jeudi 26 février 2015

Use of apple flash storage for data

Good evening, I did not found any stack exchange community that fit the following question, so excuse me if my question is off topic.

So, I am Android Developer and I am working on Apple machines. Recently I bought a macbook pro with 128 GB flash storage but without hdd. The use of the laptop will be only for work and for surfing in the internet. Any multimedia will be stored on a external disc but all the stuff from work I want to be stored in the flash storage. Except of Android Studio , I also use some other tools-frameworks like MAMP , Postgres , gimp etc.

Will be a problem for the laptop and its flash drive if I will not use any external hdd and all the job will be stored in the flash storage?

Thank you in advance.

ps : If there is any more appropriate stack exchange community for this question, please let me know

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