samedi 28 février 2015

How to use Sonos as wireless speakers for your Mac's sound output

Here's a solution I just tried, and found that actually works! I've listed it as an idea because I would assume that SONOS might be able to offer a similar solution, unless (of course) licensing issues prevent them from doing it without permission from Apple. (Don't know... just speculating here).

This software solution provides an "airplay" driver on your mac that points to one of your Sonos players. Once it's installed, you use it with three simple steps.

Step 1) Open a terminal prompt (command prompt) and type airsonos. This starts the driver. Don't close the session. It's OK to minimize the window.

Step 2) You use the Mac's "System Preferences..." , "Sound" to select the sonos as the output for your sound. Now, play some music on your mac, and turn up the volume, and the sound comes out of your Sonos" instead of your Mac. No wires. No hassle.

Step 3) Grin from ear to ear as any and all Mac sound streams wirelessly to your Sonos!


(I can't take credit for creating it, but I'm so happy to have found it... thank you Stephen! ... that I'm willing to share it far and wide!)

airsonos a Node.js application, and it's free!

You need to install the right version of Node.js (it's an older version),

and then you need to use npm (the Node package manager) which will download, compile and i

install airsonos. It's all pretty easy. You don't need more than basic computer skills to get it done.

I found info here:

and installation instructions here:

IMPORTANT NOTE: It states it requires Node.js version v0.10.33 or greater.

I tried it with the current release of Node.js (v0.12.xx) and it wouldn't compile.

When I downloaded and installed Node.js version v0.10.33, and then tried to install it everything worked!

Here are the brief instructions:

Step 1)

Download Node.js v0.10.33 from here:

or use google to find it.

Step 2) Run the install (node-v0.10.33.pkg) to install Node.js

Step 3) Open a terminal prompt, and at the command line type:

sudo npm install airsonos -g

This will cause the npm (the node package manager) to download, compile and install airsonos and the packages it requires. It took about 5 or 10 minutes to complete.

Now it's installed!

To use it, it's two simple steps:

*** First) open a terminal and at the command prompt type:



You should see output similar to:

MacBook-Pro:~user$ airsonos

Searching for Sonos devices on network...

Setting up AirSonos for Basement {}

Setting up AirSonos for Office {}

On my machine these messages were repeated several times.

LEAVE THE TERMINAL WINDOW. Don't close it, or kill the airsonos app.

It IS OK to minimize the window.

*** Second)

Go to system preferences... (under the apple menu), select "Sound" and for "Output" create one of the airsonos outputs. For instance, in my situation I selected .

"Office (AirSonos) AirPlay".

Now play some music on your mac, turn up the volume on your mac, and listen the music come out through Sonos!

This is awesome. You can now send steaming services to Sonos, you can output your itunes music to sonos. Want to hear a playlist of songs from youtube... done, amazon music prime... it now works!, etc, etc.

Many, many thanks to Stephen for creating this and sharing the info.

I didn't create any of this, I'm just sharing the information since I've wanted this feature for so long, I'm happy to finally find a quality solution that works!


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