jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Unable to ssh root@localhost on jailbreaked iPad (iOS 8.1)

I jailbreaked (not for pirates) my iPad 4 (iOS 8.1) several weeks ago and found it unable to ssh root@ via Prompt 1 or 2 on iPad. Even I cannot connect via LAN IP (e.g. 192.186.X.X). However, there's no problem if I ssh root@LAN IP on my iPhone or Mac in the same LAN.

By the way, I was able to ssh root@localhost on jailbreaked iPad when it was running iOS 6.1. It is also okay if I have already ssh logged in to iPad on my Mac, and ssh root@ again.

the output of netstat on iPad:

Surface-Pro:~ root# netstat -a|grep ssh

tcp4 0 0 surface-pro.ssh fdb713-arch.47861 ESTABLISHED

tcp4 0 0 *.ssh . LISTEN

Does anyone know the reason that iPad cannot connect to itself in apps? (Maybe sandbox/containers model has been changed since iOS 8?)

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