vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Why does Keychain ask for the same password twice?

For security reasons, I have a different password on my keychain than my user account password. I have achieved this by opening Keychain, right-clicking on the Login keychain, choosing update Keyring 'Login' settings and then changing the password and selecting lock keyring when computer is sleeping.

What I expect when I unlock my computer, when an app such as tries to access the Keyring, I am prompted for the Login Keyring password. This does occur. But since multiple apps request the password, multiple dialog windows pop up asking for the Login Keyring password. Even though entering the password into the first dialog window unlocks the keyring, the other dialogs cannot be dismissed until I put my password into each one. Any idea how to get prompted for the password only once?

I am running Yosemite.

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