lundi 1 décembre 2014

Add a path to the system PATH [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Please help me figure out how to set a system wide PATH.....

I have upgraded svn to version 1.8.10 on osx 10.9

One of the required steps was adding the address of the current svn to the PATH.

export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH

Doing it in he current terminal, it allowed me to see the svn --version as 1.8.10, but upon closing the terminal, the version reverted to 1.7

I read that I can add this line to ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile

These files do not exist on my mac

I created the .profile and added the line above. From terminal, now I can get the correct version. But I am required to read this version from a different program (my Qt project calls a command

system(svnversion -n)

Even though in terminal I can get the correct svn version, the command above still gives an error "This client is too old to work with the working copy..."

The directions i find online, like this, say I also have to modify the .bash_profile (which does not exist on my machine) or edit/add something inside the /etc/paths.d directory - mine is empty !

Please help - how do I add this path to the system PATH variable ? Considering that all the default places to add it are missing ? And make it work from other programs not just Terminal ?

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