mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Skype continutes to crash with SIGSEGV error (OS X 10.9.5) (Skype 7.2.412)

I have been waiting for a new version of Skype to come out but I am getting impatient. Skype one day just stopped launching. It will launch with these two windows and then crash with a segmentation error.

Skype Window Restore Skype Crash Report

I have a guess that some software must of updated and did something to a system plugin or library that is causing C++ to have a fit but I can't find any log to prove it. I have done a full uninstall of Skype including any files found in system or library directories but when I reinstall it some hidden cache, properties, or configuration file allows Skype to remember it crashed which leads me to believe that it is also possible that that hidden file is corrupted. These are the files I deleted:

  • /Applications/

  • /Users/[USER]/Library/Application Support/Skype

  • /Users/[USER]/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/Skype_[CRASH ID].plist (All Crash Report Files)

  • /Users/[USER]/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle

This is software I installed with Homebrew:

bash ffmpeg lame xctool
berkeley-db grails readline xvid
faac groovy x264

I remember installing Open Broadcast Software around the time the problem arose.

And finally, the latest crash report

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