dimanche 25 janvier 2015

After mounting a Windows SMB share, how can I determine the windows "creator" of a file?

I've mounted a Windows SMB share to my Mac. On a windows machine you can open the "File Properties" dialog for folders in this network share and see different "Owners" for whoever created the file:

enter image description here

But on my Mac I'm not able to see this ownership information:

enter image description here

I've also tried mounting the share from the command line which works fine:

mkdir /Volumes/ShareName
mount -t smbfs //user@server/ShareName /Volumes/ShareName

But I'm not able to see any additional information via the Terminal when I look at the files in /Volumes/ShareName

> ll
drwx------ 1 cwd staff 16K Jan 22 14:04 .
drwx------ 1 cwd staff 16K Jan 25 11:16 ..
-rwx------@ 1 cwd staff 11K Jan 22 14:05 Thumbs.db
-rwx------ 1 cwd staff 29B Jan 22 13:36 test.txt
-rwx------ 1 cwd staff 0B Jan 22 13:36 test2.txt

> xattr Thumbs.db

xattr also doesn't show me anything useful in the extended attributes.

How can I find the "Owner" property on a windows SMB shared file?

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