mardi 3 mars 2015

How to use Numbers to generate pdf on a web server and then email it out?

I have an issue.

My client loved the report I generated using Numbers on Mavericks OS X.

The bad news is that the data is being processed on a ubuntu machine running python and django.

I want to automate this report generation which involves exporting to pdf and then sending it out via email.

I have no problems with the web programming, the email automation using Python and Django.

The bad news is I cannot seem to replicate the beautiful layout in Numbers.

I may have to resort to AppleScript.

How do I go about solving this issue assuming I really have to use Numbers?

If I need to get a Apple Server, which version of OS should I get so I can use the Numbers?

And what kind of AppleScript should I write? I am a total newbie to AppleScript.

I am also okay with a solution where my web server stays as it is and handles the emailing, but is able to send a web service call to a Apple machine that will generate the pdf using Numbers.

I need details on how to make a service call to the Apple machine.

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