mercredi 11 février 2015

How to install *.fon and *.bdf/*.psf/*.pcf fonts on Lion?

I want to install some rare fonts on a Lion1 system. I have not been able to find these fonts in formats that Font Book will immediately recognize. I would like to know if there's a way to convert or re-package these fonts in such a way that Font Book will accept.

One of the fonts ("pcsansi") is a single file with extension fon.

The other one ("Terminus") consists of multiple *.psf and *.pcf files, which were in turn generated from multiple *.bdf files.

(FWIW, at least one of these fonts, Terminus, is a bitmapped2 font, but for all I know both of them are.)

Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?

PS: I am particularly keen on installing Terminus. Of the two fonts, it is the only one for which I was able to find any documentation at all. (See link above.) In fact, it comes with a ./configure + make + make install installation procedure, but the latter step only gzips and relocates the files *.psf and *.pcf files created during the make step.

1 This is the latest OS X version that will run on the hardware.

2 Yes, I am aware of the fact that not many people like bitmapped fonts. I still want to install these fonts.

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