.
I've seen it happen myself, but short of recording it and showing it to the Apple guys as a proof that something's wrong, I'm not sure what to do. Are there any further troubleshooting step that I could take?
As far as I know, the RAM is original. I don't have replacement RAM available myself to try.
How can I keep the same desktop arrangement on two different multi-monitor setups?
My machine is a late 2012 rMBP which happily powers two displays at home and two different displays at my office in what is essentially the same arrangement. My laptop is on the right with the two additional displays to the left. I consistently plug the same monitors into the same ports.
The problem that I always have is the desktops appear on different monitors depending on my location. Example:
At home, I open Google Chrome and put it in full screen mode on my leftmost display. I open iTerm and put it in full screen on my middle display. I open Mail and put it in full screen mode on my laptop display.
Now I disconnect the monitors and go to the office. I plug in my office monitors to the same ports in the same order, and Mail is on my leftmost display while the Chrome browser appears on my laptop monitor. What the heck? So I go to expose mode or whatever its called and switch them around. No big deal, right?
Well, in reality I have about 5x that many programs open at any given time and I always want them to appear on the same displays. I never want Chrome on the tiny laptop display and I never want Mail on the enormous leftmost display. After two years of dragging windows back and forth twice a day it has become the most infuriating thing in my life! (pretty good life, no doubt)
Is there any way to save the desktop arrangements so that they consistently display on the desired monitor? Ideally, any monitor plugged into the same display port would display a specific desktop.
How do I repair an encrypted sparse disk image from the command line?
I have tried:
hdiutil repairVolume my.dmg.sparseimage
But I get the error:
Ownership of the affected disk is required
The sparseimage I am trying to repair is owned by me, and I have R/W privileges. What is going on? How do I repair the image?
(By the way, I am trying to repair because the automatic verify on mount fails to mount read-write, saying there is a problem it can't repair, so I want to try it manually before I mount the disk.)
How do I resize an ex-CoreStorage volume?
I've got a Macbook Pro Retina (with the PCIe drive ‘blade’, instead of a traditional 2.5" laptop drive). I've recently upgraded the internal drive from 500GB to 1TB, and dd
'd the old drive over the new one to retain my partition setup and Bootcamp partition.
Unfortunately, this didn't go well: for whatever reason, OS X wouldn't recognize, once I'd booted up on the new 1TB drive, that there was 500GB of new space available. It was showing up in Disk Utility as greyed-out space.
To aid in debugging this, I wiped out the Bootcamp partition entirely (I have backups. I intend to restore that later, once I've got the drive fixed up from within OS X.); and eventually, after getting fed up trying to get diskutil cs resizeStack
to work, I diskutil cs revert
'ed the boot volume entirely.
Now I have this situation:
> diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Fannie's HD 499.4 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3
> diskutil cs list
No CoreStorage logical volume groups found
> diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 limits
For device disk0s2 Fannie's HD:
Current size: 499.4 GB (499418034176 Bytes)
Minimum size: 330.0 GB (329959456768 Bytes)
Maximum size: 499.4 GB (499418034176 Bytes)
After trying to drag the single partition in Disk Utility from 500GB up to 1TB, and then clicking ‘apply’, the process appears to proceed, and complete; but as soon as the completion message appears in the bottom-right, the partition map reverts to what you see in the screenshot. It never succeeds in re-sizing to 1TB. (Here's the verbose log.)
(Attempting to do the same from the recovery partition's Disk Utility gives an ‘Error: could not unmount disk.)
At this point, all I want in the world, is to re-size the single partition on my drive from 500GB to fill the available 1TB of space. Once I succeed with this, I'll be able to convert it to a CoreStorage volume, encrypt it, partition for Bootcamp and such.
Please help!
Edit: Other posts I've read through: Christian's, and Chrisii's summary of undocumented CoreStorage commands
How to fix Spotlight size bug
How do I fix the bug in Spotlight where it doesn't display correctly in some resolutions? I'm using a smaller resolution and it's appearing wrong. (Specifically, mine is: Macbook Air 11-inch at 1152 x 648.)
bug screenshot
expected screenshot
How to type a circumflex for programming
maybe this is a silly question but im trying to type
self.router[@"say/hello"] = ^ { NSLog(@"Hello World!"); };
and i cant type this character ^
I tried with:
- option + i = ˆ
- shift + 6 = ˆ
please help i'm a bit bored o copy and paste every time.
Disable read receipts on kik without jailbreak?
How do I read messages on kik without sending the read receipt? Is it possible to do this by turning off internet connection while in the list of conversations and then clicking on one? If there is a method that does not require jailbreaking, will it allow me to view multi-media messages as well?
How do I signin to LibreOffice
I decided to install LibreOffice on my Mac (following a recent answer on this site).
I wanted to ask a question about LibreOffice, so tried to ask on http://ift.tt/1BLA3HX
Apparently I need to sign in to do so, so I tried, but there seems no way except through some other site. I selected Google, and was warned that "OpenID2 for Google accounts is going away on April 20, 2015".
I was not entirely happy with this, as most of the articles I have read suggest this is a bad security.
Is there any way to signin?
PS I am aware this question is probably off-topic, but would appreciate any advice.
iBooks: Group PDF files by folder, not collection
I am using a lot iBooks, on OS X Yosemite, to save and sort my PDF files and to benefit from a nice library rather than using the raw filesystem. Recently I have discovered an awesome feature that seems to group books by folder in a iOS 6 style. So far I use the collection to group my PDFs and books but if possible I'd like to be able to combine it with folders. Here is a picture to show what I am talking about.
What's the best way in terminal to move a file from deep in one directory to deep into another?
E.g. /desktop/a/b/c/file.txt and I want to move the text file to /desktop/x/y/z/
Thanks for any help!
Tab and WebView problem
It will become clear as you read that I have very little experience programming please excuse me for an elementary question. I have on the storyboard the template for a tab based app. which has two view controllers both of which have a web view on them and both seem to be working fine. As I needed a third tab I dragged a view controller onto the storyboard and linked it to the tab bar controller, I also created a "thirdViewContoller.swift" file which was copied from one of the other two which was in the template. Ran the app and everything works fine. I now drag a UiWebView onto the third view controller and unlike the other two when I try to control drag the webView to the code it will not link up. What am I missing. Many thanks for any help.
Find my garbage question
While attempting to track someone using the "Make a somewhat reasonable attempt to find my iphone" feature, the screen is showing that phone as offline. So, I go reading all of the worthless information I can find about "offline". Not a problem to find worthless explanations and help. So, I'm sitting there reading about why this phone is offline, and I get a call from that phone. The call is fine, no problems, yet it still shows as offline. Obviously it was connected to the network. Obviously, it was turned on. WTF? Of course, it is showing my phone as being about 2 miles from where it is.
Problem? Or is just part of the Apple "experience"?
Appl...where everybody gets "Jobbed"
Using keyboard text shortcuts in word
I created some text "shortcuts" (well..not very short) in Keyboard. For example, when I type \alpha
I get α
, and if I type \sigma
I get σ
. While this works in almost everything on my computer, it doesn't work in Microsoft Office (e.g., Word and PowerPoint). I wonder if there is a way to make these shortcuts also work in MS Office. Thanks!
Modify plist.info so program uses different icon based on command line arguments
I have an application, Firefox, I launch it with different command line arguments:
-P "dev profile" -no-remote
-P "ext testing" -no-remote
-P "Main" -no-remote
I would like to tell the plist.info file to use a different icon based on the the different command line arguments, is this possible? It gets confusing have the same icon 3 times when all profiles are open.
Stuck on scrolling left
I have Mavericks installed as a VM guest.
Whenever I open a windows that has a horizintal scrolling bar, it is scrolled all the way to the left. When I hold the scroll bar and drag it to the right, it comes back to the left immediately as I let the mouse button go.
I found no one having this particular problem.
icloud photo strean not updating
I'm using the latest version of icloud on windows 8.1 and the photo stream is not updating. What should I do? I've tried sign out and reinstall it and it's still not updating.
How to have character accent menu _and_ key repeat
So it seems you have an either/or choice for the character accent menu or normal press-and-hold for key repeat behaviour.
Surely it's possible to have press and hold bring up the Character Picker accent menu, then - after a set delay - start repeating? Is there any way to enable this behaviour?
Apple server 4.0.3 Yosemite DNS
I have Mac Mini server>Airport Extreme>Providers Modem. What should I be using as dns forwarding ip's in the server app, server system preferences, Airport extreme and modem for the best possible results? Thanks
Applescript: terminal unrar command
I would like to know if it's possible to make an applescript of the following terminal command(s).
unrar e -r -o- .rar && find ./ -name “.r*” -delete
Also, I would like to know if it's possible to tweak the "unrar e -r -o- *.rar" command.
Following situation:
Main_folder\SubfolderA Main_folder\SubfolderB Main_folder\SubfolderC
when I login in to terminal and use the command => unrar e -r -o- *.rar
Everything from SubfolderA / SubfolderB & SubfolderC will be extracted in Main_folder
Now my question is: Is there a command that will extract the "*.rar" in the same subfolder as where they are stored.
=> for now I have
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Terminal"
do script with command "cd /Volumes/******_storage/******* && unrar e -r -o- .rar && find ./ -name “.r*” -delete"
end tell
This works fine except that subfolders are still extracted in /******** instead of their own folder and that my files ain't deleted.
Accessing the secure gobal desktop from OS mac - getting erroe “Failed to install SGD client”
I am having an issue since i have upgraded to OS Yosemite.
I used to previously remotely access my works Windows system from my Mac (OS maverick). I had installed xquartz and java and was using firefox as my browser.
Since i upgraded to OS yosemite with both JAVA and xquartz installed i can access the secure global desktop site and can also enter my log in details.
The screen then moves to "loading" and then freezes with a final message that states "Failed to install SGD client".
Any ideas as to what i am doing wrong...never got that message with OS Mavericks.
Time Machine and email
How do you restore emails from a time machine backup? I am uncertain of how to use time machine back up to restore emails from my google folders.
Unable to browse Image folders through Whatsapp
On opening whatsapp, if I want to send any photos via option 'Choose Existing Photo' to any of my contacts, the only thing I can browse is 'Camera Roll' and 'Favorites'. Apart from these two I have many folders in my iphone.
Can someone help me how can I let whatsapp see the rest of the folders? Is there any setting I need to change?
Any help much appreciated. It's becoming very painful to share photos and the only method right now is via copy and paste individually.
Finder does not sort correctly in mavericks
I have both 'sort by' and 'arrange by' sorted as last opened and still finder is not showing the files and folders correctly.
e.g., I have some documents made in 2014 but finder shows those documents as if they were made in 2013. Even 'last opened' shows them in 2013! I am pretty sure that the dates are correct because those documents are from my bank and they didn't exists at all in 2013.
When I put or open a file at a certain date in a sub-folder, why is the date last opened of the 'master-folder' not affected?
Can't get on net via safari or Firefox on my MacBook pro running mountain lion
I just moved to new state and just had my net service turned on. Now while I can get on with my I phone 6, I can't get on the net with my MacBook pro. I clicked on the icon of signal strength at the top of my screen and opened network preferences and showed that the wi fi is connected but I can't get on with thunderbird or safari or firefox
MacBook Pro Retina 15 Early 2013 - Lagging
I am currently using a MacBook Pro Retina 15" (Early 2013). It has been working like a charm for the last 1 and a half years but now I am seeing that the computer is slowing down when I used it for more than 2 hours.
Are there any Terminal commands I can use to free RAM usage or to not overcharge it?
I have a lot of "Google Chrome Helper" processes opened and I don't know where they come from.
I think this problem is related with the RAM usage.
Applescript not returning string
I have a list called num. I have converted it into a string. I want to return that string so that the next action called "New text file" in my automator workflow can get the string. This is my code -
on run {input, parameters}
set num to {1,2}
set f to ""
repeat with x in num
set f to f & x & "\n"
end repeat
return f
end run
It doesn't return anything.
EDIT: As some of you have asked. I am going to elaborate on the question. My automator workflow, takes some parts of some text in an email, it retrieves all the phone numbers in the group which is specified in the text of the email, and stores them in a text file.
the variable 'cat' has the list of contact groups
This is the full code:
on run
set cat to value of variable "cat" of front workflow (*I have already defined the variable elsewhere in the workflow*)
set num to {}
set f to ""
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with i in cat
set inGroup to group i
set phoneProps to value of phones of inGroup's people
set end of num to first item of first item of phoneProps
end repeat
end tell
repeat with x in num
set f to f & x & "\n"
end repeat
return f
end run
This code is supposed to be followed by a 'new text file' action which should take the output of the previous action ('run applescript') as input. That doesn't happen as for some reason, applescript refuses to return the value even when I am getting the desired value when using 'display dialog'.
Time Capsule DHCP and OS X Server
Good morning!
I have a PowerMac G5 with OS X Server 10.5.8 and a current-generation Time Capsule. I'm trying to make the G5 the internet-facing link in the network as it runs all the services I would run remotely. I want to bridge the Time Capsule to the G5 so that I can do that.
Here's the problem: I turned DHCP and NAT. I set the subnet to 10.0.0.x over Ethernet 2 (my LAN). I went into AirPort Utility on my iPad (the G5's is too old for my Time Capsule) and set it to bridge mode. But when I connect any devices to the Time Capsule, they get self-assigned values.
Could you please help me out and walk me through configuring this? Thanks!
iPhone 4 would not turn on
I got an IPhone 4 yesterday and it would only turn on when it's plugged and I bought it new, and it would turn off when I remove from the plug. Please help!
Upgrade from Snow Leopard
Can I upgrade on my MAC from Snow Leopard to Maverick or do I have to upgrade to Mountain Lion/Lion first? Also, which OS has less problems Mountain Lion or Maverick?
Safari opens bookmarks on search
I'm running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 on my Late-2013 MacBook Pro. A couple of days ago my Safari (8.0.2) started behaving a little weird when searching. This became really annoying and I have no idea how to fix it.
Whenever I search using my address bar and confirm it by pressing Enter
, the bookmarks list opens on top of my search result. I then have to click somewhere in order to close the list. This only happens when searching, not when typing any url's in there.
I don't think this could be a desired behavior for anyone and I have looked at my preferences, but couldn't find any settings related to it.
I hope you can help me to disable it.
Snow Leopard Server or OS X Server on an older Mac Mini for small business?
My wife and I both work from home and for a while now I've been wanting to set up a server on which (amongst other things) we can host our websites, mail, centrally store files and access remotely (via laptop and iPad) when we are dealing with clients elsewhere around town.
I've acquired a 2010 Mac Mini with the original OSX10.6 (Snow Leopard) install disk. Both my wife and I are using 10.6 on our laptops already, so we are very familiar with it.
So to set the Mac Mini up as a server, should I find a copy of Snow Leopard Server, or is it possible (or perhaps better) to install OS X Server on the existing Snow Leopard already installed on the Mac Mini?
How can I use wifi only for handoff?
Ok OSX wizards...
I have a dilemma. In order to use handoff/continuity at work I need to connect my Mac and iPad/iPhone to the same wifi network. Moreover, I also need to be connected to the separate office ethernet LAN to get my job done.
We keep the networks separate for security purposes. I don't want to make my mac the way the wifi network can be used to gain access to the internal ethernet network.
It works when I'm connected to both. But all my Mac's remote services are exposed on the wifi network. No good docs on advanced firewall config. I have no idea how the built-in firewalling interacts with PF. Do I even want to go digging in the depths of PF? Can this be done securely without massive headache? Is there a better way?
Ethernet driver DPC reinit messages from Yosemite kernel
I have one Mac (10.10.1 BuildVersion 14B25) that is experiencing periods of sluggish wireless networking.
I am seeing system.log messages around these times of the following sort:
Jan 16 08:02:50 mac kernel[0]: ARPT: 139243.965792: wl0: 802.11 driver DPC, reinit reason[5], count[13]
Jan 16 08:22:08 mac kernel[0]: ARPT: 140402.354334: wl0: 802.11 driver reinitializing, total count of reinit's[196], @'wlc_dpc':466
The count[xx] are clearly counting up each time the message is logged but the rest of the meaning escapes me. I'm not seeing anything odd or different on other Mac that are close by and Wireless Diagnostics shows nothing amiss.
Are these Airport driver DPC reinit reasons (5 in this case) documented anywhere so I can know what I might need to address or change on that Mac?
Accidently deleted some small sized partitions when installing WIndows(Bootcamp). OSX Partition wont boot
I tried to install Windows 8 into my Mac via Bootcamp. I booted into the Windows 8 Installer and had issues formatting the drive that I partitioned for the OS.
Like an idiot, I deleted all of the partitions on my hard drive, except my main OSX partition. I believe the partitions I deleted were 600MB, 3MB, 1GB(Not sure if they were this large). But im certain I deleted one that was 600MB.
After exiting out of the Windows installer, I booted up my Mac again only see the Windows partition as an option. When I go into recovery mode, I see the partition still there, but I cant really interact with it. Does anyone know what I need to do to make my OSX partition bootable again? I went into DU(Recovery Mode) and tried mounting through DU but nothing happens.
The image shows my "diskutil list" output. My OSX partition is disk0s1. I am stuck and don’t want to lose my data/am trying to boot into my machine again.
iMac can not see wifi home connection but it finds others
I have an iMac whose wifi connection has always worked very well. Now that I moved in a shared house with a shared wifi internet, the iMac is not able to see our own wifi network, but it is able to see other wifi networks in the vicinity.
I have another laptop with ubuntu installed, and that is able to see the network and to connect, from the same room where the iMac is.
I have tried to make a new connection with the name and password of the network (which I know for sure because they are the same used on the ubuntu connection) but it does not appear in the network list.
I have tried to read more on the internet, but all the thread are related to connections which can not be accessed, while in my case the iMac can not even see the network.
Any advice? I do not knwo what kind of details are needed to define this case, but I will be happy to furnish any necessary data.
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error 10810 in iTerm2 running tmux on Yosemite
[~%]open ~/Pictures/upload.png
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Users/bryanhunt/Pictures/upload.png.
Before this update I used to be able to open images, PDFs, etc. from the command line.
Now I have to open the directory, and click on the file to open it, which is a waste of my finger strength.
Anyone know how to make it work again?
Automator: Get current path of automator app
I am trying to create an Automator application which I will be distributing to other users on the network. The automator app will be accompanied by a ZIP file and a PKG installer file.
I need to run the PKG installer file the automator app. For this I'm trying to use the Run Shell Script using the following command:
open gdata.pkg
The problem I'm having is that Automator cannot find this file. I think it doesn't pick up the current path. I tried changing it to following ways:
Experiment #1
cd $@; open gdata.pkg
Experiment #2
open ./gdata.pkg
Both didn't work for me. Automator keeps giving error that it couldn't run the script. How do I accomplish this here? Can anyone help.
My next step after this would be to decompress the accompanied ZIP file onto a new folder on user's desktop.
Regards F.Azhar
Install and open KeePass on Mac OS X
How to install and open KeePass on Mac OS X form the User Interface and not just open a terminal and type commands?
Transferring iPhone Voice Memos
Is there a way of transferring iPhone voice memos to a Windows computer without linking it to the computer by iTunes or sending them via mail? Thank you.