How do I stop the icloud pop-ups on my computer? I don't want to register. I don't want to use it. Sick and tired of these now on my computer as well.
dimanche 22 mars 2015
Compile VLC-android on Mac os
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating doc/doxygen.cfg
config.status: creating misc/dvdread.pc
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
cd dvdread && /Applications/ install
CC src/bitreader.lo
CC src/dvd_input.lo
CC src/dvd_reader.lo
CC src/dvd_udf.lo
libtool: Version mismatch error. This is libtool 2.4.3, but the
libtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from libtool 2.4.
libtool: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.4.3
libtool: and run autoconf again.
libtool: Version mismatch error. This is libtool 2.4.3, but the
libtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from libtool 2.4.6.
libtool: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.4.3
libtool: and run autoconf again.
libtool: Version mismatch error. This is libtool 2.4.3, but the
libtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from libtool 2.4.6.
libtool: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.4.3
libtool: and run autoconf again.
make[1]: *** [src/dvd_udf.lo] Error 63
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [src/dvd_reader.lo] Error 63
make[1]: *** [src/bitreader.lo] Error 63
I compiel VLC-ANDROID on mac os ,but i meet some problem;acturely ,i have installed libtool2.4.6 by using brew;later ,i found that mac os have install libtool2.4.3,what i installed ,libtool2.4.6, has a new name glibtool;i don't know how to deal it!
How do I open Pymol once I have installed it via Homebrew on Yosemite?
I have recently installed pymol using homebrew, but now I cannot figure out how to launch it. I have looked in the cellar where there is a pymol folder, but there is nothing that launches pymol. Help!!
How to completely remove Fuse for OSX, MacFUSE, NTFS-3G
I want to switch to Tuxera NTFS for better support. But don't know how to uninstall all these apps before completely switching to Tuxera.
I also install fuse_wait.pkg but I am not sure how to unistall .pkg file.
I followed this video: for NTFS-3G installation in yosemite.
Spotlight icon missing on Yosemite
The Spotlight icon isn't showing up in the upper right; even if I try to launch it manually from core services, nothing happens. I'm running Yosemite.
How can I get the icon back?
Increase wireless handoff frequency
I understand which Apple devices support wireless AP handoffs, though when roaming around our office with my Macbook Pro it usually takes my mac about 5 minutes to actually assess which access point may be more optimal and to trigger a handoff.
Is there a way to increase the frequency of handoff scans, or simply decrease the time it takes for the system to detect there is a better access point?
How to change display name on the iCloud email?
My email is an iCloud email that ends in and my display name is incorrect.
I look at my apple ID account name and it is correct. I look at my iCloud account and my name is correct.
But when I send emails it says an incorrect name.
Where can I change that?
Index of UIButton in Collection using Swift
I have Swift code that looks like what's below. I have a collection of four buttons that I've put into an IBOutlet Collection. Those four buttons also link to a @IBAction. When I press a button I am able to see the title of the button that was pressed, but I also want to know the index for that button that was press, so that I can disable that particular button.
How can I find the index of the button that was pressed.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var answerButtons: [UIButton]!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
@IBAction func pressedButton(sender: UIButton) {
let buttonTitle = sender.titleForState(UIControlState.Normal)
println("Pressed Button \(buttonTitle)")
func listbuttons() {
for button in answerButtons {
let buttonTitle = button.titleForState(UIControlState.Normal)
println("Button Title: \(buttonTitle) at Index: \(button)")
Control center bug on iPhone
I have an iPhone 6 Plus.
There is a fairly recurring display bug concerning the AirDrop/AirPlay area in control center. Sometimes it appears squished, so that only a few pixels of it is visible. Whatever is there can still be tapped.
Is this a known bug? How can this be fixed?
Full wifi/ethernet signal but no internet. macbook pro
I'm really hoping someone here can help me, as I'm getting pretty frustrated with my macbook now.
I have a late 2011 model 15" macbook pro running OSX 10.9.5 that refuses to connect to Internet on my home network. I have the same problem whether it's WiFi or through ethernet cable, I have full signal but not getting online. Every other device connects fine; android phones and tablets,xbox one, iPhone and other macbooks, all online and browsing the net.
I have had no problems connecting to other networks with my macbook pro before and I just tried at a friend's house to check, with no problems.
A little something, that may be a clue to someone: when I open network diagnostic tool, my macbook pro connects for something that seems like a microsecond and it tells me I'm connected to Internet and everything seems fine.
My IP is subnet mask and IPv6 is set to automatic. None of the options are checked under the proxies tab.
Now I've tried the following, in different order and a number of times, to no avail:
- Renewing/turning off&on/inputting manually DHCP.
- Restarting/resetting the router and the macbook.
- Turning WiFi on/off.
- Remove & add services (WiFi & ethernet).
- Checked and copied all network settings from another macbook pro that's connected and online on my network.
- Ran network diagnostic and assistant tools
- Duplicated/removed/added location
- Removed the ~Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration folder.
- Removed network password from keychain.
I've tried other things too, but can't remember what else right now.
I'm praying that someone out there has the magic words or the 2-click solution for me, but I would be grateful for a long thorough guidelines to solve it too! <3
Regards Trond
Imported CD into iTunes not showing up on match devices
I have imported a CD into my iTunes library on my iMac. The import worked fine and all songs and art show up in the iTunes library on my iMac. However, on my iPhone 5s and iPad 4 using music match, the new album does not show up.
On the iPad, I tried turning off match and turning it back on, but no different result.
I did a full sync and backup with my iMac with no different result. I also updated IOS, no difference.
I logged off iTunes and logged back on, but no different result.
Is there a way to check to ensure the imported CD is being synced with my online (match) account?
Any other advice?
How can I sleep my iMac's internal display when it's not in use, but not my attached tv (playing video)
I've got a 2015 iMac running Yosemite, attached via HDMI to a 1080p TV, in extended desktop mode that I use simultaneously as a video server/media player and an occasional work machine.
In short, I'd like to sleep the internal display but not the external on demand.
More detail: I'd like to be able to run a video player (Plex) in full screen mode on the TV (Screen 2), but set the internal display (Screen 1) to automatically sleep if I'm not doing anything else on the computer but playing video on Screen 2.
Apps like Plex have an option to blank the other screen, but that doesn't work here, as I'd like to be able to use Screen 1 some of the time. I used to make this work on my old Mac Pro by simply turning the computer monitor off but leaving the TV on, but that's not an option with the iMac.
Something akin to an off switch (or hotkey) for the the internal display (that doesn't disable the desktop) would be perfect, as I often remotely control Screen 1 from another computer while video is playing on Screen 2.
Have tried SwitchResX, which is great, but it doesn't seem to have the right combination of settings/features to meet my goals (or I've failed to figure them out).
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
VirtualBox 4.3.26 on OSX 10.10.2 Fails to install
I am trying to install VirtualBox on my iMac and it keeps failing right at the end of the installation process. The end of the log file shows
Mar 23 07:59:22 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Using trashcan path /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/PKInstallSandboxTrash/49EB706E-4F98-4A99-B7CB-D1EEB9834CFD.sandboxTrash for sandbox /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/49EB706E-4F98-4A99-B7CB-D1EEB9834CFD.activeSandbox
Mar 23 07:59:22 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Shoving /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/PKInstallSandboxManager/49EB706E-4F98-4A99-B7CB-D1EEB9834CFD.activeSandbox/Root (3 items) to /
Mar 23 07:59:22 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Executing script "./postflight" in /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.kc88cc/Scripts/org.virtualbox.pkg.vboxkexts.vhtUfg
Mar 23 07:59:23 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: (kernel) Can't unload kext org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB; classes have instances:
Mar 23 07:59:23 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: (kernel) Kext org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB class org_virtualbox_VBoxUSB has 1 instance.
Mar 23 07:59:23 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: Failed to unload org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).
Mar 23 07:59:23 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: (kernel) Can't remove kext org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv; services failed to terminate - 0xdc008018.
Mar 23 07:59:23 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: Failed to unload org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: ./postflight: /Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxDrv.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) different version/uuid already loaded; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac install_monitor[62885]: Re-included: /Applications, /Developer, /Library, /System, /bin, /private, /sbin, /usr
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: releasing backupd
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: allow user idle system sleep
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Install Failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “VirtualBox.pkg”." UserInfo=0x7f90d0471f40 {NSFilePath=./postflight, NSURL=file://localhost/Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VBoxKEXTs.pkg, PKInstallPackageIdentifier=org.virtualbox.pkg.vboxkexts, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while running scripts from the package “VirtualBox.pkg”.} {
NSFilePath = "./postflight";
NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while running scripts from the package \U201cVirtualBox.pkg\U201d.";
NSURL = "file://localhost/Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VBoxKEXTs.pkg";
PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "org.virtualbox.pkg.vboxkexts";
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Running idle tasks
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac Installer[62850]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “VirtualBox.pkg”." UserInfo=0x7fee1bfeb5b0 {NSFilePath=./postflight, NSURL=file://localhost/Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VBoxKEXTs.pkg, PKInstallPackageIdentifier=org.virtualbox.pkg.vboxkexts, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while running scripts from the package “VirtualBox.pkg”.}
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Removing client PKInstallDaemonClient pid=62850, uid=501 (/System/Library/CoreServices/
Mar 23 07:59:24 AlexsMac installd[61695]: PackageKit: Done with sandbox removals
Mar 23 07:59:25 AlexsMac Installer[62850]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
Mar 23 07:59:25 AlexsMac Installer[62850]: IFDInstallController 1BD7B280 state = 8
Mar 23 07:59:25 AlexsMac Installer[62850]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
Mar 23 07:59:25 AlexsMac Installer[62850]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.
I have tried the installation several times after using the Uninstall tool included in the package but it keeps failing each time.
Tried Googling for an answer but don't seem to fin anything on this topic. Tried several different search terms.
Can anyone help please
Numbers APP spreadsheet imput
Have a spreadsheet attachment in aol mail, how can I open and work on it in the Numbers APP? Simple step by step for an ignoramus please
IPad 2 photo stream
How do I download photo stream from my iPad to my iMac , iPhoto? I have sync my iPad but it only downloaded the videos from my iPad to iPhoto and not the pictures. The pictures that are on my iPad came from my digital camera by a download from my camera memory chip. I don't know what I'm not doing!!
How do I install and run MySQL?
I installed MySQL:
but MySQL certainly isn't on the path when I open a terminal, nor do I see it in applications, as I seem to recall Windows handles MySQL.
Is OSX 10.6.8 too old? Constant slow/lockup w/ FireFox, which constantly draws high %CPU rate
I switched to FireFox when Safari started to have massive problems. Firefox is not much better. Mozilla forum responses keep blaming AddOn incompatability. But mostly I'm running security & privacy enhancers (DoNotTrackMe, Ghostery, etc)
I have a DSL line.
I've got an MBP 2.66 Ghz Core i7, wish I could install more than 8 GB memory. I tried a PCI card, but it causes a kernel panic (Delkin Devices ExpressCard 34 PRO SSD PCI Express)
I want to keep >100 tabs open. Closer to 200. Used to be able to do that with Safari. What has changed ?
FF was working adequately until the last security update. Now its just constantly showing anywhere from 20% to 80+ %CPU usage. It can take many seconds to open a new blank tab, and then 10-20 seconds before it accepts input (trackpad click on the URL box, or keyboard entry).
Seems like every other FF update screws it up.
mysql: command not found
How do I use MySQL from the CLI? When I use the terminal, I get:
Darrens-MacBook-Pro:~ thufir$
Darrens-MacBook-Pro:~ thufir$ mysql
-bash: mysql: command not found
Darrens-MacBook-Pro:~ thufir$
As you can see, MySQL is installed and running:
this system:
System Software Overview:
System Version: OS X 10.10.2 (14C1510)
Kernel Version: Darwin 14.1.0
Boot Volume: Mac OSx
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: A MacBook Pro
User Name: thufir (thufir)
Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
Time since boot: 2:08
still unable to find google drive on the sidebar of mac
I still cannot find locate Google drive on my mac sidebar. I cannot find the google drive folder to drag and drop. When I click next to my user, the drive does not appear.
Configuring Apple Mail with Gmail Aliases
I am trying to use AppleMail and trying to configure to using gmail alias.
My primary email address is and I have configured this in Apple Mail and able to send / receive messages properly. This primary email has an alias on my google apps for business
Whenever someone sends an email to, I receive it on and on the Apple Mail. So far good.
Now, I want to configure Apple Mail so that I am able to send emails using both my primary email and the alias (and with different names). So, I want to have two email configurations -
- Sid <>
- Sid from Sales <>
I am not able to get this working. I tried adding both the emails separated by a comma in the Accounts section. After doing this, both the emails appear in the From field and I can choose from one but the receiving side is always getting my email from my primary email address. So, if I choose in the From field, the receiver still sees
I also tried changing the plist file by adding EmailAliases - I was able to change the Name but the email address is still
Can somebody please help me with this? I tried searching a lot on the internet but I am not able to find anything which will solve the problem.
Pairing multiple iOS devices with one bluetooth keyboard
I have a Keys to go Bluetooth keyboard that I use with my iPad. When I turned off the Bluetooth of my iPad, and paired the keyboard with my iPhone, it worked fine with the iPhone. The issue is that when I turn off the iPhone Bluetooth trying pair back to iPad, the iPad doesn't recognize the keyboard. I could make the re-paring to my iPad only after my forcefully forgetting the device manually with my iPhone.
I just expected that the Bluetooth keyboard can connect any devices nearby, but this may not be the case. Is this expected behavior or Bluetooth keyboards? Is this specific to iOS devices?
Is there a way to make iPhone forget an app?
I recently downloaded an app (Rival Knights) which I already had on my iPad, but not on my phone. It gave me the option to write over my saved data and I declined. However now, I've changed my mind and want to start again.
I've tried deleting and re-installing the app, completely resetting my iPhone, deleting the app from my game centre, and making a new apple ID, however none of these have worked.
Is there any other way I can make my phone forget the app so I have a chance of starting again?
Does Parallels 10 fix the Fn keys issue?
In order to use the Fn Keys on Windows VMs with Parallels 9 you have to set them as standard function keys on Mac OS, which requires you the press the Fn key to access the special functions (brightness, playback, volume etc.).
Does Parallels 10 fix this, allowing you to use the special keys on Mac and the F keys on Windows?
Why does my iPod Touch show Spotlight differently?
I have an iPod Touch 5th gen (latest). After I upgraded to iOS 8.2, the Spotlight display looks like the following. Instead of the icons fading out to nearly invisible (as it does on my iPad and an iPhone 4S I tried), the icons are shown in chunky black and white.
What's going on here? Why does this happen on my iPod Touch, but it works correctly on both older and newer hardware? Is this simply a bug in iOS 8.2? Does this happen for anybody else?
iMac only works in safe mode and cursor showing weird black lines (pic attached)
Have a Mid 2010 model computer IMac 21.5 that is acting up. Won't work in normal start up, will start in safe mode, but cursor shows strange black lines (see attached photo). These lines follow the cursor around.
Running Yosemite
How the iOS games is made
I wonder, how today the developers made ios games. I know the Unity for 3D games and Cocos2d and Cocos2d-x, but after Apple introducing Swift, is now developers made games on Swift? I talk developers like Ketchapp and 1Button SARL and many others. Sorry for my bad English!
Trouble accessing the iPhone 4s smiley emoticons / icons
I just got a "new to me" iPhone 4s, set it up, and updated it to the most recent version of iOS v 8.2. This is my first iPhone, and though I've searched using Siri, Google, and the Stack Exchange search, I've been unable to find a solution to my problem
While using the built-in keyboard, I noticed the smiley face button that brings up the smiley emoticon keyboard. In addition to the 4 other emoticon keyboards along the bottom, I noticed that there is an varying array of dots along the top of each of the emoticon keyboards.
I'm use to to this indicating that there are other "pages" of whatever I'm looking at, and I only need to swipe left or right to see them. But swiping across the emoticons simply selects one icon after another, leaving the unseen emoticons unseen.
For the "face" icons, I see 1 black and 8 grey, I assume that means there are 8 other face style icons I can choose from, maybe smiling, or angry, or sleepy. Or at least 8 pages of my other face type emoticons to choose from.
But I can't figure out how to switch pages!
Any help would be greatly appreciated! 😀
Why the Mac App Store has no Wish List?
Does anybody know if there is a way to "add to wish list" some apps at the Mac App Store and get noticed when their price drops just as in the iTunes Store? If there is not, what might be the reason??
Thanks in advance!
Mac asking for multiple "login" keychain app passwords but won't accept them
I have a 2012 MacBook Pro. My husband reset the password for iCloud and iTunes and now I cannot get access to my computer. I can put in the password at login then nothing but a black screen with popups saying "login" keychain for multiple apps like calendar, messages, address book, etc. The password for iTunes and iCloud is not being accepted.
How to take screenshot Bootcamp
I have MacBook pro retina running windows 8.1. I have not Prtscr key. Also, shft+fn+f11 key combination doesn't work. What will be shortcut to take screenshots?
How can I unlock my pc when my input is in a different language?
How can I unlock my pc when my input is in a different language? My pc is windows 7. Please help!!!
Is a bootable USB drive with Yosemite OK for different macs?
This might be obvious, but probably worth a question: I took my MBP (Early 2011 15"), downloaded Yosemite and created a bootable USB device from which I later clean-installed the OS.
Can I use this same USB device with a different MBP (i.e., Late 2011 13"), or do I have to download the installer again from that macbook app store?
I got worried for a second thinking that it might need different drivers, or something like that. Second MBP does not even belong to me, so it will be used with a different Apple ID (i.e., different from the one through which I got my Yosemite).
Move disk to new hardware?
I've got an OS X Snow Leopard Server config on a Mac Pro 1,1. I can't upgrade any further on that hardware.
However, I've got a spare MacPro 3,1 and wondered if it would be "simple" to just move the disks to the new hardware?
I thought I'd ask first just in case the disks get updated with something which means I can't go back to the old MacPro.
How do I automate selecting files in a .jar file?
My .jar file has a number of buttons that, when clicked, prompts me to select a file to load. I need to find a way to get this file selection to be automated, and decided on applescript.
Unfortunately, so far I have not been able to get keystroke to work when the "select file" screen comes up.
So far, I have:
tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "java" to true
tell application "System Events"
tell process "java"
keystroke tab & tab & tab & tab & tab & tab
key code 76 using {keystroke space}
end tell
end tell
because using this does not work:
tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "java" to true
tell application "System Events"
tell process "java"
keystroke tab & tab & tab & tab & tab & tab
key code 76 using {keystroke space} --- stops here
key code 124
key code 76
end tell
end tell
MacBook Pro or iPhone 6 won't connect to 5GHZ Asus Router
I have an ASUS RT-N65U using a custom firmware ( from
So I can change SSID options for 2.5GHZ and 5GHZ but I can't connect to the 5GHZ variant. In my Mac says connection timeout. On my iPhone it immediately shows "can't connect".
I'm next to the router, because I'm testing so I don't know what else to do. I can change MTU, Channels, etc... Any suggestions?
Do iTunes rented movies count towards usage count in iPad/iOS?
I cannot seem to account for about 15-20GB of space in my iPad. I've been trying to track down what I thought was misplaced 4K airdropped files from a GoPro, but I just realized I have about 6 movies I rented a few weeks ago that are still on the iPad (and which I thought I deleted).
However, the ~35GB taken by video only do not show up in the usage count (got that size from iTunes when I finally connected the iPad to a computer, and also confirmed with the iBrowse tool):
I'm wondering if that's expected behavior or if it's just my iPad. This is a simple question, so I feel like I'm missing something, but i haven't been able to get an answer for this after various google queries.
iPhoto 9.6 - how to request all photos in a a given album
In a Ruby script I access the iPhoto database, I get a root_folder uuid from the RKFolder in the Library.apdb :
@root_folder_uuid = @db.execute("SELECT uuid FROM RKFolder table
WHERE name = '#{@config["root_folder"]}'
AND parentFolderUuid = 'TopLevelAlbums' ").flatten.first
then using this root uuid , I get get all albums uuid within the root folder, from the RKAlbum in the Library.apdb :
albums = @db.execute("SELECT uuid, name FROM RKAlbum table
WHERE folderUuid = '#{@root_folder_uuid}'
AND albumSubclass = 3 ")
Now , I need to get all photos within each album... when i look at the RKMaster table (where all photos records are stored) .. I don't see what is the relationship attribute between a photo record and an album....
any hints ? thanks for help
Any way to auto download or sync all Google+ photos to my Mac?
Is there any way to automatically download or sync all photos backed up from my phone to Google+ to my Mac?
I know there is an upload tool, but I want the reverse.
Can they be viewed from Picasa somehow?
How do I get youtube videos to play on Apple guest account? (Yosemite)
So I'm running OSX 10.10.1 on a 15" 2012 Macbook pro. Recently I installed the Yosemite update and ever since, my wifi has stopped working. Specifically, when I press "Turn On" to activate my wifi, nothing happens. So I tried making the wifi inactive, then turning it back on after rebooting my computer. This restores the ability to turn on the wifi and connect to a server for ~5-10minutes, but after that I'm at square one. I got tired of having to do this, so I switched to my guest account to see if I would have better luck. So far, I've been able to connect to my network just fine which is both great and confusing at the same time. The only caveat is that I can't seem to get youtube videos to stream. When I go to a video, it just loads and loads but nothing happens. So my question is how can I get youtube videos to stream on a guest account given my situation? There is no way to go into settings or files, safari is the only app that appears to be running. I don't know why this is the case either. If anyone can also advise on how to reduce these limitations as well, that'd be great. But any help with this question would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: oddly enough right before sending this message my wifi on guest experienced some now I'm using an ethernet cord
IPhone: too much disk space is used for unknown reason
Here is a full list of all applications installed on the device:
I have already used Battery Doctor (and other apps) and cleaned cache. So what is 7.2 gb used for? How can i clean it?
I don't know if it can help but the phone was already in use before.
Update: Settings -> General -> About screen:
How can I restore just a few files to an iPhone from a backup?
I have an iPhone backup on my computer and I'd like to restore just a couple of files. (I already know which files I need, even though their names are obfuscated.) The backup is very old so I don't want to just restore the entire thing, which is the only officially-supported action. What tools exist to do this kind of thing? I'm not willing to jailbreak my phone for this.
Automatically Move Files Created In Folder
I have a project I've inherited from an ex-employee that is missing the source, so I am attempting to debug from the temp files it creates in a directory. The issue is that it creates and deletes some of these files so quickly I cannot move them to another folder.
I've tried AppleScript or Automator to automatically move files, however it doesn't seem to work on files created by the app, but does work if I move files into the directory in Finder.
I've also tried a looping shell script that does a mv *, but it also doesn't catch all files.
Is there some other way to automatically move files to another directory before they are deleted, or prevent the files from being deleted in the first place?
Imac OSX Yosemite Parental control keeps asking for permission while I already granted permission by always allow acces
I've setup up parental controls and granted unrestricted access to Youtube for example. But for some reason it keeps asking for permission for additional Url's to function properly. Is there something I'm doing wrong to give access I've added the URL to always allow.
MacBook middle 2012 Yosemite 10.10.2 Kernel panic problem
I have MacBook Pro middle 2012. I got a new hard drive and updated on yosemite 10.10.1 and then updated on yosemite 10.10.2. When I open Microsoft Word 2011, my laptop got in few minutes kernel panic problem. Then I closed Word and surfed only in internet. The kernel panic problem occures three times again. What's the problem? I have no idea. I checked my hard drive and it's ok.
Here is the report:
aAnonymous UUID: 8464D6B1-DA8E-B75C-706E-A1F26275148B
Sat Mar 21 23:02:00 2015
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff802181a46e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7fa3af8fe0,
type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x0000000000000000, CR3: 0x000000002469f000,
CR4: 0x00000000001626e0
RAX: 0xffffff7fa3b1dc98, RBX: 0x0000000000000007, RCX: 0x000000000600c80b,
RDX: 0xffffff8021f0b6f4
RSP: 0xffffff8028e3bd80, RBP: 0xffffff8028e3be60, RSI: 0x00000000ffffffff,
RDI: 0x0000000000000007
R8: 0x0000000000000000, R9: 0x000003308e6d7ac3, R10: 0x0000000000000007,
R11: 0x0000000000000000
R12: 0xffffff802ce0d800, R13: 0x0000000000000007, R14: 0xffffff809474d148,
R15: 0x00000000000008f8
RFL: 0x0000000000010046, RIP: 0xffffff7fa3af8fe0, CS: 0x0000000000000008,
SS: 0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x0000000000000000, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8028e3ba30 : 0xffffff802172fe41
0xffffff8028e3bab0 : 0xffffff802181a46e
0xffffff8028e3bc70 : 0xffffff8021836683
0xffffff8028e3bc90 : 0xffffff7fa3af8fe0
0xffffff8028e3be60 : 0xffffff7fa3af85b4
0xffffff8028e3bf20 : 0xffffff802181bfae
0xffffff8028e3bf40 : 0xffffff8021746deb
0xffffff8028e3bf90 : 0xffffff8021747330
0xffffff8028e3bfb0 : 0xffffff8021814dd7
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[E9BE49D1-
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Thu Feb 26 19:26:47 PST 2015; root:xnu-
Kernel UUID: 270413F7-3B44-3602-894F-AC0D392FCF8E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000021400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8021600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8021500000
System model name: MacBookPro9,2 (Mac-6F01561E16C75D06)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 3507082985448
last loaded kext at 261370412320: 1.10 (addr
0xffffff7fa3f0d000, size 69632)
last unloaded kext at 322517043240: 1.10
(addr 0xffffff7fa3f0d000, size 61440)
loaded kexts: 1.70 100.15.5 1.0.0 3.0 4.3.2f6 1 124 269.25 3.6.1 269.25 1.0.1 10.0.2 170.5.0 7.0.0 1.2.11 2.0.7d0 1.0.0 1.7.3 1 1 4.3.2f6 2.0.2 10.0.2 3.0.4d1 240.2 327.5 240.2 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 35 3.7.3 404 2.7.0 910.26.12 705.4.2 10.1.3 5.5.2 1.6.5 705.4.14 3.1.0 710.4.11 161.0.0 3.1 2.0 1.8 2.1 3.1 1.7 218.0.0 161 3 8 218.0.0 1.0 11 269.25 1.15 97.0.1 1.0.13d1 269.25 269.25 203.3 1.2.0 1.0.12d1 4.3.2f6 4.3.2f6 2.2.6 705.4.0 1.0.0
Model: MacBookPro9,2, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B08, 2 processors, Intel Core i5,
2.5 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 2.2f44
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x802C,
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x802C,
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xF5),
Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.3.2f6 15235, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming
serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: WDC WD5000LPVX-22V0TT0, 500,11 GB
Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5970H
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 25.1
Cleaning /var/folders [bash]!
In my /var/folders
(or better /private/var/folders
) are many OLD files. (weeks and months!). Even in the ls "$TMPDIR"
I was surprised because I thought it get cleaned at every reboot, and i rebooted my mac a few days ago.
Even if I assuming that the following is OK,
- exit all apps
- and from the bash
sudo -s #su
rm -rf /private/var/folders/*
should be safe, for ensure myself - asking:
It is safe delete everything bellow /private/var/folders/
Another question - has the OS X something as rc.6
, e.g. an shell script what is running when changing the run level to 6
- e.g. at every reboot? (Or rc.0
at every boot), to where I could add the rm
Is safe clean the /var/folders/*
at every reboot? (asking because i could imagine than some update utility could use it...).
Or the OS X's (launchd) doesn't using "run levels"?
Ps: Please, don't waste your (and my) time suggesting some Free/Share/Commercial cleaning utilities. The question is solely for the shell, looking for the answer from someone who has deep OS X (darwin) system (command-line) knowledge.
Cannot delete songs from iPhone
On my iPhone I see a list of songs I cannot delete. Here's what I tried:
- Go to settings -> memory usage -> iTunes -> delete all music
- Disable iTunes Match
- Disable show all music
- Connect to iTunes on the Mac and manually remove all synced songs
- Swipe to delete does not work
- The songs do not show any sort if cloud icons
iTunes shows 3.3GB of Audio on my device which I cannot get rid of.
Any other ideas what to try?
How to prevent one app from saving/restoring any Saved State
I want to turn off the restoring of an application window (in my case, iTerm). How to turn it off, but just for this specific application ?
MacBook Pro failing Internet Recovery with exclamation mark
My MacBook Pro from 2009 restarts itself and doesn't charge, I tried recovery hd but I hadn't used Time Machine so the option is not there and now I'm trying Internet Recovery it give an exclamation mark on the big round web icon.
Anyone want to share their experience going from Snow Leopard straight to Yosemite on a 2009 MacBook Pro 5,5?
I've been dragging my feet about upgrading my OS since Snow Leopard has always been good and stable, and I didn't seem much in 7 or 8 to convince me to switch. But with a lot of software no longer supporting 10.6, the time has come.
Now, though, I'm hesitant of making such a huge leap to 10.10 because I'm afraid of taking a huge hit in speed and performance. I'm far too impatient to wait for my computer to do something slowly that it once did quickly.
So I'm hoping there are some StackExchangers out there who've done the same to a similar machine, and can tell me how it went.
I have a MacBook Pro 5,5 (Mid-2009) with 8GB of RAM, a 2.26Mhz Intel Core 2 Duo, and a 5400rpm 500GB drive. (I know I can reduce any speed hit by switching to an SSD, but that's a lot of money to sink into a 6 year old computer.)
Anyone have a story to tell?
Thanks in advance.
Spotlight icon missing on Yosemite
spotlight icon isn't showing up in the upper right even if i try to launch it manually from core services nothing happens, i'm running yosemite. Any ideas?
To install pgfplots for OSX Yosemite?
Old discussion about this topic for OSX Lion here. However, I think there is no good answer to this topic, since pgfplots is not already installed so not only a .sty file problem, like Alan writes there.
I am trying to run this script here but get the error about the missing pgfplots, after the generation of the Liste.dat:
I run ls /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/scripts/pgfplots/
and get
This suggests me that have the command but the error is internal in pgfplots
I reinstall the system and run the command sudo tlmgr install --reinstall pgfplots
but I get the some error message as above.
How can you install pgfplots in OSX Yosemite?
When you remove a device from find my iPhone, does it's automatically restore?
I dropped my iPhone and the screen is completely unusable. I got a deductable for a new one and the instructions said to turn off find my iPhone for my original device, so I did from my computer. However, the next instructions were to restore it to factory settings, but since I turned off find my iPhone I can't restore it now. Help?
Using "tmutil set destination -p" fails with a failure to save the password to the keychain
I've got a new FreeNAS setup, and I'm trying to get Time Machine backing up to it from both of my household's laptops. I've set up an AFP share for one of the datasets on the NAS and have got my laptop backing up automatically after solving an issue supposedly related to mDNS.
However, applying the same workaround that I used for my laptop to my girlfriend's doesn't quite work:
Richelles-MacBook-Air:~ richelle$ sudo tmutil setdestination -p afp://richellemba@macknas.local/Time\ Machine
Destination password:
2015-03-21 23:41:10.889 tmutil[416:9720] ### syncProxyWithSemaphore error:Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named UserInfo=0x7f9ca3706660 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named}
Failed to save password to system keychain. (error -1)
The backup destination could not be set.
Further investigation into the above error has so far turned up a blank, and I'm stumped. Does anyone have any ideas?
The laptop in question is a 2014 MacBook Air running 10.10.2.