mercredi 4 février 2015

Why am I getting command not found even though path to command exists in PATH variable?

On Mac OSX 10.10.1 I get command not found for anything installed in /usr/local/bin (however command is found if I use sudo) PATH variable contains this path. for example pip. Here are some lines from terminal:

Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$ echo $PATH /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$ ls /usr/local/bin 2to3 idle3.4 pydoc3 python3.4-32 rtmpdump tclsh8.5 wish8.5 2to3-3.4 pip pydoc3.4 python3.4-config rtmpgw tclsh8.6 wish8.6 easy_install pip2 python3 python3.4m rtmpsrv tclvfse youtube-dl easy_install-2.7 pip2.7 python3-32 python3.4m-config rtmpsuck teacup easy_install-3.4 pip3 python3-config pyvenv tclselect udemy-dl idle3 pip3.4 python3.4 pyvenv-3.4 tclsh wish

Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$ pip -bash: pip: command not found

Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$ which pip

Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$ sudo which pip


Dylans-MacBook-Air:edX Dylan$

What could be causing this behaviour and how do I fix it?

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