mercredi 25 mars 2015

I was deleting some old AirPort items in Keychain Access, and somehow I managed to delete both public and private entries from the top of the list.

Keychain Access image

I don't notice any problems with my machine, but can someone explain what I deleted and how I should re-add those keys?

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 crashing after SSD upgrade

I recently upgrade my MBP from mid 2012. I added an SSD from Plextor M6S 256GB. There's a recurring problem that the MBP crashes after long periods of hibernation, and the following error is given.

Anonymous UUID: 5C280B76-FC9D-61DE-F8E2-1AAFB953D1B1

Thu Mar 26 08:56:33 2015

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff802a89e3e4): "Hibernate restore error e00002bf"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.10.73/iokit/Kernel/IOHibernateIO.cpp:3330
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff816235bb30 : 0xffffff802a32fe41
0xffffff816235bbb0 : 0xffffff802a89e3e4
0xffffff816235bc90 : 0xffffff802a425835
0xffffff816235bce0 : 0xffffff7fad015e09
0xffffff816235bd20 : 0xffffff7fad01965b
0xffffff816235bd40 : 0xffffff802a8f188b
0xffffff816235bd90 : 0xffffff802a91a6fc
0xffffff816235bdf0 : 0xffffff802a8c51a7
0xffffff816235be60 : 0xffffff802a8bbdba
0xffffff816235bef0 : 0xffffff802a8ca5c8
0xffffff816235bf40 : 0xffffff802a8d34ad
0xffffff816235bf80 : 0xffffff802a8d36a8
0xffffff816235bfb0 : 0xffffff802a414dd7
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[D4068745-B4F6-3559-BB69-A15F0B4F92B4]@0xffffff7fad00b000->0xffffff7fad069fff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: kext-dev-mode=1

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Thu Feb 26 19:26:47 PST 2015; root:xnu-2782.10.73~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 270413F7-3B44-3602-894F-AC0D392FCF8E
Kernel slide: 0x000000002a000000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff802a200000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff802a100000
System model name: MacBookPro9,1 (Mac-4B7AC7E43945597E)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 11651702730029
last loaded kext at 5513540144809: com.huawei.driver.HuaweiDataCardDriver 5.01.01 (addr 0xffffff7fad0ee000, size 16384)
last unloaded kext at 5580680251667: 4.2.2b5 (addr 0xffffff7fad0b3000, size 16384)
loaded kexts:
com.MBB.driver.MBBEthernetData 5.01.01
com.MBB.driver.MBBACMData 5.01.01 1.1.1 1.70 1.9.5d0 3.0 100.15.5 1.0.0 4.3.2f6 124 1 269.25 10.0.2 3.6.1 10.0.2 269.25 4.3.2f6 1.7.3 1.0.0 3.8.6 1.2.11 10.0.2 3.0.4d1 2.0.7d0 2.0.2 1.0.1 7.0.0 1 1 240.2 327.5 240.2 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 35 3.7.3 404 2.7.0 1.6.5 910.26.12 705.4.2 5.5.2 10.1.3 3.1.0 705.4.14 710.4.11 161.0.0 3.1 2.0 1.8 2.1 3.1 1.7 218.0.0 161 3 8 218.0.0 3.7.3 3.7.1 1.0 11 269.25 1.15 10.0.2 10.0.2 269.25 269.25 203.3 1.2.0 4.3.2f6 3.8.6 1.1.0 2.2.6 156.6.1 3.8.6 1.0.0 5.8.1d38 705.4.0 1.0.13d1 2.4.1 1.0.12d1 97.0.1 2.4.1 4.3.2f6 3.1.9 245.2 705.4.0 471.10.6 705.4.0 705.4.9 3.7.3 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.1 4.0.6 4.0.6 2.0.2 3.1.7 4.2.1 2.6.1 3.7.3 710.55 4.5.6 1.0.3b3 1.0.1b8 3.2 2.7.5 710.4.14 2.0 2.0 2.0.0 1.1 300.0 1.0.0d1 2 1.0.5 1.0 396 2.0 31 28.30 3.1 2.9 1.4 1.0 1 1
Model: MacBookPro9,1, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B09, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.3 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 2.1f175
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, PCIe, 512 MB
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x04CD, 0x46332D3136303043392D384752534C000000
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xF5), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.3.2f6 15235, 3 services, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Serial ATA Device: PLEXTOR PX-256M6S, 256.06 GB
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS31N
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 25.1

iMessages no longer mirrored on iPhone when phone is unavailable (and other device isn't)

The usually behavior for iMessages has always been (or always seemed to be striving towards) to mirror messages, even after they have been received by another device.

For instance, if my Macbook is turned off, and I receive iMessages on my phone, those messages will then be added in bulk next time I turn my Macbook on.

I like this behavior.

However after a recent iOS update (I can't pinpoint which one), this behavior has stopped being the case on the iPhone.

For instance, when I go to sleep, I put my iPhone on airplane mode - but my Macbook stays on in my office. During my sleep, if it receives messages, these will never make it to my iPhone, even after it is taken off airplane mode. This contrasts with prior behavior (before, when I woke up and turned airplane mode off, I would receive all messages that had been sent while I was asleep).

Has anybody notices this behavior? Is there something to do about it? If it's a bug, how I can best report it?

Is it better to have more core or more CPU to decrease build time for iOS projects

I am trying to pick the most appropriate hardware to speed up build time for iOS projects - I don't know if I should favor faster processors(3.5gh) with less cores(6) or slower processors(2.7Gh) with more cores(12).

Let me know if this is not the right place to ask!

Thank you for your help.

AppleScript for restarting to Bootcamp(Windows) for Yosemite?

I have already tried to use an AppleScript to reboot to Windows (Since REFInd did not work for me and now I have to bypass it...if anyone has any help with REFInd I'd like to wouldn't boot Windows; a white screen appeared as did below and did not go away).

It's not going well, as when I tried it the first time, a white screen appeared on startup and didn't go away. A hard reset rebooted to Yosemite. I have this script saved as an Application and in my Dock for instant restart, but it's been disappointing. Here's the script:

set adminpass to "MYPASSWORDWENTHERE"

tell application "Finder"
set iconPath to (get name of startup disk) & ":Applications:Utilities:Boot Camp" as alias
end tell

set askRestart to display dialog "Restart in Windows?" buttons {"Cancel", "Restart"} default button 1 with icon iconPath
set doRestart to button returned of askRestart

if doRestart is equal to "Cancel" then
end if

if doRestart is equal to "Restart" then
do shell script "bless -mount /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/ -legacy -setBoot -nextonly; shutdown -r now" password adminpass with administrator privileges
end if

Can anyone help me get this thing to work? I'm about to try another one, and if it works, I'll delete this post. Thanks and God Bless!

Some Finder Icons Missing?

In the Finder Windows my iCloud Drive and Downloads icons are missing from my sidebar. I use CleanMyMac 2 could that have deleted the icons by mistake?

I have rebooted the icons are still gone. This is what it looks like.

Yosemite 10.10.2 MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)

Please Help it would be very appreciated.

Adjust Scroll Speed for Specific Application

I recently bought my self an external mouse for my MacBook Pro Retina. It's great except I have one difficulty. In Safari and most apps the scroll speed is fine. But in some applications, the scroll speed is uncontrollable. Is there an app that lets me change the scroll speed for specific applications or something like that?

Transparent proxy for Internet Sharing, allow https pass through

I'm trying to do the following:

  1. Have my Mac Pro (Yosemite 10.10.2) connected to an Ethernet network. (done)

  2. Share this connection via Wi-Fi. (done)

  3. Have the Wi-Fi clients use a transparent proxy (Charles) running on the Mac Pro. (done)

  4. Pass https and ssh traffic (from Wi-Fi clients) through directly without proxy (can't get this to work)

I've set up Internet Connection sharing and installed Charles. In pf I've set up the following rule:

rdr on bridge100 inet proto tcp to any port www -> port 8080

Basically this redirects all port 80 traffic from the Wi-Fi clients to the Charles proxy on port 8080. This part works well.

The problem is that whenever pf is enabled, no traffic of any kind passes through the Mac Pro. If I disable pf with "pfctl -d", everything works, but of course nothing is sent to the proxy. But whenever I enable pf with "pfctl -e", nothing passes through from the Wi-Fi clients. I really want to have the proxy transparent so please do not propose manually editing the client's proxy configurations.

So: what rule should I use to let Wi-Fi clients using https or ssh pass through the Mac Pro (without using proxy). I only want to use proxy for http.

I've tried at least two dozen rules, starting from simple "pass", but nothing works. I do not have any other rules except the default ones by Apple and the one shown above.

Gmail mailboxes suddenly empty

Client with Gmail account using IMAP via Apple Mail Yosemite (10.10.2). Yesterday, she launches only to find all of her GMail maliboxes showing zero items. Her other email account (also IMAP) is displaying fine.

Looking at the Gmail web interface, all emails present and accounted for (about 1.5GB). Also, Gmail working fine with her iPad and iPhone.

Back on, connection doctor says all is good authentication wise. (two factor auth not on in this case). Looking in ~/Library/Mail/V2, the individual mail messages are there. Ah ha, this suggests a problem with the index. So with quit, I trash Envelope Index, Envelope Index-shm, Envelope Index-wal

After relaunching Mail, the index rebuild took a minute -- far short of what I'd expect with 1.5GB of emails. It ended up in the same spot as we started -- everything fine on the one IMAP account. Nothing showing in the Gmail account.

Tried the basic Mailbox>Rebuild on a few different mailboxes. Seems that no action is taking place (in Activity window), and indeed nothing changes.

There's no sign of any third party mail bundles present or ever having been installed

Taking the "what changed" approach, the only software installed lately would have been an Apple Security Update.

One detail that may be relevant--in her Gmail IMAP label settings, she has "All Mail" turned off. This was the preferred way configured Gmail back before Mavericks, and since it continued to work fine under 10.9 and 10.10 (until yesterday), we left it that way. There still seems to be some debate on whether or not "All Mail" for IMAP accounts should be left on or not. But for the record, in her case, it's off and has been for years.

Before I blast away that account from, and start all over again from scratch, just wondering if anyone else has run into this brick wall before.

Log into the desktop remotely and automatically

I have an OSX machine I'm trying to automatically run applications on remotely via SSH. Everything works great, as long as the user is already logged into the computer. If I log out, or reboot the computer, my application fails until I log in again.

Is there any way to trigger a desktop login over SSH? I'm looking to avoid needing to manually intervene via Remote Desktop and the like. In case it matters, I'm running Mavericks presently, but will be upgrading to Yosemite soon.

Change accessibility setting on Mac using terminal

I would like to grant accessibility permission to some apps on Mac using Terminal as per this intruction

Or this

But I would like to do that using Terminal so I can setup to install apps (i.e: BetterSnapTool) for many Mac at the same time, given I have admin privilege and this should be applied only on Mavericks and Yosemite

Does anyone know how to do this?


What operating system was installed on the original Apple 1?

What operating system was installed on the original Apple 1? If there was none, what software enabled users to interact with the hardware?

Im asking this for a school research paper.

MacBook Pro 15" 2009 Trackpad gestures work, tracking doesn't

Received semi-dead unit. Clicking never worked, so turned tap to click. After some serious repair work (think "thermal paste"), now tracking does not work either.

Gestures work. Tap to click works. Two, three finger taps work. However, simple tracking does not work...cannot move the cursor.

I've been using this as a headless Mac, accessing it through screen sharing and ARD. I do not think that is the problem...or is it?

SMC reset, done. PRAM reset, done. Taking the trackpad out and gently cleaning and putting it back, done. Cables checked.

Any ideas? Much appreciated.

How to pull cell data from Excel Online into Swift application

I have an Excel Online spreadsheet that is embedded on a webpage using It is updated throughout the day.

I want to create a simple Swift application that pulls a number from a particular cell on that spreadsheet and displays it in the Swift app.

That's it.

I have read been reading previously posted questions and I'm confused if I should be reading up on how to use ODBC, Jquery, XML parsing, CSV parsing, NSString url parameters, etc. I'm a n00b and I need to be pointed in the right direction.

I would be especially grateful for example implementations.

Paste path into File Open/Save Dialog?

How do I paste a file path into a standard file open/save dialog?

I have googled this and found articles that say that the normal cmd-v will work, however it does not work for me. I'm running Mac OS 10.10.2 with minimal system customizations.

iphone 6 current period not matching with last reset date

I want to monitor my app wise data usage, and I reset the data counter approximately 48 hours back. The reset date and time showing at the bottom is correct, but the corresponding Current Period is only 1 Hour, 52 Minutes. And it is stuck to this value for the past several hours. Is this an issue, or is my understanding of Current Period wrong?

iMac 5 (Retina 5k, 27-inch, Late 2014) can be downgrade if it comes with Yosemite pre-installed from fabric?

Please somebody!!! Has anyone downgrade a iMac 5 (Retina 5k, 27-inch, Late 2014) pre-installed Yosemite from fabric to an older version of Mac OS??

My Pro Tools 10 does´t work with Yosemite. I have two days to resolve this, if not I have to return the computer.

If somebody has done the downgrade please give a step by step solution! I have tried it to downgrade and it appears this symbol: enter image description here HELP HELP HELP!!


Apple Safari Mac OS X 10.10.2 will not open

I recently tried to download the Aldi photo upload program, although half way through the download Safari quit and now it won’t turn back on. I keep getting a error messages, but it never goes past reopening safari and back to the error messages. I have been onto Console and found the below details of the errors, can anyone help? I don't have another browser on the laptop

25/03/2015 21:33:40.084 storeaccountd[286]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection connection from pid 985 with interface (PID 985) 25/03/2015 21:33:40.244 locationd[58]: Couldn't find a requirement string for masquerading client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Parsec.framework 25/03/2015 21:33:40.247 locationd[58]: could not get apple languages array, assuming english 25/03/2015 21:33:42.648 bird[224]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client] 25/03/2015 21:33:42.648 bird[224]: Assertion failed: ![_xpcClients containsObject:client] 25/03/2015 21:33:42.652[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform. 25/03/2015 21:33:42.664[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform. 25/03/2015 21:33:43.335[1]: ([991]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): 25/03/2015 21:33:43.798 CoreServicesUIAgent[239]: unexpected message { count = 1, contents = "XPCErrorDescription" => { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" } }> 25/03/2015 21:33:43.800[1]: ([989]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1 25/03/2015 21:33:43.800[1]: ([988]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1 25/03/2015 21:33:43.807[1]: ([985]) Service exited due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11 25/03/2015 21:33:43.955 ReportCrash[991]: Saved crash report for Safari[985] version 8.0.3 (10600.3.18) to /Users/andrewpope/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Safari_2015-03-25-213343_Andrews-MacBook-Pro.crash 25/03/2015 21:33:44.103 Problem Reporter[992]: Failed to connect (_imageWell) outlet from (ProblemReportWindowController) to (NSImageView): missing setter or instance variable

Does Apple's EFI patch Thunderbolt devices to Windows 10?

So, I've been rattling with myself about this for a bit. I've followed 5SH-2a's guide of EFI Bootcamp to no avail. I decided to try it on my own, by mapping an NTFS Partition on my hard drive to a VMDK, and using VMWare Fusion to install it, but that has not worked. I am on a Mid-2012 13" MacBook Pro (Identifier: MacbookPro9,2) running Yosemite v10.10. I am trying to install the Windows 10 Tech Preview. When I try and boot via EFI, with my CalDigit Thunderbolt Hub active, Windows goes into an infinite loop, and never boots, while simultaneously power-cycling the devices attached to my hub. When I deactivate the hub, EFI Boot works just fine. When I boot in eBIOS mode, regardless wether I have my hub active or not, Windows boots just fine, using my hub natively. Could this be an issue with Apple's implementation of EFI not connecting the hub to Windows? Any help would be immensely appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.

Tabs opening automatically on chrome

I have a MacBook air On clicking on the search bar or any link, another tab is opened with some ad on it.

I tried to download things like adwcleaner etc., but I can find them only in .exe extension.

long text shows only 1 line in OSX calendar mavericks

is there a way i can see 2 or 3 or 4 lines of my text for 1 event in my OSX calendar ? now it is just 1 line. long time ago it used to be convenient with complete text for view available at once. , all text was shown up in several lines in 1 event. sometimes 1 line if i had a short event , sometimes a double line when i had a longer text , or even 3 of 4 lines when my text was much longer. i have no idea what happened to this cool feature. ?

right now i have to write 4 separate short event lines , just to see a quick look up for this day, only because a long text will disapear from view after 1 line is reached to the end.

it is convenient to see all information in a longer text in 4 lines , so quickly and easy you can see whats going on. 1 line is in most cases not enough for me. i see only the first 2 or 3 words if i am lucky. and i don't want to click on every event just to see the last part of the 4 line text. just quickly look at it and move on , instead of loosing time by clicking on everything only to read the last 3 words . for each time.

it could be a 2 line text as well . 4 was just an example. 4 is a maximum i would use. in this way i can scroll fast through my calendar and see all information from an event, in stead of just the first line. at least 2 lines would have been a lot better.

is there a way to get it back to normal ? just as it used to be?

ios simulator not sending tweet using social framework

My app that i made is saying that the tweet is sent however when I check my twtiter feed the tweet does not show up. Is this because of the ios simulator?

In which file stores its windows?

Usually after reboot/crash all Terminal windows are re-open automatically, this time they weren't.

Where (which folder/file) stores the session/information about its windows which suppose to be re-open?

Mini Thunderbolt to VGA not showing video on external monitor but Mac says it is

The external monitor used to be working before, but now, there's no video being sent. The monitor is sleeping when I connect, even though the mac says it's connected.

I tried turning it on and off and reconnecting everything, but still no luck.

Any help?

How to investigate high kernel task memory usage?

I was using my MBP (with 16GB of RAM) as usual and out of blue I've this popup that:

Your system has run out of application memory.

To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using.

Force Quit Applications - Your system has run out of application memory - screenshot

I've obviously closed few which I could, but it didn't help.

After checking on memory, it seems kernel task ate 7GB and 22.36GB swap memory was used of total 23GB (which obviously was the case). However I've still 20GB of space free on my SDD.

Memory - iStat Menus - screenshot

Activity Monitor didn't help much whilst my OS X was heading to the destruction.

Process Explorer

kernel_task - Memory tab - screenshot kernel_task - Statistics tab - screenshot

My top stats before my kernel freeze:

Processes: 344 total, 2 running, 5 stuck, 337 sleeping, 2580 threads 19:23:56
Load Avg: 1.56, 1.62, 2.09 CPU usage: 3.51% user, 8.47% sys, 88.1% idle SharedLibs: 46M resident, 0B data, 6572K linkedit. MemRegions: 757970 total, 2139M resident, 56M private, 907M shared.
PhysMem: 9410M used (6198M wired), 556M unused. VM: 1155G vsize, 1311M framework vsize, 112872658(320) swapins, 122668389(0) swapouts. Networks: packets: 299419263/363G in, 142126838/14G out.
Disks: 58970173/1079G read, 20012389/1120G written.

At the end my OS X frozen and I had to do hard reset, repair my SDD in recovery mode and fixing afterwards (recovering lost work, fixing application conflicts, checking my lost+found folder, Chrome/Terminal tabs gone, headache, etc.).

My question is, how do I check on high memory usage of kernel task? I've tried to take Sample with Activity Monitor, but it's greyed out.

New drive won't boot internally

So I purchased a new 2TB drive (Samsung model #ST2000LM003) for my 13" MacBook Pro. No issues with the old one, just getting close to capacity. I connected it with a SATA/USB adapter, formatted it, and copied everything over with Carbon Copy Cloner. The transfer completed successfully, and the recovery partition was cloned successfully as well. I then verified the disk (no problems) and permissions (a few problems found and repaired successfully). The new drive boots fine over the SATA/USB adapter, but behaves very strangely when installed.

If I try booting normally, I get the folder with flashing question mark logo. Resetting the PRAM doesn't help, and it's not an issue with the SATA cable or logic board since the old drive still boots fine internally. If I hold alt/option while booting, the only choice provided is Internet Recovery. Even if another bootable USB drive is connected (including the old hard drive), Internet Recovery is the only option. I looked in Disk Utility through Internet Recovery -- the new drive (installed internally) does show up there, but its partition scheme is listed as Master Boot Record which is wrong (it's definitely GUID). Rather than the 2TB partition I created, it shows a single 250GB partition with a generic name. The verification buttons for the disk and the partition are all greyed out.

At this point I'm completely stumped, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


Mid-2012 13.3" MacBook Pro (Model A1278)

OS: Yosemite 10.10.2

RAM: 8GB 1600MHz DDR3

Processor: 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7

Late 2011 MacBook Pro Cannot format HDD

I have a Late 2011 MacBook Pro with 750GB HDD. I was running Yosemite 10.10.2. I had about 250GB of partitioned HDD that i wanted to add to my main partition 'Macintosh HD'. It let me remove the second partition but i couldn't do my normal drag and extend the 'Macintosh HD' partition to take full advantage of my HDD space. After hours of searching i plunged into recovery using Disk Utility and Terminal tried to extend the cold source to use the whole HDD. It still wasn't working so using my critical thinking skills i decided i would just use terminal to wipe the whole drive and start fresh just like i can do in Windows. This failed miserably. I can't do anything at this point. Every time i try to do anything it gives me cannot unmount error and when i try to back up from time machine the only thing its see's is a DISK0S1 that's only 210MB. It boots into recovery and that's about it. I would like to just get my MacBook running again and if possible using the full 750GB HDD. Im not sure if thats possible at this point. Also when i try to use Reinstall OS X it only see's DISK0S1.

Verify the EFI firmware

I'd like to copy the EFI firmware currently installed on my MacBook Air to a file on disk, so that I can compare it with the EFI firmware on other machines.

I've seen advice on reflashing the EFI firmware, but not on extracting it once installed. Any advice?

How do you remove icons from the top menu dock? (OS X Yosemite)

How do you remove icons from the top menu dock? (OS X Yosemite)

I tried Command + Click + Drag to get rid of them but it isn't working.

Updated Mac to 10.9.5 and Excel won't work

Updated my system to 10.9.5 and kept getting a error message when I tried to open Excel. It suggested I reinstall, which I did. But I'm still getting the same message. My office is a 2010 version. I would really rather not buy a new version but is there any fix?

How to change top right menubar spotlight icon to alfreds'

I have disabled spotlight search to and assigned the spotlight's keyboard shortcut to alfred. The only thing I am left to do is to change change top right menubar spotlight icon to alfreds'. How to do that?

Iphone 5 can't receive text from from one number

This will sound crazy. My wife and I have the same phone account and work 6 blocks from each other. We can text and receive text anywhere we are except when we are at work. I can text her and she gets my text however none of her responses make it back to my phone. We have been side by side at her office and she can text me and it never appears. I can text her and it shows up. We can text anyone else. We are at a loss.

How can I stream video stored on one MacBook Pro to another?

I have two MacBook Pro laptops, a 17-inch MBP and a 13-inch MBP. The 17-inch MBP is connected to an Elgato EyeTV HD Video Capture Recorder (and thence to a cable TV set top box). I use that to grab video off of my STB and to record live TV. The 13-inch MBP is my general purpose laptop, and I also want to use it for iOS and Android development.

Eventually I know I will get a RAID unit from Synology or a Drobo (in order to do automated redundant backups of the media on my 17-inch MBP and on the array of external HDDs that are connected to it), but not immediately since I'm trying to save money and pay down credit card debt, etc.

My question: without using sneakernet to copy the multi-gigabyte files over, or using remote control software like TeamViewer, or a LAN, is there a simple and cheap way to play back videos stored on my 17-inch MBP on my 13-inch MBP?

instaled windows 8.1 on mac air withouth bootcamp drivers

Mac ask me to install drivers but i just skip this step and just install windows . now its work bad. How can i install drivers affter instaling windows 8. The sympthoms is 1.No sound 2.Bad video perfomance right click on touchpad

iPhone LED / Flash light on charging?

I just recently bought an iphone this year, and need to know if it has any led flash light for letting my know that it's charging?

I have iPhone 5c, and it's got this setting for light for call and message alerts. I'm trying to look for a similar setting for when it's in charging mode.

Please could someone provide any help regarding this?

How to sync folders between iPad and Mac?

I have a jailbroken iPad and a Macbook Pro running OS X Yosemite with PPSSPP (PSP emulator) installed on both. What I need is to make folder with saves automatically sync every now and then. My first thought was BitTorrent Sync, but it seems it can't sync system folders. Is there any way to do this or I'm stuck with playing only on one device?

Powerline patched font not working on

I am using Inconsolata patched font from here. But I also tried to patch the font myself. The result is the following:


I am able to see the glyphs but zsh (see the glyph next to the branch name develop for a git repository) and also vim fail to display them on

Am I missing any configuration step?

how do i back up my time capsule?

I have a Time Capsule that I'm using to back up a number of macs.

How do I back up my Time Capsule?

How to disable auto-completion in Safari

I hate to use Private Navigation so I disabled history (locked the History.plist file) but when I enter words in my search, auto completion sometimes show somethings I'd rather not show to my friends / familly (ie. searching for "poker" and seeing "pornhub" appear. Do you know how to disable this ?

Buy from the iOS AppStore via desktop browser and have app auto-install to my iOS device?

The question sums it: How can I buy from the iOS App Store and have it download to my iOS device, perhaps telling it?

Anytime I attempt to go to the AppStore website, it keeps trying to push me towards iTunes, which I don't have installed on all my computers (e.g. my work computer). I'd like to fire up a browser on my work or other machines, log into the AppStore from the desktop browser, purchase and push the app directly to one of my AppleID linked devices, it's gotta be possible in this day of cloud and mobile computing. (like Android or Windows Phone 8/10).

What am I missing here? Is there a different link? Different setting?

Mac nl only takes lines 2048 chars long

I'm having an issue where the Mac version of nl will mark a new line after 2048 characters. I tried it on linux, and it doesn't do this. Any idea why it does on Mac, and how to fix it?

OS X - How do I remove photos from my iPhone using the Photos app after import?

OS: OS X 10.10.3 (Yosemite) Machine: Macbook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) iPhone: 5s on 8.2 (12D508)

So I import all photos/videos off of my iPhone to Photos on a daily basis after upgrading from iPhoto and it works well overall, so far.

The problem is that, while Photos does give me the option to "Delete items after import", the option becomes greyed out after some imports and there are some items that get left behind on the iPhone (they are successfully imported but do not get deleted).

iPhoto would let me delete already-imported photos, but Photos does not.

I have two inconvenient workarounds to this:

  1. Select all photos in Photos app, check "Delete items after import" and click "Import Selected" again. This may or may not create duplicates -- I'm not sure.

  2. Manually delete each photo on my iPhone like a cave person

So my question is this-

Is there a more automatic way to do this (without duplicates), since I'm doing it on a regular basis?

P.S. I do not sync Photos using iTunes.

How do I remove Supervised mode on the iPad so I can attach it to another computer?

I can't really figure out a way to connect to another machine once the device is in Supervised mode. Supervision Mode seems to embed itself into the operating system.

I am getting this error every time I connect to iTunes on a different machine (Windows 7 32-bit, or Mac OS X 10.10.2):

enter image description here

I used Apple Configurator to lock down the device and turned on "Supervision" in Apple Configurator:

enter image description here

Even if I remove the profile (Settings > General > Profile), I still get the supervision error.

My intent was to import pictures on a different machine, but the iPad will not show up as a device in iTunes, Windows Explorer, nor Mac Finder.

I should add that I assigned the iPad Mini 2 to myself using the "Assign" feature, if that makes a difference.

Morphox plugins show all waves

I'm in trouble with my Linplug - Morphox plugin; I mean, yesterday I installed the morphox.component into the right folder Macintosh-Library-Audio-plug ins- component.

When I open Logic Pro 9 (32-bit) and I choose the new AU, I put the correct serial number and everything works perfectly.

Today when I open Logic Pro 9 again, and I choose the AU morphox, any kind of wave, in the waves window, is shown, so no sound for me, but yesterday everything was working fine, and I saw the waves in the "OSC1" and "OSC2" windows.

I've attached a pic of morphox so that you can see what I mean at the left top of the pic, two windows without any wave.


I tried to uninstall it, but if I remove the component and the I paste the component again, I have the same problem; I would try to delete the validation key as well, so that when I restart it, I type the validation key again and maybe it would work, but how can I completely delete all files of the component?

Any idea how to fix this?

Old Mac OS X, cannot get admin access, boot safe or single-user mode, nor reinstall

I have inherited an old Mac OS X 10.5.8 + original install DVD.

  • Model: Power Mac G4

  • Identifier: PowerMac3,6

  • Processor: PowerPC G4 (3.2)

  • DVD: Mac OS X Leopard Install DVD Version 10.5

I'm trying to reinstall from scratch, including erasing all the existing data.

I have the username / password for a standard account, and can log in using this.

I cannot get the install DVD to run. I have tried numerous things including:

  • Booting directly from disc ('C' key)

  • Booting into safe mode (Shift key)

  • Booting into Startup Manager (Option key)

  • Booting into single-user mode (Cmd + 'S')

  • 'su' and 'sudo' from a command-line terminal (user is not in the sudoer's list)

  • Making various changes via 'System Preferences' (asks for admin account)

There appears to be only 1 account - the standard account I am logging in with. There appears to be no admin account of any kind.

The attempts to boot with the various keys depressed appears to have no effect whatsoever. The normal boot sequence runs. The DVD is ejected during this boot sequence.

Only holding down 'shift' prevents iTunes auto-running after login. (Which means the keyboard works, I guess!)

The only thing I haven't tried (I think) is to use an old Ubuntu CD (Disk Utility asks for admin account) to wipe the drives and see if we can force a boot from the install DVD that way. But that seems a bit drastic, and is permanent if it doesn't work.

Is there anything I haven't tried, in order to regain control of this Apple hardware?

I have tried all of the solutions found at these questions: -


By physically unplugging and removing the hard drives, the computer is forced to boot from the installer DVD. Obviously at this point there is nothing to install onto, but it proves that both the DVD player, and the DVD do work.

How can I type "\" (backslash) via remote desktop with a Norwegian, Danish or Swedish keyboard?

I am running Remote Desktop to connect from my MacBook Air with Yosemite to a Windows computer running Windows 8.1.

Both my Mac and the Windows computer is configured with Norwegian keyboard layout. It seems "\" backslash is impossible to input in this keyboard configuration. I would guess it's the same for Danish and Swedish keyboards.

Is there a way to easily input this character in RDP for Mac using this keyboard layout?

(I would be willing to map some key combination if that's possible, but I don't want to switch to some other keyboard layout, since I need to input Norwegian characters now and then)

How do I make my MacBook's logical resolution the same as its physical one?

My MacBook has 2,880 × 1,800 physical, R/G/B pixels in its display (1800p). However, Mac OS renders at 3840 × 2400 virtual pixels (4k). I don't know or care why, but I do know that this makes things unnecessarily blurry for me. It doesn't do this with external displays, so I know the OS is capable of outputting to the native resolution. How do I force Mac OS to output to the native resolution of its integrated display?

Below is an illustration of what bothers me the most. The left is a photograph (physical resolution of 1800p) and the right is a screenshot (virtual resolution of 4k).

A side-by-side comparison of a photograph and a screenshot of the cursor. The photograph shows a 17px-wide cursor, and the screenshot shows a 24px-wide one. The photograph's cursor's left vertical's rightmost pixels are faded, and the screenshot's are clean.

Note the 2px left vertical in the photo has one clean, white line on the left, and one faded white-to-black line on the right. The screenshot shows it's actually rendering a 3px-wide left vertical, and all the pixels should be cleanly white.

Force stuborn drive to unmount

I have a single partition disk whose filesystem will not mount properly. I don't care about the data and I would like to try reformatting the disk but I keep getting errors related to a failure unmounting the drive. I have tried the following in both normal and recovery mode:

  • reformatting in the Disk Utility GUI

  • sudo diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk3 GPT JHFS+ New 0b

  • sudo diskutil unmountDisk force /dev/rdisk3

  • sudo fdisk -i -a hfs /dev/rdisk3

  • sudo gpt destroy /dev/rdisk3

All of these attempts have yielded errors either saying that the "drive can not be unmounted" or that the "resource is busy". Is this indicative of a hardware issue in the drive as opposed to just a corrupt file system? Is there anything else I can try?

Is there a way to force OSX / Finder to use Windows File naming conventions?

We have a number of Mac workstations (OSX Mavericks) which connect to a fiber attached SAN. This SAN is also accessed by a number of Windows workstations.

Windows file naming conventions (and path depth rules) are stricter than OSX's. This means the Macs can cause problems for the Windows workstations if they name files or folders in ways which Windows doesn't understand.

As such, is there a way to enforce Windows filenaming conventions on OSX? Thus preventing the Mac clients from screwing up the Windows ones. I'm thinking some kind of Finder plugin or script that prevents users from naming a file or folder in a way which Windows can't cope with.

Any thoughts?


Youtube videos will not play under OSX 10.6.8

I get a black rectangle with the "f" icon, but it won't play when I click on it.

Apple stopped updating OSX 10.6.8 so is its Flash too out of date to run?

Can't add a new ID to Volume Purchase Program Customers

I have an app that I sell using Apple B2B / VPP. When logging into iTunes connect to add a new Apple ID (for a new customer) I am finding that clicking "Add Apple Id" is doing nothing (e.g. the page reloads, but I can't add a new Id).

Presumably this is just a short term issue with the iTunes connect website? (I've been having the problem since yesterday).

Is anyone else seeing the same issue?

How to decrease trackpad tracking speed on demand?

I'm using separate magic trackpad and (still, but that's not a requirement) Mac OS 10.9.5. I'm looking for some convenient and free way to decrease tracking speed on demand, for example via additional gesture or a keystroke.

I'm a developer, so, quite often I need to precisely move cursor one-two pixels aside while inspecting layouts, picking colors, moving panels here there and currently with magic trackpad that's terrible.

One of good options I'm looking looks like this: scrolling while holding a key produces slow and precise mouse pointer movement.

Tried to search, but not very successfully:

  • MagicPrefs: nothing like that, but, seems some plugin may achieve that.

  • SmoothMouse: nope.

  • SteerMouse: paid, does not support Apple Magic Trackpad.

  • ControllerMate: paid, looks like this is what I need, but I didn't manage to achieve what I want (too much time spent).

  • iMouseFix: nope.

As an option I could make some script up and bind it to the keys, which will change tracking speed or an entire app, but I'm not sure about that and consider that as a last resort. Don't like additional mouse option for precise movements, also I rarely use macbook's built-in trackpad, so I need something universal.

How to set up Reply from email on Apple Mail?

I'm experiencing trouble with my Apple Mail app. I've multiple mail accounts configured on it and when I'm replying from any of them, app displays correct value in From field. But just after I send it, in the Sent catalogue appears absolute different (other account's) From email address in that message. And people always get my mail from that one account no matter what I set in the From field when writing. Do you have any ideas what is wrong, what should I do? By the way, I'm using Yosemite OS.

Is IOS 8.1 Jail-Break Secure? [on hold]

I upgraded the 2 that was ipad believing it'd have siri. But it didnt so I'd like to limit it so it can be jailbreaked by me.

How to delete iCloud storage Mail cache?

I've deleted every E-Mail in my iCloud account. But the storage overview shows me 2,2GB used space for my Mails.

enter image description here

But there is no E-Mail left: enter image description here

How can I update the storage overview or delete the iCloud cache for my Mails?

I just have the free version and 2,2GB takes a lot of my space.

websites don't open on a specific wifi connection (probably DNS issue)

I have a cable broadband which works flawlessly; I am using the same to ask this question from my Android. But it doesn't work on my MacBook (10.10.2). Basically, no websites open, although I can ping all the websites, sometimes Google websites open fine, but that too only in Chrome (not in the incognito mode though).

  1. I have tried Safari, it had the same problem.

  2. I have tried removing and adding the wifi connection.

  3. I have tried flushing the unicast and multicast DNS cache with the recommended commands.

  4. I have tried adding Google & OpenDNS servers to network settings for this wifi connection.

  5. I have verified that the wifi connection works fine on Windows and Android devices.

  6. I have reset the wifi router.

  7. I have verified that the MacBook works fine with all other wifi and other kinds of internet connections.

  8. I have tried connecting the MacBook to hotspot (Bluetooth) with Android, but still the websites don't open.

Any help will be truly appreciated, but please, don't suggest things I've already tried.


This gets fixed when I cold restart the MacBook. Also, to clarify, all other internet services work fine e.g. Skype, Dropbox, Box apps seem to work. So, it is probably something to do with the DNS, as pointed out by Buscar웃 too.

I use DHCP with this wifi connection. The network settings show several DNS servers automatically populated by DHCP. I can override them though, by adding new DNS servers, but still the problem persists (as I mentioned above in point 4).


Increasing lifetime of cisco IPSec VPN on OSX

A VPN connection automatically disconnetcs after approximately 45 minutes, which is quite frustrating, especially when using it for work. This problem has been around for quite a few years now. I'm using a workaround to increase the lifetime of my connection.

However, this workaround was posted in 2011, so I'm wondering if there is a no-hack solution by now. I know there is alternative software, but I would really expect Apple to provide a configurable and, hence, usable VPN client with its OS.

Reset Data App Game

So, I know that I can reset data app games from iCloud, but in my case I didn't save/backup anything on iCloud, but when I delete the app then download it again, it still my previous data. Help!!

Headphone jack on my Mac is broken

The headphone jack on my 2011 MacBook air suddenly broke and I've tried multiple earphones

How to gain insight into spotlight index?

I'd like to get a list of all indexed files and their path that spotlight came across. How would I do that ? mdadm does not seem to be of any help.