lundi 5 janvier 2015

Save file to hidden directory with standard OS X save dialog

Using TextEdit, when I try to save example.txt to some hidden directory, for example ~/Library, I can't because save panel doesn't show them.

The only way I found was to save file to non-hidden directory and then copy/paste them to desired hidden directory.

This is pretty common for me, for example when I want to try I/O for console programs in Xcode, executables are in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/ which is a hidden directory.

But that doesn't apply only to TextEdit, I tried Text Wrangler, Photoshop, Grapher, only Blender, which doesn't use native window system allows me to save it anywhere. My question is, is this common behavior? Is there any workaround (except for saving it to non-hidden+copy/paste), or some hidden setting?

EDIT: adding picture

as below suggestted, typing / you can specify your directory, providing you know the exact path, but what if there are more than 1 hidden files in your path? On the left is save panel without hidden directories, on the right Finder with enabled hidden directories.

Mac default save vs. Finder

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