mardi 23 décembre 2014

Use Kaleidoscope as external merge tool in Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA

In addition to this question I would also like to use Kaleidoscope as the external merge tool in Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA. Under Preferences\External Diff Tools I've checked Use external merge tool and set Path to executable to /usr/local/bin/ksdiff and parameters to --merge --base %2 --output %4 -- %1 --snapshot %3 --snapshot. The parameters passed to the command line argument from Android Studio are:

  • %1 - left (Local changes)

  • %2 - base (current version without local changes)

  • %3 - right (Server content)

  • %4 - output path

Kaleidoscope opens when I click Merge of Android Studio's merge conflict popup but when I solve the conflicts in Kaleidoscope, save the file and close the window, Android Studio doesn't register that the file has been changed/resolved and still displays the popup. I've also tried to close Kaleidoscope with Cmd+Q but the behaviour didn't change.

Kaleidoscope version: 2.1.0

Android Studio version: 1.0.2

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