mercredi 25 mars 2015

AppleScript for restarting to Bootcamp(Windows) for Yosemite?

I have already tried to use an AppleScript to reboot to Windows (Since REFInd did not work for me and now I have to bypass it...if anyone has any help with REFInd I'd like to wouldn't boot Windows; a white screen appeared as did below and did not go away).

It's not going well, as when I tried it the first time, a white screen appeared on startup and didn't go away. A hard reset rebooted to Yosemite. I have this script saved as an Application and in my Dock for instant restart, but it's been disappointing. Here's the script:

set adminpass to "MYPASSWORDWENTHERE"

tell application "Finder"
set iconPath to (get name of startup disk) & ":Applications:Utilities:Boot Camp" as alias
end tell

set askRestart to display dialog "Restart in Windows?" buttons {"Cancel", "Restart"} default button 1 with icon iconPath
set doRestart to button returned of askRestart

if doRestart is equal to "Cancel" then
end if

if doRestart is equal to "Restart" then
do shell script "bless -mount /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/ -legacy -setBoot -nextonly; shutdown -r now" password adminpass with administrator privileges
end if

Can anyone help me get this thing to work? I'm about to try another one, and if it works, I'll delete this post. Thanks and God Bless!

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