lundi 26 janvier 2015

Collaboration software for Logic Audio and Komplete 10

One of my clients is a music composer and has to create the score of two different movies.

The situation:

  • 2 almost identical Macs regarding software configuration (Mac OS X 10.8/10.9, Logic Audio, Komplete 10 and some other plug-ins and sound libraries) and power

  • 2 different sites (one at home, one in a studio)

  • decent network link on both sites (~50 MB/s down, ~10 MB/s up, at least one non-fixed ip)

The requirements:

  • ease of use (the composer is not very tech savvy)

  • secure/confidential (the files (audio & video) are subject of non-disclosure agreements)

  • flexible (the different raw cuts of the movies (or scenes) may change rapidly and the score has to be adapted easily)

  • versioning (easily revert to a previous version)

  • easy to backup

Does anyone know of a collaboration software, a web service or a special workflow achieving all these goals?

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