vendredi 13 février 2015

Open but hold open?

I have a shell script that runs on my mac (./go), it opens a ssh session on a raspberry pi then runs a script which streams video from the raspberry pi to a UDP port on the mac.

I also need the mac to run a receive script (./tsplay) so it can view the streamed video.

The problem is that I have tried to use the command open -a ./tsplay before the SSH session is started, a new terminal window opens but it doesn't wait for stream data to come in and it exits - [Process completed]


source network.conf

rm remote.conf

if [ "$1" != "" ]
sed "s/FRAMERATE=25/FRAMERATE=$1/" video.conf > remote.conf
cp video.conf remote.conf

open -a ./tsplay

echo "###### Network Settings ######" >> remote.conf
echo export TCPPORT=$TCPPORT >> remote.conf
echo export UDPPORT=$UDPPORT >> remote.conf
echo export RX_IP=$RX_IP >> remote.conf
echo export NOW=\"`date +%F" "%T`\" >> remote.conf

#echo exit >> remote.conf

chmod +x remote.conf

echo Copy script to $TX_IP
scp remote.conf $USER@$TX_IP:/home/pi

echo Run Script
ssh $USER@$TX_IP ./ustream
ssh $USER@$TX_IP

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