lundi 8 décembre 2014

MacBook Pro "clicking" with low battery: is this normal or a new feature in Yosemite?

Today while working in the train, my laptop started making "click" sounds, even with the volume off. They grew in frequency: first one, then later two, then later three. I noticed with the second and third, that the first click of each sequence seemed to be in sync with a low battery notification - and I did have a low battery, below 10%, and was finishing up some work.

The click sound was a little like the new volume up/down tick sound in Yosemite, which I have turned on. It was also about the same volume as those ticks at 50%. It was quite audible and I think the people sitting next to me noticed. When it repeated (eg, one time it was three clicks in a row) the clicks seemed fairly regular.

Google shows no results for Yosemite audibly warning of a low battery with clicks at all, let along when the laptop is muted. I'm not aware of it as a new feature, and the clicks were not perfectly in sync with the warning - the sound was strange and was a bit worrying.

What is the sound?

I usually work from home with my laptop plugged into the power socket, and haven't worked for a long period of time on battery alone since I upgraded to Yosemite, until today. The laptop is now plugged into a socket and is not making any odd sounds. At the time, I was using a Windows VM in Parallels 9 - so presumably a reasonable amount of power usage.

  • Early 2011 model MBP

  • Yosemite, fully up to date

  • At the time, running Parallels 9 hosting Windows 7

  • Volume was not off for the first click, but was for the next two times the sound reoccured.

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